
Treatment of diaper rash in the newborn

With small diaper rash, no complicated treatment is required for the child. First of all, you need to start more closely monitor the hygiene of the crumbs. Change the diaper as soon as it becomes dirty, but it should happen at least every three hours.

When changing it, be sure to wash the baby with warm water. At the same time, it is not advisable to use soap, since the substances included in its composition can violate the protective mechanisms of the skin integument, which will contribute to the formation of resistant diaper rash.

After washing, dry the kohukrokh well with gentle blotting movements with a soft diaper or towel. To remove moisture from the folds, it is convenient to use ordinary white paper napkins. Then gently blow the crumbs on the skin – this will serve as an additional drying and, at the same time, a slight hardening. Leave the baby undressed for at least a quarter of an hour.

Before you wear a baby’s diaper, you should treat the groin area, all the folds and inflamed areas with baby cream. With strong diaper rash, diapers and swaddling should be completely abandoned and simply cover the crumbs with a diaper. Naturally, a diaper change should be carried out immediately after contamination. If redness does not disappear in a day, treat the skin with a special remedy for diaper rash in newborns, for example, Drapolen, Sudokrem, etc.

If, after three or four days of treatment of diaper rash, the baby still does not disappear, begins to grow or even becomes covered with weeping cracks or pustules, do not try to solve this problem on your own and go to the doctor with your baby. Perhaps an infection has joined the inflammation and your baby needs more serious treatment.

Treatment of diaper rash with weeping wounds, experts recommend to carry out only with the help of drying ointments and solutions, as well as fatty creams or oils can aggravate the situation. For example, it may be special products based on zinc oxide. By the way, these drugs are often prescribed with very strong redness. The pustules are treated with green paint. In severe cases, the child may be given irradiation of the affected areas with ultraviolet light.

It is very useful in case of diaper rash to bathe the baby in water with the addition of a solution of potassium permanganate. To make a bath of several crystals of potassium permanganate dissolve a small amount of water, strain the resulting solution through, folded in four layers, gauze or bandage and add to the water for bathing. Also have a good effect bath with chamomile extract or oak bark. To prepare them, combine four spoons of raw materials with a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour, then strain and add to bathing water.

One of the most common problems with the skin of newborns are diaper rash. This term refers to inflammation of the skin. Most often they can be observed in the area of ​​the inguinal, cervical, axillary and popliteal folds.

As a rule, diaper rash in newborns is caused by exposure to moisture, less friction.

Based on this, the main reasons for their formation can be identified:

  • Prolonged skin contact with urine or feces.
  • Overheating, due to which the child is sweating. This can occur when the baby is overly wrapped or at very high ambient temperatures.
  • Rubbing clothes
  • Diaper abuse.
  • Poor portability of a certain brand of diapers.
  • Poor drying of baby’s skin after bathing.

Diaper rash may increase with the introduction of complementary foods, after vaccinations, during the illness of the child and taking antibiotics, in addition, they may occur due to allergies.

Diaper rash prevention

To prevent diaper rash, follow these guidelines:

  • Clean up the crumb after each defecation with running water.
  • More often arrange baby air baths.
  • Thoroughly dry the baby’s skin after water treatments.
  • Do not rub the baby’s skin, it can only be gently soaked.
  • Replace diapers and nappies in time.
  • Add to the water for bathing crumbs of infusions of herbs that help reduce inflammation and irritation, it may be a series, chamomile, oak bark, etc.

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