
Anesthesia, during pregnancy

Dental treatment during pregnancy is a frightening procedure for expectant mothers. Fear of toothache leads to stress, which is bad for the baby’s health.

An experienced doctor will calm the agitated patient: “Thanks to high-quality anesthesia, you will not feel pain.”

General anesthesia during pregnancy is prohibited.

The desire to save the patient from suffering through sleep can lead to irreparable consequences:

  • lethal outcome (severe allergic reaction to general anesthesia);
  • miscarriage;
  • rejection of the fetus.

Modern practical dentistry stands for the use of local anesthesia.

Local anesthesia will protect the fetus and relieve the future mother from pain. Preparations of the new generation allow to localize the pain in a certain area, without affecting the other organs. This method of anesthesia during pregnancy prevents the anesthetic from entering the placenta. Anesthetic enters the mother’s blood bypassing the placental barrier.

Safe dental treatment during pregnancy

Not every woman thinks about the importance of the state of the oral cavity during pregnancy. However, honored dentists of Russia recommend young mothers to worry about the health of their teeth in order to avoid complications. To dental treatment during pregnancy passed without consequences, read the main rules.

1 term

The fetus forms tissues and organs. In the first few weeks, the entry of toxins into the pregnant woman’s body causes abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Expectant mothers should refrain from visiting the dentist. Intervention can trigger changes at the cellular level.

A visit to the dentist during pregnancy is necessary.

Please note that in the first 3 months dental treatment is carried out only when the doctor finds a critical situation. Detection of pulpitis and periodontitis during pregnancy obliges the doctor to carry out the treatment: the disease is accompanied by purulent inflammation. Herbs and rinses will not help.

2 trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy is safe for dental procedures. When a toothache and bleeding gums appear, the woman is obliged to consult a dentist. The doctor will help to deal with the problem, eliminating the risk of complications. Emergency treatment of acute pain and inflammation is carried out using modern anesthetic – ortikona. The drug acts dotted, not penetrating the placenta.

3 term

In the last few months of pregnancy, dental treatment is carried out only in case of acute pain.

The uterus of a pregnant woman becomes sensitive.

  • If the painkiller gets into the bloodstream, it can lead to fetal toxicity or premature labor.
  • During dentistry, a woman should turn to the side. In the supine position, the fetus puts pressure on the aorta.
  • The procedure of teeth whitening and gum treatment takes a long time. A pregnant woman experiencing stress and fatigue needs rest. So you can avoid reducing pressure and fainting.
  • It is undesirable for a pregnant woman to endure acute pain during the treatment of severe caries. Nervous condition leads to hormonal disorders. The resulting stress provokes a miscarriage.
Why is it dangerous for pregnant women to ignore toothache

Do not believe the folk legends and myths that toothache during pregnancy should be tolerated before giving birth. Pregnant women are allowed dental treatment. However, the use of medications and the time of the procedure is chosen by the doctor.

The Association of Chief Dentists determined the frequency of visits to the dentist during pregnancy:

  • 1 time during pregnancy diagnosis;
  • 1 time per month – from 20 weeks;
  • 2 times a month – 20-32 weeks;
  • 3-4 times a month – after 32 weeks.

Why go to the dentist:

  • A conniving attitude can lead to the formation of a weak skeleton and teeth in a baby. Do not disregard the appearance of toothache in the last trimester.
  • Do not expect the pain in the teeth to recede by itself. It is impossible to get used to it. Prolonged toothache during pregnancy is stress for the mother and fetus.
Features of tooth extraction during pregnancy

Dentists rarely remove teeth during pregnancy. Tooth extraction is a medical procedure that involves the extraction of a diseased tooth and its root from a hole. The operation is performed only in emergency cases: acute pain or severe inflammation. The recommended duration of surgery for pregnant women is 13-32 weeks. At this time, the fetus is formed, the mother’s immune system is not weakened and the mental state is stable.

Removal of a wisdom tooth during pregnancy is prohibited.

The eighth molar causes problems during growth, and the process of inflammation requires urgent medical intervention. Removal during pregnancy can cause a complication: malaise, fever and pressure, pain in the ear, lymph nodes, difficulty swallowing. The appearance of symptoms – the risk to the health of the baby. Do not wait for the destroyed molar to begin to hurt. Solve the issue at the planning stage of pregnancy.

Myths about dental treatment during pregnancy

Myth number 1. Dental treatment has a negative effect on fetal development.

Sick teeth are not only discomfort and pain, but also a source of infection. Early treatment of the teeth during pregnancy will not harm the mother and baby, but will help to avoid gum disease, pulpitis, complete tooth extraction and infection.

Myth number 2. Pregnant women can perform any dental procedures.

This is mistake. Sometimes manipulations can harm the health of the mother and baby:

  • bleaching – special chemical cleaning agents are used;
  • implantation – the risk of rejection of the implant by the fetus;
  • treatment – using products containing arsenic and adrenaline.
Myth number 3. Pregnant women are contraindicated to treat teeth under anesthesia.

Anesthesia of the previous generation was prohibited in the treatment of pregnant women. Novocaine in the composition was incompatible with the placenta. Getting into the blood of the mother, the substance caused changes in the development of the fetus. In modern dental practice used artikainovaya group of anesthetics that do not harm pregnancy.

Myth number 4. X-rays are prohibited during pregnancy

Conventional X-rays harm the health of a pregnant woman: development and growth of the fetus are disrupted. However, now dentists do not use film devices: dentists use a radioviziograf (filmless device), whose power does not exceed the safety threshold.

  • X-ray is directed only to the root of the tooth.
  • During the procedure, a lead apron is used, which protects the fetus from radiation.

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