
Methods of treatment of low water, during pregnancy

The risk of low water does not depend on the number of previous pregnancies and age. More often it occurs when the fetus is reopened. This is due to the fact that after serving its time, the placenta is aging, exfoliates and loses the ability to fully perform the functions.

Infections, endocrine problems, diseases of the genitourinary system, hypertension, late toxicosis, metabolic disorders and obesity can lead to the appearance of the problem.

Sometimes malnutrition in pregnant women develops with abnormalities and defects in the development of the fetus. It can lead to intoxication of the woman’s body, for example, by alcohol, nicotine and drugs.

Methods of treatment of low water

With high-quality and timely diagnosis of water deficiency amenable to treatment. Most doctors consider this problem only a symptom of another disease. Therefore, the main treatment is aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes of low water.

Complicated therapy is prescribed to future mothers to help improve metabolism in the placenta and uteroplacental blood flow. To do this, prescribed drugs and vitamins. Women are advised to reduce their locomotor activity and undergo regular examinations, such as vascular Doppler and ultrasound.

Usually, the treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, but in cases of severe lack of water, accompanied by increased uterine tone, the pregnant woman can be placed in the hospital. After the measures have been taken, the condition of the unborn child improves, but if it does not happen, a woman is prescribed a cesarean section, if the gestational periods allow it.

Malovodie is not the most terrible pathology of pregnancy. With its development, the risks that the unborn child will suffer and be born with deviations are small. The main thing is to identify the disease in time and take the necessary measures to eliminate it. To do this, you should regularly visit a doctor, take tests, undergo examinations and follow all recommendations.

What is dangerous low water in pregnant women

Pregnancy, accompanied by shallow water, proceeds and ends normally. An important role in this is provided by the time when the problem occurs. The most dangerous is the lack of water in the second trimester. And the amount of amniotic fluid in the first trimester has no particular effect on the fetus. In the third trimester, their deficiency can harm the child, but during this period it is already possible to make a cesarean section and eliminate the risk of developing pathologies.

Low water is pronounced and moderate. The greatest danger is pronounced lack of water.

If present, pathologies may occur:

  • Disorders in the development of the fetus. These include the deformation of some muscles, limbs and spine, hypotrophy – delays in overall development due to malnutrition of the fetus, and hemicephaly – pathologies in the formation of the skull and brain. In severe cases, the problem can lead to hypoxia, which occurs due to lack of oxygen, or fetal death.
  • Problems with childbirth. The weakening of labor activity may occur. Childbirth can be heavy and protracted. Possible increased blood loss after childbirth.
  • The threat of abortion.

With moderate shallow water, such pathologies are not excluded, but the risks of their occurrence are lower. With its timely detection and treatment, there is a high probability of the birth of a healthy child.

Symptoms of shallow water

With a lack of amniotic fluid, the woman does not experience changes in the condition, so the diagnosis of “low water” can be made by the doctor after the examination. To do this, measure the abdominal circumference and compare it with the timing of pregnancy, gynecological examination, ultrasound and calculates the amniotic fluid index.

Symptoms of oligohydramnios include:

  • inconsistency of the size of the uterus during pregnancy;
  • frequent pain in the abdomen;
  • pain with every, even slight movement of the fetus;
  • nausea and dry mouth;
  • severe weakness.

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