
Does the child not want to go to the garden?

The difference between home and garden is so huge that it will take a baby a few months to get used to the new rules of the game. But if the baby already in every possible way demonstrates to you that it is not enthusiastic about the kindergarten, try to analyze three important points.

new kitchen

In the garden, the child will have to get used to the new, “kindergarten” kitchen: local dishes taste and taste and smell are completely different from home. But you can noticeably smooth and speed up this transition if you cook the crumbs the same dishes. It is advisable with a full set of key ingredients that are included in the official recipe.

Just think: if he had never tasted borscht, liver cakes or millet porridge in his life, he is unlikely to love them the first time. The standard kindergarten menu is no secret, it is posted for all to see, and the nanny will certainly help you find out the exact recipe.

But be prepared for the fact that the first two months, and this is how much the adaptation period lasts on average, many children eat poorly in kindergarten. This should be morally prepared especially for those mothers who are very worried about the appetite of their children. And in the first days two most children absolutely flatly refuse to eat baked goods. This is also normal. If you have an irresistible desire to feed baby after the garden or even feed him breakfast before leaving home, try to objectively assess the situation.

If the baby will have breakfast at home, then in the garden he will most likely quickly get used to skipping the morning meal. It is better to offer him food in the evening, but if he refuses, he should not insist. Otherwise, there is a risk of overfeeding the child or knocking down a program that regulates the feeling of hunger.

However, if your appetite does not improve over time, you should consult with a child psychologist or pediatrician. Eating is just as much an intimate process as defecation, and for our natural needs we all need to relax and feel safe. When the appetite is lame, it can be a sign of psychological discomfort.

in touch!

Many children at first very painfully endure separation from their parents, so it is so important to let them feel that your connection has not weakened. Try at least 15-20 minutes a day, preferably at the same time, to play with the baby the game that he chooses, and according to the rules that he himself will voice. And the way it will be the time when your phone or tablet will be turned off, and all your attention will be fully devoted to it.

Quiet time

Another potentially painful item in the kindergarten routine is daytime sleep. Be prepared for the fact that the baby will not immediately get used to falling asleep in the company of ten or twenty children, so all sorts of incidents will happen the first time. To make the child feel calmer, you can invite him to take from the house, which he will take with him to bed. And let him choose her. Perhaps this will not be a plush bunny at all, as you thought, but a favorite iron tractor or a rubber dinosaur. Your task is to think over this moment in advance and discuss it with educators.

But if your child by the age of 3 stopped sleeping during the day, this can become a problem. And a big problem, because the teachers perceive the daily siesta as a two-hour respite. To begin with, in the West, such a thing as a quiet hour simply does not exist. At least not exactly in the sense we are used to. In many European gardens, bedrooms and beds for children are simply not provided. It is believed that if a child wants to sleep during the day, he will settle on a sports mat, and in the same clothes in which he was brought to the garden. In Russia, a completely different approach to daytime siesta is observed.

According to the observation of domestic children’s psychologists and educators, most children aged 3 to 4 years still sleep during the day. Based on this axiom, even if your child has already abandoned daytime sleep, in the garden he will again face this need. Usually, caregivers take a rather tough position: the time of a quiet hour, the sleeping baby should be in bed and lie quiet so as not to wake anyone. In fact, for a child at this age, this task turns out to be overwhelming and turns into torture.

Think about how you would feel if you didn’t want to sleep, but every day you would be forced to lie two hours in bed, looking at the ceiling. But it is precisely to this child that the educators call – no one will entertain your baby with a quiet conversation or read fairy tales to him. Only the parents can defend the interests of the baby in such sad realities. Talk with the teachers, with the head and try together to come up with the option that suits your child. For example, you can agree that during the siesta the kid will quietly go about his business in the play area or the teacher will include an audio tale in the player.

Alarm bell

During the adaptation period, an indicator of temporary distress may be the unwillingness of the crumbs to go to the toilet “in a big way” within the walls of the kindergarten. Even if at home he knows how to use a pot or toilet. To fulfill this natural need, we need to relax and feel safe. If the child “stubborn” after two months, it is worth discussing the problem with a child psychologist or doctor.

First fights

Children do not immediately get used to each other and at first they can fight and even bite. This is a natural process: they only learn to communicate and good manners will comprehend gradually. But you will greatly help the baby, start right now to teach him to get acquainted with other children, politely ask for a toy he likes and wait for his turn. These simple lessons can be taught to the kid while walking on the playground. But useful skills will not be learned immediately. If your child begins to fight in the garden, such moments should not be allowed to drift. Usually, parents learn about fights from teachers and such conversations almost always end with the same meaningful recommendation: “You will talk with him (with her) at home.”

The advice is certainly useful, but do not forget that for children 3-5 years of age, conversations are not very effective. They simply do not know how to absorb information, which takes the form of abstract notations. Of your long instructive speeches, the child cannot stand anything for himself. Zero effect will be from the teacher’s endless moralizing. With young children, you need to act differently.

The most effective way to correct aggressive behavior is to act on the spot. In such cases, the correction work rests with the educators. Hence the conclusion: always ask the teachers what kind of work is being done on their part? Your task is to actively assist them when the child is under your care. You can tell your baby “therapeutically” fairy tales,

Good morning!

It is also better to start preparing for a regimen that is pleasant in the garden in advance, ideally in 2-3 months. The most important thing is to debug the starting points in the new schedule: the hours when the child wakes up, eats and goes into bedtime. If by the beginning of the school year the difference between home and kindergarten schedules is plus or minus an hour, fine. And do not forget to think over another important point: your own new schedule, because your life will also change with the beginning of the school year.

First of all, it is worth planning a detailed morning. Calculate in advance how long it will take you to collect the child and collect yourself. If every morning will take place in irritation, tears and haste, and the training camp will resemble a race for survival, the baby will come to the garden in a state of high spirits and in a completely inappropriate mood. Just imagine,

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