
Roseola in infants, symptoms and treatment

Roseola is not diagnosed as an adult. This is a purely childhood disease, and it appears in babies from one year to five years. Its signs are easily mistaken for other diseases, which complicates the diagnosis.

What causes the disease?

Symptoms of roseola are very similar to rubella, so doctors can make a mistake when making a diagnosis. Doctors dubbed her “sudden eczema” or “pseudo-rubella.” An infection begins to develop when a sixth type herpes virus enters the baby’s body. In this pathogen, immunity has not yet been developed in children.

In babies after 5 years, roseola is not diagnosed. By this age, the child’s body is usually ready to meet viruses fully armed. Until this time, the infection is dangerous. And not even so much in itself, but rather possible complications.

Disease development

You can meet sudden eczema these days quite often. This infection has only one advantage – you can get it only once. Herpes of the sixth type disappears from the body after recovery. Although traces of his recent presence for several more days can be detected in blood and saliva.

After the virus enters the child’s body, the first symptoms appear in the interval from one to two weeks:

  • temperature rises;
  • red rashes appear on the body.

It takes about a week to completely release the baby from the disease. Sometimes it is possible to cope with herpes in 3 days, depending on the immune system of a small patient.

The incubation period rarely lasts more than a week. After about 5 days, the baby begins to have a fever. The temperature can rise to 40 and hold up to 3 days. It is normalized without drug intervention.

The baby develops weakness, he is capricious, and high temperature can trigger convulsions. At the same time, the baby’s legs and arms become cold, blanching of the skin is observed, limbs and chin begin to tremble. No need to panic in such a situation. Everything will return to normal in no more than a minute and will not cause harm, but with normalization of temperature it will pass at all.

Roseola causes an increase in lymph nodes in the occipital part and behind the neck. In addition to these “charms” pink spots appear in the baby. They begin to speak only after the temperature drops. Convex formations of an irregular shape can first be found on the back or abdomen. How they look can be seen in the photo. Subsequently, the neck, bends of the limbs and face are covered with a rash.

Like temperature, the rash gradually disappears on its own in a few hours and rarely remains for long. In a ten-day period, all symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

Disease spread

The disease is seasonal in nature and often flares up in the spring and autumn. But it may appear at other times of the year.

Despite the prevalence of roseola, the mechanism of infection has not yet been fully studied by specialists. Most physicians are inclined to believe that the virus enters the child through an airborne droplet. Although the disease does not cause a cough or runny nose.

A small patient is considered contagious from the moment his temperature rises. For the same kids, like himself, the child becomes safe after a day from the day of normalization of body temperature.

Roseole water procedures

Roseola is not always accompanied by a rash. In addition to high fever, the child may not have any other symptoms. It is most likely that it will not be possible to normalize the condition of the baby with the help of antipyretic drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible for a correctly selected therapeutic course.

Naturally, in no case should you bathe a child, especially a newborn, and lead him to walk in this state. Return to water procedures and walks is allowed after improvement and lowering the temperature to normal limits. In the meantime: bed rest and ventilation.

Roseola in a baby

As a rule, children from a year and three years old suffer from roseola, but the disease sometimes comes at an earlier age. Sometimes even newborn children can get her sick. In six-month-old babies, the symptoms of the disease can be erroneously attributed to teething.

With roseola, the child is naughty and anxious only because of the high temperature, but the rash that appears after it does not cause any discomfort, does not itch and does not hurt.

If the temperature rises, you should consult a doctor to correctly determine its cause and avoid erroneous treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease

The signs of roseola can be mistaken for symptoms of measles, rubella or an allergic reaction, the photo shows how these manifestations are similar. This greatly complicates the diagnosis.

But the distinctive features of the rose-colored rash are:

  • appears only after a decrease in temperature, about the fourth day after the onset of fever;
  • rashes do not hurt, do not itch, and generally do not cause any inconvenience, as with other diseases;
  • the rash initially covers the body and only then spreads to the neck and face.

It is pointless to take tests with roseol, the herpes virus will not reveal itself. Laboratory studies will only give results after a complete recovery. Antibodies to this disease will be present in the blood of a small patient. The presence of infection can be judged by the increased content of lymphocytes, and white blood cells significantly reduce their numbers. Urine is sent for analysis in order to detect complications that the infection could have caused.

Treatment of pseudo-rubella

It is necessary to maintain the body’s own strength in any disease. When a baby develops a high temperature, it is necessary to call a doctor who will prescribe medications that relieve this symptom. This measure will help to avoid complications that arise as a result of long-term fever.

To alleviate the condition of the child, it is necessary:

  1. Drink plenty. So that the body does not dehydrate, the child should be offered a little water every 20 minutes, and infants should be applied to the chest more often;
  2. Compliance with the temperature regime. No need to wrap up the baby if the room is already so hot, it is better to ventilate the room more often. In infants, diapers are an additional barrier to normal heat transfer. The temperature will drop more slowly while the child is in them, it is worthwhile to postpone this convenient hygiene item until normalization of body temperature;
  3. Timely delivery of drugs;
  4. Preparation of easily digestible and fortified foods for the child. Appetite during illness decreases or disappears altogether. There is nothing wrong with that; he will return after recovery. In the meantime, you can offer your baby vegetable or fruit purees, chicken stock, juices.
Possible complications

Roseole medications are mainly used to relieve high fever. A characteristic rash goes away on its own without medication. Complications of this infection are extremely rare, but quite serious. With weak immunity after roseola, bronchitis or otitis may develop, the risk of pneumonia is not excluded.

In order to protect your child from undesirable consequences, it is enough to be observed by a pediatrician and follow all his instructions.

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