
10 reasons to enjoy children’s tantrums

He sobs inconsolably, stamps his feet and shouts, “No! I do not want!”. Are you ready to explode?

Take your time: in fact, something very good is happening.

The child spills out stress. All emotions, even negative ones, are very harmful to keep in ourselves. It is proved that when we cry, our blood pressure normalizes and the hormonal background stabilizes. Take a closer look at the baby: when the tantrum is over, he will quickly return to normal mood. He has lived through this situation and will never return to it.

Tantrums are good for development. Very often, young children have an emotional stupor that must be overcome in order to go further. For example, the baby cannot assemble the designer and begins to sob, scattering details. Having warmed up, it will “reboot” and with new forces will be poking around in its Lego!

The baby will sleep better. Having thrown out nervous tension, the baby will be able to calmly fall asleep. Like adults, children tend to scroll their problems in their heads and even wake up because of this at night! Toddlers who keep everything in themselves are more prone to nightmares and insomnia.

You are a good parent. The fact that you allow the baby to express their feelings only confirms: you are a good mother. You are not afraid of the difficulties of motherhood and accept the child as he is. Even red, angry and screaming.

The child trusts you. Have you noticed that children “give heat” only in the presence of relatives, and when they are strangers, they usually behave perfectly? This is a matter of trust: the baby knows that you will not be angry with him, but with love and accept and comfort.

10 phrases that a child needs to say every day

In everyday hustle and bustle, we manage to tell the child “you ate”, “put on your hat” or “you did your homework”, but we forget to say other, much more important things.

Tantrums bring together.

When the tantrum is over, hug the baby, hold him close to you, say that you love. You see, he will answer the same to you: your connection will only strengthen!

The child will be convinced that the mother is always there, she can open up.

  1. Tantrums improve the behavior of the child. Oddly enough, children who regularly allow themselves “explosions” then behave better than the silent people. If the child is in a constant internal struggle, he becomes irritable, inattentive and painfully reacts to any comments.
  2. Tantrums help the child socialize. If the kid knows that he can throw out emotions in front of his family, they will understand and accept him, then he will freely and confidently behave with friends. After all, he has a reliable rear!
  3. Very soon it will stop. Having matured, the child will learn to control his emotions and express them differently. Tantrums are the same integral and transient part of childhood as potty training, weaning, reading instruction…
  4. Tantrums are good for mom. When a child “enters into a tailspin”, we will inevitably recall our own childhood and relive acute situations. How did dad and mom behave when we lost our temper? Shouted back and threatened with punishment? Well, we have a chance to fix it.

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