
Hardening rules, babies

The first rule is gradualness. Even the most inexperienced mother understands and knows what her child needs – comfortable conditions.

And during hardening, it is necessary to create a baby not a stressful situation, but a comfortable state in which the baby will not cry, be covered with “goose bumps” or experience fear.

Hardening should begin with a pleasant temperature for the baby, which should be gradually reduced over several weeks, teaching the child to a cooler temperature. At the same time it is necessary to monitor its condition: the procedures should not be torture.

The second rule of hardening is regularity. Tempering procedures are designed to strengthen the children’s body, but without constant and regular repetitions, the “when it works” procedure will not bring the desired results. Only regular dressing and watering allow flowering even to the most capricious plants, and with hardening: regular procedures for a long period, without interruptions longer than a week, will help the child’s body to become stronger. Otherwise, all efforts are reduced to “no” and become counterproductive.

The third rule of hardening – an individual approach. Doctors can advise on strengthening activities, but only a mother can determine what is good for her child. All the kids are different: some can walk for hours in the winter, and others need 30 minutes to lie down for a week with a sore throat. Only parents know such nuances, and, therefore, it is only necessary to regulate and manage the planning of procedures based on the state of the baby.

Variations of children’s tempering

The sun, air and water – these are the main “hardeners” for the baby. The main thing is to use them moderately and not to overdo it in the desire to make the child as soon as possible immune to the cold.

Air quenching

  1. During dressing up, you can leave the baby naked for a couple of minutes. But you need to monitor the temperature of the air in the nursery, the condition of the nose and limbs of the baby: it should not freeze.
  2. It is good for a child to walk barefoot. For a start, you can put it barefoot on the floor of the house, then let it go out onto the grass or sand.
  3. The air temperature in a room with a child above 22 degrees leads to a delay in its development, so regular airing of the room (3-5 times a day for 15-20 minutes) will help your baby to grow strong and healthy.
  4. It is recommended to “walk” children from the first days in the open air, gradually increasing the time spent on the street (in any weather) from 10 minutes to 2-3 hours.
Water hardening
  1. The second equally important element of hardening is water procedures. The temperature of the water for washing hands should not exceed 25 degrees, and playing with water can be not only a useful duty, but also a fun pastime for the baby in hot weather.
  2. It is necessary to gradually teach the child to wash with cool water, starting from 34 degrees, by the end of the second week to 25 degrees. After water procedures, you need to rub the child dry and dress.
  3. Sea salt can do a good job: you can wipe the baby’s skin with it. To do this, a terry towel (or mitten) needs to be wetted in a solution and first wipe the handles, chest and back of the child, and then go to the lower part of the body and legs. After a couple of weeks of such rubdowns, you can try to arrange a small shower for your baby.
  4. The easiest way is to pour water into the basin a little higher than the child’s ankle and offer to sink a few minutes in the water. At the very beginning of such hardening, the water in the basin may be several degrees colder than usual (34 -35). After the procedure, the legs need to wipe and put on socks.
Hardening by the sun

Sunbathing should start in the shade of a large tree, in warm weather, and the time spent in the direct sun should be limited to three to five minutes. It is recommended to cover the head of the baby with Panama. Over time, the time of “sunbathing” can be increased to ten minutes.

Hardening is a simple but very effective way to preserve and strengthen the immunity of the child and significantly reduce the frequency of trips to the pediatrician.

Nature generously endows children at birth with adaptive mechanisms. Sometimes they develop when the baby gets older, but often parents suppress any attempt to resist and make the baby’s life seem simpler, protecting it from various irritants, but this causes irreparable harm to the future health of their offspring.

Protective adaptive mechanisms and immunity, data from birth, can develop or atrophy according to the law of “folding functions as unnecessary.”

Hardening, started from childhood, throughout life helps a person to more easily tolerate diseases, fight harmful bacteria and viruses.

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