
Treatment of thrush, in newborns

Thrush in the mouth can not be ignored, because it is in newborns with insufficiently formed immune system, can cause many problems. If you find the first symptoms of the disease, you should visit the pediatrician who will prescribe treatment.

More often it consists in the use of antifungal solutions, ointments and suspensions. For example, flucanazole or clotrimazole. They are applied to areas of inflammation cleared of plaque.

The affected areas are treated with a solution of nystatin. You can cook it yourself. You should knead Nystatin tablet and dissolve it in boiled water. The solution is applied to the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue of the child with a cotton swab. It is necessary to carry out the procedure 3 times a day.

For cleansing the affected areas it is recommended to use a solution of baking soda – 1 tsp. per cup of water or 1% peroxide solution. They should be moistened with a bandage wrapped around a finger or a piece of cotton, and then remove the white patina. Procedures must be given every 3 hours. With superficial and initial forms of thrush in newborns, such a cleansing may be enough to get rid of the disease.

One of the common problems in newborns is thrush. Contrary to the name of the disease, it is not associated with milk. It is based on yeast-like fungi called Candida. They cause white plaque in the mouth, which resembles milk residues.

Causes of thrush in newborns

There are small amounts of candida in the body of each person. While the body works without failures and immunity is at the proper level, they do not affect health. The disease begins with the rapid growth of fungi, which occurs when the body’s defenses are weakened.

In newborns, the immune system is only being formed. In this he is helped by the mother’s milk, with which he receives most of the immune cells. But besides this, the child usually borrows from the mother and the fungi that enter his body at birth or when fed. Candidates can “get” a crumb from other people, with a kiss or a simple touch, as well as from objects to which he touched.

Pathogenic fungi after they enter the body may not manifest themselves for a long time, but some factors can provoke their growth and cause thrush in children.

These include:

  • weakening of immunity;
  • teething. As a result, the child’s body is under stress, and its main defenses are directed to this process;
  • mode change. It is also a stress for the baby;
  • antibiotic use;
  • trauma to the oral mucosa;
  • frequent regurgitation. An acidic medium forms in the oral cavity, which is favorable for the growth of the fungus;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules.

More often sick and harder to carry thrush babies who are on artificial feeding, as they are not sufficiently strong immunity.

Thrush Symptoms

The presence of thrush is easy to determine visually. With the disease on the child’s tongue, gums, palates and cheeks, white specks or formations resembling cottage cheese are formed.

It is easy to distinguish them from the remnants of food. To do this, gently wipe the spot with a cotton swab and under it you will find an inflamed, reddened area.

At the initial stage, the disease does not cause anxiety. With the development of thrush the baby becomes capricious, his sleep worsens and his appetite is disturbed. Some babies may even refuse to eat, as sucking causes pain.

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