
Thrush, during pregnancy

First of all, you need to give up self-treatment, because during pregnancy you risk not only your own health, the future baby may suffer from such negligence. If you have any suspicion of having thrush, immediately contact your doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

After all, similar symptoms have a lot of other infectious diseases, and more dangerous than candidiasis.

After the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe you the optimal treatment, taking into account the severity of the disease, the duration and duration of the pregnancy, the general condition of the body, the presence of health problems and the propensity for allergies.

Thrush during pregnancy – how to treat

Today, there are two types of drugs used to treat thrush – systemic and local. The first are intended for ingestion, they begin to act in the intestine (the main habitat of candidates), and then entering the bloodstream, spread to all tissues. Pregnant reception of systemic drugs is prescribed only in very severe cases, this is due to the fact that such drugs are very toxic and have many side effects.

Therefore, for women who are “in position”, treatment of thrush is carried out with the help of ointments, creams or suppositories. Most often, Pimafucin is prescribed, as it is not toxic, but, unfortunately, its effectiveness is not great. Therefore, after a course of this drug, after some time the thrush can return again. Especially often the disease recurs in the last trimester.

After the third month is allowed to use candles with nystatin. And only shortly before giving birth, pregnant women can be prescribed stronger drugs such as Clotrimazole or Terzhinan. But again, any candles from thrush during pregnancy and other means, as well as the appropriateness of their reception, the dosage and duration of treatment should be determined only by a doctor.

Since thrush can be transmitted through sexual contact, the treatment is also prescribed to the partner. As a rule, men are advised to take any systemic remedies, for example, it may be fluconazole.

The restoration of intestinal microflora should be a mandatory component of treatment. The monthly course of taking Hilak Forte, Linex or another similar drug will help bring it back to normal. Not superfluous will be the intake of vitamin complexes, but only specifically designed for pregnant women.

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy – the basic rules

In addition to drug treatment, pregnant women are recommended to follow some simple rules:

  • Avoid excessive consumption of sweets – baking, sweets, cookies, confectionery, etc. The fact is that Candida really likes sweets, so when it enters the body, fungi develop better.
  • At the time of treatment, refuse sexual intercourse.
  • Rinse at least twice a day, but only with clean water, without using soap.
  • Use cotton underwear.
Why thrush in pregnant women occurs so often

Thrush is not a medical term at all, it is a popular name for a disease like candidiasis that causes Candida. This very fungus lives safely in every person. As long as his body is doing well, it coexists peacefully with other microorganisms that prevent it from vigorously multiplying and growing.

But if in the body there are any failures or malfunctions that affect the state of the microflora, or rather lead to a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria, unrestrained and feeling free, the candida fungus begins to multiply and grow vigorously. Many factors can lead to this. Most often it is a decrease in immunity, some diseases, dysbacteriosis, vitamin deficiency, hormonal disruptions or changes.

There are several reasons for the development of thrush in pregnant women. First of all, these are hormonal changes that change the acidity of the vagina and make it a favorable environment for the fungus. In addition, during pregnancy, the female body directs most of its forces to the carrying and nourishment of the child, as a result of which its immune activity decreases.

Thrush during pregnancy – symptoms

Signs of thrush that develops in pregnant women are identical to those seen in all other women. This disease is usually accompanied by a burning sensation and itching both in the vagina and in the region of the labia, with white secretions resembling curdled milk, as well as sour milky, less often fishy odor.

Discomfort is often exacerbated by the evening, after sexual contact and even hygiene procedures. Often with candidiasis, the vulva and vagina swell and redden.

In some cases, thrush can be asymptomatic, and its presence can be found only after an examination.

Than dangerous thrush in pregnant women

Although thrush and considered to be unpleasant, but relatively harmless disease. During pregnancy, candidiasis, like many other infections, carries a danger, complicating the course of pregnancy. Of course, thrush will not lead to premature birth, but it can be transmitted to the newborn during childbirth, and this happens very often.

Usually, mucous membranes, skin and lungs of infants are exposed to infection, but sometimes serious complications (mainly in premature, weakened children) occur and can even be fatal. In severe cases, the fungus can also affect the organs of an unborn baby.

Thrush during pregnancy – treatment of folk remedies

In pregnancy, folk remedies, as well as medical, should be used with great caution, after consulting a doctor. The most safe home treatment methods include baths and mechanical cleansing of the mucous membranes. Doing douching or tampon treatment should be done very carefully, in the initial stages of pregnancy it is better to refuse such therapy at all.

Sitz baths

For sedentary baths, as a rule, use herbs, iodine and soda.

To conduct them, you can use one of the following recipes:

  • Prepare a bath solution at the rate of a tablespoon of soda and half a spoon of iodine a liter of warm water. Pour the liquid into the basin and sit in it for a quarter of an hour. Perform the procedure in the evening for four days.
  • Calendula flowers in equal proportions, combine with the bark of the oak, prepare a decoction of them. Then dilute it in half with water and use the resulting bath solution.
Collection from thrush

Mix one part oregano, oak bark, thyme and calendula, add two parts of knotweed and three parts of nettle. Put two tablespoons of the resulting mass in a saucepan, add to it a couple of glasses of boiling water and boil for about seven minutes. Cool, strain and use for washing the external genitalia and irrigation of the vagina.

Zelenka with milk thistle

This tool is used for mechanical cleaning of the mucous. Of course, it does not completely get rid of thrush, but for some time it will relieve unpleasant symptoms.

To prepare the solution, it is necessary to mix in equal parts hydrogen peroxide (3%) with boiled water, and then add four drops of green water to them. After that, wind on a finger clean gauze, soak it in a solution, then treat the walls of the vagina, eliminating whitish plaque from them. Repeat the procedure several times in a row.

Tea tree oil against thrush

This oil is a good antifungal agent, while it is completely harmless. To cure candidiasis in pregnant women, you need to find a good, quality product. Since essential oils cannot be used in pure form, a base will also be required, any vegetable oil can be used as it.

Next, you should prepare an oil solution. To do this, add twenty drops of tea tree oil to twenty milliliters of base. The resulting solution can be applied to a tampon, and then put it in the vagina, or you can simply lubricate the mucous walls with a finger dipped in solution. It is recommended to do this procedure twice a day, about a week.

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