
The difficulties of modern parenting

They did not have automatic washing machines, disposable diapers and car seats. But also the difficulties from our list, too.

No, of course it’s not God knows what problems. But coquetry is not pure water – each generation has its own characteristics.

Five things parents talk about in the playgrounds

Children’s independence

After each walk with the child on the site, do you feel like an inferior mother? In vain. They, these ideal moms (and even rare dads) tend to… exaggerate.

Before: Mom leads to second-grader school? He goes out into the yard and watches how the little girl walks? The teenager’s mother receives messages on the phone that the child has reached school (oh well) or has left it (brilliant!).

Now: Poor mama’s little son would be laughed at once, and mummy would be prescribed valerian and a week in a sanatorium with mud therapy. The key on the neck, soup in the fridge, bread in the bakery – that’s all the instructions. To go on a visit, you just need to go on a visit. And two mothers should not call up, tracking the trajectory of the child and asking timidly, “can you have chocolate?” is there no allergy? and what time will you come to pick up? ” And surveillance with social networks or smart watches that allow you to hear at any moment who you are talking to and about what a child could probably be used in the form of a very strict punishment. But certainly not in the form of care!

The need to develop

At the age of three, music, at four – English, at six – preparation for school. We are waiting for preparation for school preparation and higher mathematics for babies. But the fact remains: every self-respecting mother is obliged to lead the crumbs to some kind of “development“. There are no guarantees that they contribute to the development of at least something other than small business, but you need to keep up with the times!

Medical confusion

When we were sick, our mothers called the district police officer. He prescribed milk with soda, biseptol and gave a prescription for drops from a cold – and my mother bought. She had no thoughts: a) go to a private clinic to another doctor, or even two (and get two completely different treatment algorithms), b) discuss the topic in a community on the Internet, c) talk with a pharmacist and choose one of five or six analogues, g) at the same time buy a remedy for dysbiosis, to strengthen immunity, a mild sedative and five more obscure packages for several thousand rubles. And in the end – just in case – turn to a homeopath and osteopath.

Constant reflection

What you need to do to get the “good mother” medal

It is difficult to match the mythical image of the “good mother”. But you can try. Even if at the same time you will be tired, lack of sleep and deny yourself everything! Let’s figure out what an ideal mother should be able to do.

“Poor mother” for our parents is an absolutely marginal woman, with bad habits, leading an asocial lifestyle or abusing children. Everyone else is just great. Is the child fed, dressed, not sold into slavery? What else? It never occurred to our good mothers to feel guilty, because they work, do not practice active listening, and do not store our drawings in handmade folders. Or violate our borders by the requirement to remove dirty clothes.

A modern mother regularly eats herself, proving that she cares to the best of her ability, develops correctly from birth, feeds balanced, heals wisely and consciously approaches parenthood. And how else can you, by the way? In suspended animation? What kind of child is he?

Gadget addiction

Here mothers are really lucky. Yes, and the children of the eighties did not have a chance to get hooked on something. On records about the grasshopper Kuzyu? On filmstrips? For ten minutes of puppet cartoons, carefully emphasized in red pencil in the program? Whether it’s tablets, mobile and YouTube channels, where boys and girls talk about new toys. Which seems to be needed for these channels.

Inability to surprise

Every holiday, from the birthday to the New Year, is the torment of choice. What to buy to surprise a child who has everything. Dragon Flight Certificate? No, they flew three times. Talking unicorn? What are you, in five years they don’t give such. They say that on one site you can order congratulations from the Penguin Choir from the South Pole. They will sing the child’s name in different ways and wave their wings live!

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