
Milky Way Blend

Shortage or lack of breast milk in the first days after birth is a common problem for young mothers. One of the drugs for increasing lactation is the vitamin-mineral complex Milky Way.

The vitamin and mineral complex Milky Way was developed by the Institute of Nutrition and VITAPROM. The domestic product has passed all clinical trials and received a safety certificate.

The mixture is presented in the form of a dry powder, which must be diluted with liquid.

The manufacturer recommends taking the complex in the following cases:

  • with lactational crises – a periodic decrease in the production of breast milk in the first few months after the birth of the baby;
  • to increase the quantity and nutritional value of milk;
  • as additional nutrition for a young mother.

The Milky Way not only increases milk production, but also prolongs the duration of breastfeeding

The Milky Way mixture has several advantages:

  • prolongs the duration of breastfeeding in 96% of nursing mothers;
  • increases milk production by 1.5–2 times;
  • helps to restore the body weight of the newborn;
  • the effect of the application is noticeable 2-3 days after the start of the drink.
The composition of the drug

The complex consists entirely of natural ingredients. The main ingredient is grass galega, which has a lactogonous effect. In the people it is called “goatskin”. It contains the following nutrients:

  • galegin glycoside – a component that helps enhance lactation;
  • carbohydrates and alkaloids;
  • water soluble rutin;
  • tannin.

The composition of the vitamin-mineral mixture also contains:

  • skimmed milk powder;
  • soy protein;
  • folic and ascorbic acids;
  • vitamins B 2, B 12, E, A, D;
  • fructose;
  • vegetable oil;
  • minerals (calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus).

When drinking, there is an increase in the production of breast milk, as well as the saturation of the body with vitamins, proteins and trace elements.

The vitamin and mineral complex contains the main vitamins and minerals, as well as galega herb extract, which enhances the secretion of milk in lactating women

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that the Milky Way mixture consists entirely of natural components, contraindications for use are:

  • individual intolerance to individual components;
  • pregnancy;
  • digestive system disorders;
  • low or high blood pressure.

During the testing of the product, according to the developers, no side effects were observed. However, young parents should carefully monitor the condition of the baby. In the event that there is a rash, itching, redness on the skin, digestive upset, you must immediately stop taking the mixture.

It is possible that Geleg grass can provoke an allergic reaction in the baby, so you need to monitor the condition of the baby

Cooking and Admission Rules

To prepare a drink, you need to dilute 1 scoop of dry powder in 100 ml of warm liquid (water, juice, milk, kefir). The mixture is prepared immediately before use. It is necessary to drink it within an hour. Depending on the problem, the vitamin-mineral complex Milky Way is taken 2–4 times a day.

The Milky Way mixture is available as a dry powder, which must be diluted in liquid

The taste of the drug is quite specific, so it is recommended to drink the drink in one gulp. It is better to breed powder in milk for a pleasant creamy aftertaste.

According to nutritionists, if mom is at risk for hypolactation, then the mixture can be taken as a prophylaxis from the first days after birth.

Additional methods to enhance lactation

In order to increase the volume of production of breast milk, doctors recommend additionally performing the following methods.

  1. Drink more fluids. The daily norm should be at least 2-3 liters.
  2. Minimize bottle feeding.
  3. Often and correctly put the baby to the chest. It is necessary to ensure that the baby captures not only the nipple, but also the areola.
  4. Streamline nutrition by the amount of nutrients, protein, minerals.

When applied correctly, the baby captures the nipple along with the areola, which stimulates milk production

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