
Is it obligatory to give hyperactive children to kindergarten?

Is kindergarten so important for the development of a child (hyperactive) (I mean communicating with peers and preparing for school) or are there enough classes in various circles?

We went to kindergarten last year, but were sick often and for a long time.

Is kindergarten so important for the development of a child (hyperactive) (I mean communicating with peers and preparing for school) or are there enough classes in various circles? We go to kindergarten, but we get sick often and for a long time.

Elena, city of Klin

Kindergarten is not an obligatory stage of the child’s socialization (unlike, say, school). There are quite a few alternatives (circles, classes, home creativity, etc.). However, most psychologists believe that “no kindergarten is better than bad, and a good kindergarten is better than none.” Why? The fact is that the circles teaching and developing activities usually do not provide the child with space for the most important thing – for role-playing with peers, the most important activity for the older preschooler.

You can intelligently prepare for school by attending specialized courses, but you will definitely need to think about where and with whom your child will play. Paradoxical as it may seem, but without this, preparing for school is very difficult: it is in the game that those qualities begin to form

You briefly mention that your baby is hyperactive. If you are talking about an established medical diagnosis, then visiting a kindergarten may require special preparation. It is necessary to consult with specialists: neurologist, neuropsychologist. You may need their help in gradually socializing your child.

Unfortunately, there is very little information in your question. It is not clear how old your child is, how long you started attending kindergarten, how the adaptation went. How much for you the child’s exit to kindergarten was fraught with alarming expectations?

How long and how often does a child get sick? How often did he get sick before going to the garden? Does he have brothers, sisters? The answers to these questions largely determine the individual characteristics of your child’s development and are important in deciding whether to continue to attend kindergarten or not.

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