
Features care for the skin of the newborn

Care for the skin of the newborn should be carried out on the basis of its features. Due to the fact that it is characterized by poor thermoregulation and with temperature fluctuations in the external environment it cannot maintain a stable body temperature, it is necessary to ensure that the air in the room is about 20 ° C.

This indicator is optimal and comfortable.

One of the main procedures in skin care should be sun and air baths. They will provide the dermis with oxygen, will contribute to the production of vitamin D and will serve as diaper rash and prickly heat prevention.

Air baths can be arranged every day throughout the year. With sunny things are more complicated. They really organize only under favorable weather conditions.

To sunbathe a baby can be laid out in an open stroller in the shade of trees or on the veranda, but not under the direct rays of the sun. Even in a shaded place, the crumb will get enough ultraviolet light and can be ventilated.

In addition to the above procedures, you need to think about daily hygiene:

  • Bathing. A healthy baby is recommended to bathe daily. Suitable tap water, having a temperature not higher than 37 ° C. It can add herbal teas, for example, chamomile or series, they have a beneficial effect on the skin, heal and reduce inflammation. Babies who have not healed the umbilical wound in the water are advised to add a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Daily use of baby soap is not worth it, do it 2 times a week. For washing your hair, you can use baby soap or a special shampoo, it is necessary to carry out the procedure 1, maximum 2 times a week. After bathing, wipe the skin, paying attention to the folds.
  • Moisturizing. It is necessary to conduct daily thorough examination of the skin of the baby. If dryness is noticed in certain areas, they should be moistened. This can be done using sterilized olive or sunflower oil, or use special children’s tools.
  • Treatment of skin folds. Necessary daily treatment of the skin of newborns in the area of ​​skin folds. To do this, there are many creams, but using them, it is worth remembering that the whole body should not be lubricated. This can lead to a violation of the respiratory function of the skin and hypoxia. In using the cream should be respected and do not apply it a lot and often.
  • Facial skin treatment. Face skin should be cleaned 2 times a day, soaked in boiled water with cotton pads. First wipe the eyes, then cheeks, then nasolabial triangle and the last chin. Change the disc and repeat the procedure.
  • Care for the groin area. Crush the baby after the discharge of fecal masses. Change diapers in a timely manner – at least 1 time in 4 hours, and after the change, treat the skin with wet wipes.
Differences between newborn and adult skin

The skin of young children performs the same functions as the skin of adults: protective, thermostatic, excretory, respiratory and sensitive. Its structure has features that make it defenseless and vulnerable.

To ensure proper care they should be aware of.

  • Very thin stratum corneum, which has no more than 4 rows of cells. Since this layer is responsible for the protection of the body, you can imagine how vulnerable children are.
  • Bad thermoregulation. One of the main functions of the skin is thermoregulation, but due to thin skin, it is not performed at the proper level and the newborn easily overheats or overcools.
  • A loose joint between the dermis and the epidermis. This feature makes the skin of a newborn predisposed to infections.
  • Low melanin content. Makes the skin defenseless before the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Increased moisture loss. Although babies have a 20% higher water content in their skin than adults, because of its subtlety, even with a slight increase in temperature in the external environment, moisture is quickly lost and the skin dries out.
  • Developed network of capillaries. Increases the risk of spreading infections in the blood. This feature improves the respiratory function of the skin – the baby literally “breathes the skin.”

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