
How to communicate with your child’s classmates parents

When a child begins to go to kindergarten or school, it is important to learn how to properly communicate not only with teachers, but also with parents of classmates or classmates of your child.

The main principle – do no harm, but there are other nuances.

Attaching to a general chat on WhatsApp is a standard procedure for most parents whose children go to kindergarten or school. Of course, this is a purely voluntary matter, and you can refuse such an offer.

But if you agreed to take part in a collective discussion of urgent and not very problems, it is better to immediately take a diplomatic tone, and in critical cases, always maintain neutrality.

  1. In general, a chat in the community is better to make decisions with a clear answer: whether we go to the selected museum, how much money we collect for gifts for children, etc. To resolve personal issues, it is better to take time and meet. Writing is fraught with many interpretations and far-fetched interpretations. And this is fertile ground for misunderstanding and even mutual insults.
  2. Participation in heated discussions leads to nothing. This is a waste of time: there is simply no chance of solving a difficult question in correspondence.
  3. Always watch your written speech and do not allow yourself to go on insults. Keep in mind that some parents use “foul language” as evidence and as a basis for contacting law enforcement if the conflict reaches its maximum.
  4. Never take the trouble to persuade your opponents. And to put an end to a useless argument, it’s enough to say: “I heard your opinion.”
  5. If you do not support the collective idea, you have every right to refuse: “I have my own opinion on this. I will not sign such a paper. ”
  6. If one of the parents complains of unfair or incorrect treatment of their children, do not panic. Always analyze the contact between the teacher and your child. If someone doesn’t have a relationship with the teacher, this does not mean that your child’s affairs are also bad.
  7. If you are unhappy with the teacher’s behavior, discuss the problem with him, and not with the parents of other children.

Money for gifts

Instead of inflating scandals over gifts, because someone doesn’t want to donate money to them, sometimes it’s better to do without them. You can congratulate children purely symbolically or even verbally. They already probably know that money is important in our world, and you will have the opportunity to show that there are more important things. For the sake of a comfortable psychological climate in the classroom, material things can be sacrificed.

8.  If for some reason you cannot donate money to common tasks or do not consider such an idea successful, you are under no obligation to explain anything. Yes, this is how the world works, and in this matter, only your position is left to accept. The phrase is enough: “I have decided not to participate in this.” If it’s embarrassing for you to talk about it, use text-based communication tools – SMS or message via social network.

9. Advice to future leaders of the parent committee: when it comes to raising funds for the additional needs of the class, treat with understanding and respect the opinions of others and other people’s life circumstances. This is an entirely voluntary matter, and no one has the right to force others to demand.

10. If there are those among your class’s parents who don’t give the money, do not poison their children for it when you come to pick up your child from school. Do not fan the fire, do not gossip behind their backs, do not express your indignation at the children (including with your family). Relations between children are more expensive, and together they have to study for 11 years.

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