
What foods can not be eaten during pregnancy

Improper nutrition during pregnancy in the early stages can lead to pathologies or provoke a miscarriage.

You need to know which foods should be limited in the diet, and which ones to exclude.

Sugar consumption is better to limit or replace it with honey or fructose.


Sugar contains carbohydrates that increase glucose in the blood. The result can be an increase in the body weight of the child, especially his head, the addiction of the child to an increased level of glucose in the blood and the appearance of hypoglycemia after delivery.


Coffee consumption should be limited to 200 ml per day. These are 2 cups of natural coffee, or 3 instant. Caffeine-containing products, chocolate, coffee, cakes, Coca-Cola inhibit the weight gain of the fruit. Excessive use of caffeine can cause miscarriage. Caffeine easily enters the placenta and enters the blood of the child, whose body is not adapted to process it.

Raw foods

Eating foods that have not been heat treated, especially fish, meat, eggs, is dangerous for the development of the fetus. They may contain helminth eggs, harmful bacteria and microorganisms that provoke diseases.

Radish, cabbage and beans

Products that provoke increased gas formation and lead to an increase in uterine tone. The passage of food through the intestines is slowed down and constipation occurs. With increased gas formation possible miscarriage.


Despite the high content of vitamins, strawberry is a highly allergenic product. Even if you did not have an allergy before pregnancy, it may appear.


Since the second half of pregnancy, it is necessary to limit salt intake to 3 grams. per day. Excessive salt intake leads to swelling of women. Puffiness indicates a malfunction of the kidneys and blood supply to the fetus and placenta.

Products with carcinogens, GMOs and nitrites

Replace the sausage with boiled cold meats. Prepare mayonnaises, ketchups and sauces at home from natural products. Limit the products with vinegar.

Products that may be dangerous

Among the products there are those that can lead to irreversible pathologies of the fetus or its death.


The meat and entrails of tuna contain mercury or methyl mercury. The more tuna, the greater the concentration of harmful substances in the body. Especially dangerous is the ingress of mercury in the body of the expectant mother in the first trimester. Mercury, getting into the child’s brain, destroys the cerebral cortex and stops its development, affects the nervous system and leads to dementia.

Soft cheeses and cottage cheese

These are unpasteurized cheeses that can contain listeria. Listeria are microorganisms that cause intestinal infections in pregnant women. Mortally dangerous for a child in the early stages of pregnancy. Lead to fetal defects and deformity. In the later periods contribute to the delay of fetal development and preterm labor.


In any form and at any time, alcohol is harmful and dangerous for a child. Its use provokes alcohol syndrome. The signs are certain features of the face of an already born child: the eye slit is narrowed, the nasolabial triangle is flattened, the upper lip is thin. This does not mean that the mother who gave birth to a child with such features is a drunken alcoholic. This may indicate that the mother consumed alcohol during pregnancy and he strongly influenced the development of the fetus.

What foods to eat during pregnancy

Ideally, a pregnant woman should consume 33 types of food per week. Improper diet can cause toxemia in the early stages of pregnancy.

To avoid toxicosis, you need:

  • there is often a little bit;
  • do not ignore breakfast;
  • do not overeat at night;
  • interval between meals – 2-3 hours;
  • The last meal is no later than 19 hours.

Half of the diet of a pregnant woman should be protein, and most of it – animal protein. Choose lamb, turkey and rabbit. Pork is a heavy meat for digestion and contains many antibodies, so it is not recommended to use it.

Food should be easy to digest and be natural. Fruits, vegetables and greens saturate the body of the mother and child with vitamins, amino acids and microelements. Choose fruits and vegetables from your region, to which the body has become accustomed since childhood. Instead of an orange or banana, eat an apple or apricot.

Much depends on how the food is cooked. It must be mechanically processed and steamed or extinguished. For example, meatballs, grated soups and steam cutlets instead of fried.

Hemoglobin plays a major role in the proper formation of the fetus. Its deficiency leads to a decrease in oxygen in the blood and poor child development. There is a risk of hypoxia. After birth, the baby will often be sick. To avoid hemoglobin deficiency in the blood, one should eat iron-containing foods.

This includes:

  • buckwheat;
  • mutton;
  • liver;
  • boiled beet or beet juice;
  • apples

You can not combine iron-containing products with milk. Milk destroys iron, and iron neutralizes calcium. The food is worthless.

The need of a pregnant woman in the gland increases 6.5 times.

Calcium is important for the healthy development of the child and the preservation of the mother’s health. If the child does not have enough calcium, he takes it from the mother. Her bone structure is depleted and her teeth deteriorate. Calcium deficiency in the early stages can disrupt the formation of the auditory ossicles in a child and he may be born deaf.

One of the most powerful sources of calcium is sesame. Calcium is released from sesame seed with careful chewing or pounding. The rate of use of sesame – 130 grams per day. Normal saturation of the child with calcium contributes not only to the formation of bone cartilage of the child, but also strong teeth in the child, and also reduces the risk of rickets in infancy.

The proper formation of the nervous system of the child is influenced by Omega-3 fatty acids, which are in flaxseed oil. The daily rate of oil – 1 teaspoon every morning.

In addition to food, it is necessary to consume up to 2 liters of fluid per day. This includes soups, and fresh juices, teas and compotes. Green tea is very useful, especially in the afternoon. It has a diuretic effect, lowers blood pressure and removes slags and waste products of the child.

Signs of malnutrition

Signs of an unhealthy diet during pregnancy are:

  1. Heartburn. The work of the lower esophageal sphincter, a valve that regulates the transitional zone between the esophagus and the stomach, is impaired. Due to the incorrect operation of the valve, the contents from the stomach enter the esophagus and there is a burning sensation. It is necessary to change the diet. Go to the fractional food and eat in small portions. Do not take large amounts of food at a time. Do not eat before bedtime. Eliminate the use of alcohol. Do not drink coffee on an empty stomach, exclude carbonated drinks, spicy and spicy dishes, chocolate.
  2. Anemia. Hemoglobin deficiency in the blood. It can be caused by the lack of iron digestion in the intestines, frequent vomiting during toxicosis, insufficient use of iron-containing products. Dyspnea, fainting, pallor and dryness of the skin, brittle hair, craving for eating non-gastronomic products, such as chalk, may indicate the presence of anemia in a pregnant woman. The best way to replenish hemoglobin reserve is to use 350-400 grams of lamb daily.
  3. Edema. Indicate excessive consumption of salty foods, which leads to disruption of the kidneys. Limit salt and fluid intake.
  4. Constipation. It occurs due to inadequate intake of potassium, calcium and iron. They help the intestinal muscles contract. Another cause of constipation may be insufficient fluid intake. Eat more fiber, vegetables and fruits. Eat more often. Food should be an acceptable temperature. Drink compote from dried fruits, in particular from prunes. Drink a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach. In the evening, eat fermented milk products.
  5. Toxicosis. The reason may be a change in hormonal levels or improper diet. Use foods containing folic acid. These include: dark greens, seeds, asparagus, nuts, oranges, carrots, pumpkins and lentils.

Adhering to the simple rules of proper nutrition, you will ensure a more comfortable course of pregnancy and lay a strong foundation for the birth of a healthy baby.

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