Every adequate woman who cares about the health of the future of the little ones, understands that any medicine and drugs during pregnancy should be treated with great care. Naturally this applies to drugs intended for the treatment of acne. Many of them contain components that can adversely affect the condition of the fetus.
First of all, it concerns such substances as salicylic acid, which is often used in the fight against acne. At first glance, it is a harmless substance that is part of many masks, creams and other medical and cosmetic products for problem skin, which can provoke pathologies in the fetus.
In addition, it is impossible to use hormonal ointments, preparations containing antibiotics, benzene peroxide, retinoids, steroids.
In general, during pregnancy, it is desirable to abandon any self-treatment, this also applies to acne. If you suddenly have any rash, do not treat them scornfully, be sure to tell them to your doctor. After all, there is no guarantee that the rash was due to hormonal adjustment, it may well cause other, very harmless reasons.
The doctor will help identify why acne appeared during pregnancy and will advise how best to get rid of them. It is likely you will be assigned one of the pharmacy ointments, safe for the unborn baby.
Facial care
To effectively fight acne, you need to pay attention to facial care.
On this account there are a number of recommendations:
- Wash twice a day. At the same time for rinsing is very good to use water with the addition of lemon juice or herbal infusions, for example, sage or calendula. For oily skin, ordinary soap can be replaced with tarry, it dries pimples, eliminates their traces and tightens pores.
- Never go to bed with makeup on your face.
- Once a week, peel the skin. Use for this purpose only sparing soft means having a helium base. Scrubs with abrasives, especially large ones, will only harm the problematic skin.
- Always cleanse your face before using acne treatments.
- Try to touch as little as possible during the day.
- Use only high-quality, properly selected cosmetics. Consider that the products that you used earlier may not be suitable for you now, because during pregnancy the skin type often changes
Home remedies
When deciding how to get rid of acne during pregnancy, you should pay attention to safe home remedies. These are masks and lotions from natural products.
Consider a few recipes:
- Potato mask. Peel and thoroughly wash one medium potato. Cut it into small pieces and cover with milk, so that it covers the vegetable a little. Put the potatoes on the fire and cook until it boils down. Cool it down, if necessary, mash a little, then apply on face and let stand for a quarter of an hour. It is desirable to use such a mask a couple of times a week (maybe more).
- Masks with clay. Clay is a wonderful natural antiseptic. For the treatment of acne is best to use white, black and blue. Any of these types of clays can be simply diluted with water and applied to the face, or you can supplement them with other active ingredients. Good for this are infusions of calendula, nettle, chamomile, whey, protein and aloe juice.
- Tea tree lotion. Prepare the extract of Hypericum or Calendula, combining two tablespoons of selected herbs with a glass of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, strain and pour a spoonful of lemon juice and nine drops of oil into it. Apply the lotion on face twice a day.
- Honey mask. Equally mix lemon juice with honey. The resulting mixture on the face is recommended to keep twenty minutes.
- Aloe juice. This universal plant can help in the fight against acne. Aloe leaf, wrap a natural light cloth and place in the refrigerator. After a day or two, chop the leaf and squeeze the juice out of it. Wipe the face with the resulting agent daily with pepper and after waking up.
Something about nutrition
In addition to masks and facials, it is worth reviewing food (unless of course you have done so far). First of all, exclude harmful products, especially for various snacks (chips, crackers, etc.), give up fried foods, smoked meats and very fatty foods. In nutrition, try to focus on natural, healthy food – fresh vegetables, cereals, fruits, dairy products, fish, meat, etc. To avoid dehydration, try to drink as much water as possible (this recommendation does not apply to pregnant women who are prone to edema).
Acne after pregnancy – is it normal?
Argue that acne after pregnancy – this is not an abnormal phenomenon.
First, it is worth considering that the body of each woman is individual. In some, the rash can disappear very quickly, in others it can hold on to the entire pregnancy, while in others it can continue even after giving birth, and for a long time. Secondly, this is greatly influenced by the cause of acne in pregnant women.
If they disturbed a woman before pregnancy, it is unlikely that they will disappear after the birth of the child. The rash will not disappear if they are caused by any disease. In this case, acne can be eliminated only after it is cured.
Acne during pregnancy – find out the cause
The most common cause of acne in pregnant women can be considered hormonal changes, which are unavoidable in this condition. After conception, the female body begins a stormy preparation for carrying a baby. Hormones help him in this. During pregnancy, they are produced especially actively.
More than others, a hormone called progesterone affects the condition of the skin. This is a purely female hormone, it is responsible for the normal passage of pregnancy (gestation) and contributes to the proper development of the future of the baby. But along with this, progesterone also significantly increases the production and increases the density of sebum. Often this leads to blockage of the glands and their subsequent inflammation. Especially the level of progesterone increases in the first trimester. Perhaps that is why many believe that sudden acne is a sign of pregnancy.
Another cause that can cause a similar nuisance in pregnant women is dehydration. It is not a secret to anyone that toxicosis that torments women in this position is manifested not only by nausea, but also often by vomiting. Frequent vomiting may well cause dehydration. In this case, the body simply does not have enough liquid to dilute the hormones, so their concentration increases, which leads to increased sebum secretion. The result is acne.
Not often acne during pregnancy cry for other reasons. Often during the carrying of babies exacerbated existing diseases and new allergic reactions occur, they may well be the cause of rashes. In addition, banal causes such as nerves, poor diet, poor hygiene, improper cosmetics, reduced immunity, etc. can lead to them.
How long does acne appear?
As mentioned earlier, the highest level of hormones is observed in the first trimester, which is why acne is most likely to occur during early pregnancy. If such a level remains unchanged, then rashes may well arise later.
If acne during pregnancy is not caused by hormonal storms, but, for example, a violation in the diet, decreased immunity or diseases, of course they can appear at any time.