
Norm magnesium, during pregnancy

The daily rate of magnesium during pregnancy is 350-360 mg.

It depends on age:

  • 19-31 year  – 350 mg;
  • over 31 years old  – 360 mg.8
Where can I get magnesium?

Magnesium, obtained from products, is absorbed better than from dietary supplements.

If you cannot get enough magnesium from your diet, then ask your doctor to prescribe it as a food supplement. There are different manufacturers of dietary supplements, so it is better to entrust the choice to a doctor.

A lot is not always good. An excess of magnesium can lead to bad consequences.

Magnesium overdose and side effects
  • Diarrhea. Abdominal cramps, diarrhea and lack of appetite are signs of an overdose of magnesium during pregnancy. In these cases, the body loses a lot of water.
  • Nausea. Similar to morning toxemia. Add foods rich in magnesium to your diet, or take an element in the form of a food supplement – the symptom will disappear after a couple of hours.
  • Incompatibility with drugs. When taking medications, be sure to check with your doctor whether magnesium is absorbed. This is especially true of antibiotics and diabetes drugs.

More rarely, but can occur:

  • blurred mind;
  • muscle weakness;
  • pressure drop;
  • failure in heart rhythm;
  • vomiting.

Magnesium intake during pregnancy is necessary if you consume a little dairy products and herbs. The exclusion of coffee and sweets will positively affect the absorption of the element.

The benefits of magnesium during pregnancy

Magnesium maintains normal blood sugar levels. It protects against breakdown and mood changes.

Strengthens teeth

The element is responsible for the health of the teeth, but calcium helps with it. Therefore, try to enrich the diet with magnesium along with calcium.

Protects the heart

Magnesium prevents arrhythmia.

Protects against osteoporosis

Magnesium together with calcium strengthen bones and prevent them from breaking down.

Regulates the work of the digestive tract

Magnesium relieves constipation.


Magnesium is important for pregnant women because it helps to cope with physical and emotional stress.

Pregnant women suffering from insomnia, doctors often prescribe magnesium as a supplement to food.

Relieves headaches

Migraine occurs due to vasospasm. Magnesium affects the blood vessels and prevents headaches.

The benefits of magnesium for the fetus

An Australian study found that magnesium protects the fetus from developing cerebral palsy or cerebral palsy.

Impaired fetal circulation occurs at different stages of pregnancy. Good blood circulation is due to magnesium.

Magnesium affects not only the development of the child in the womb. The newborn babies of mothers who took magnesium during pregnancy were calm and deep sleep.

What prevents magnesium from being absorbed

There are factors that affect the absorption of magnesium.

This is the use of:

  • caffeine;
  • sugars – 28 magnesium molecules help “process” 1 glucose molecule;
  • alcohol;
  • phytic acid.

Magnesium deficiency rarely occurs in women who adhere to the principles of good nutrition during pregnancy.

What is dangerous lack of magnesium

Magnesium deficiency can lead to convulsions, premature delivery, and inadequate development of the fetus. Women with a magnesium deficiency are more likely to have children with disabilities than healthy children.

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