Treatment of edema must be approached with caution. It is not recommended to take drugs without consulting a doctor. A course of treatment can be prescribed only after examinations and an accurate diagnosis.
Normal edema does not require treatment – adjustment of nutrition, lifestyle and fluid intake may be required. In case of serious problems, a pregnant woman can be placed in a hospital.
Then the treatment will include infusion therapy, diet and diuretic intake.
With preeclampsia, droppers are often used to help thin the blood and improve blood circulation.
- You can not severely restrict fluid intake, because it is necessary for the normal course and development of pregnancy. Reducing the usual volume will lead to the fact that the body will accumulate it. During the day should be consumed at least 1.5 liters. water, and it should be water, not sweet juices or drinks. In extreme cases, it can be replaced with a weak green tea.
- It is necessary to spend less time in the heat, since high temperatures contribute to the formation of edema.
- It should be moderately consumed salt and spices. It is necessary to abandon products that promote fluid retention in the body, such as sauerkraut, smoked meats, olives, herring, pickles and carbonated drinks.
- Cool foot baths and foot massages are recommended – these measures can alleviate the condition.
What is swelling and why do they occur?
When edema fluid accumulates in the intercellular space of organs and tissues, it manifests itself in the form of swelling. The cause of edema during pregnancy is the high capillary permeability.
This facilitates the easy passage of fluid from the vessels.
- An important role in the formation of edema is played by the high need of an organism of a pregnant woman in a liquid. It occurs due to an increase in blood volume and a decrease in its viscosity, as well as the formation of amniotic fluid.
- The cause of swelling of the legs can be varicose veins. To him leads the growth of the uterus. Increasing, it puts pressure on the vessels and causes a violation of the outflow of blood from the lower extremities.
- Another common cause of edema is kidney problems. Since during pregnancy, the kidneys are forced to work in an enhanced mode, they cannot always cope with the removal of fluid.
- Edema can cause late toxicosis, called “preeclampsia.” The disease is considered dangerous and without treatment can harm the mother and the unborn baby. Gestosis is accompanied by edema in late pregnancy, the presence of protein in the urine and an increase in blood pressure.
Signs of edema
More often, swelling occurs at the end of pregnancy – after the 30th week. If they appear earlier – it can be a cause for concern, therefore, a visit to the doctor is required.
The earliest signs of edema during pregnancy are swelling of the legs and ankles. They can be seen visually or can be identified by means of a test: by pressing a finger on the front area of the ankle or lower leg and pressing it to the bone. If, by removing your finger, you find a depression, there is swelling. Often the hands and fingers may swell. Normal edema occurs in the late afternoon and is almost invisible in the morning, they are not accompanied by weight gain and deterioration.
In more complex cases, edema can occur on the face, abdomen, labia and thighs, occur not only in the evening, but also in the morning. Such manifestations speak of gestosis. A mild form of this disease may be accompanied by weight gain, fatigue and weakness. With severe degrees of the disease, changes in the fundus and even the brain are observed.
Often there are internal swelling during pregnancy, outwardly manifest themselves. Identify them can close monitoring of weight and diagnosis. An cause for concern may be an increase in body weight more than 400 grams. during the week. Hidden edema during pregnancy is accompanied by frequent nocturnal urination and a decrease in the volume of urine.