
Hemorrhoid treatment at home

Not easy to live with the pulsing lump of pain in the rectum. With hemorrhoids even simple actions – sit down, stand up, go to the toilet – turn into real torture.

The idea that along with you suffer from hemorrhoids nearly 12.5% of the population, doesn’t bring relief. What is this disease and how to get rid of it?

In most cases, hemorrhoids are caused due to disorders of blood circulation in the pelvic area – when, for whatever reason, impaired blood flow through the veins of the rectum.

Causes of hemorrhoids

Tension during bowel movements, constipation, diarrhea, pregnancy – all these States can lead to stretching and swelling of blood vessels that causes hemorrhoids.

To be hemorrhoids can either inside the rectum or outside, around the anus (in the latter case they can be seen with the naked eye).

Is it possible to cure hemorrhoids at home

The easiest cure for hemorrhoids the first stages when the pathological changes in the tissues of the rectal wall and anal sphincter small. If the hemorrhoids have moved to the third or fourth stage, characterized by the prolapse out through the anus (third if they can still be set independently, while the fourth does not work even that), to get rid of it is possible only surgically. Or count on a miracle – but, as confirms the global experience of humanity, miracles happen very rarely.

Does this mean that at home to cure hemorrhoids is impossible? No, it is not. First, the treatment of hemorrhoids in initial stages conservative – this means that it is greater degree in medication, the hygiene and the regime change. Second, at all stages of development of hemorrhoids, from first to fourth, symptomatic treatment, allowing to remove the pain, itching, inflammation in the anal area and even a little reduce gemorroynye cones.

Of course, the treatment of hemorrhoids at home can only be done with the knowledge and approval of the attending physician.

Folk remedies for external use in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Primarily used to relieve itching, burning around the anus and the resulting pain. The reason of these phenomena – arising through the anus mucus from the rectum and/or incipient inflammation of hemorrhoids. To help with the itching, burning and inflammation can compresses, baths and enemas with herbs.

A decoction of medicinal herbs, usually prepared as follows: the crushed leaves of herbs, bark, fruits, flowers or rhizomes pour hot boiled water in proportion 1 liter of water for 25-30 grams of herbal raw materials. The resulting mixture is heated on a boiling water bath under a cover for 15 minutes, then cooled for 45 minutes, the Broth is filtered through fine-meshed sieve or cheesecloth, press the remains of a herbal decoction and ready to use.

Compress hemorrhoids was prepared as follows: cotton, folded several times gauze, bandages impregnated with pharmaceutical drug and superimposed on the affected area. The most commonly used in the treatment of external hemorrhoids.

Baths hemorrhoids is a mixture of warm water with a decoction of herbs. The pelvis is filled with the prepared solution and sit in it for 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to push my buttocks to medicine acted freely. The solution temperature may be hot (to 40°), and cool (30°) or cold (10-15°). Attention! Cold baths are not recommended in inflammatory diseases in the pelvis!

Sometimes when treating hemorrhoids can be used bath steam; then the temperature of the solution can reach 75-80°. It is clear that Taz is better not to sit down, and the patient hangs over the pelvis, exposing the crotch to the action of steam until cool water.

Homemade candles from hemorrhoids. A decoction of medicinal herbs or other substance is mixed with a base (usually this role is played by water or chilled butter). The water is frozen, and chilled butter in the mixture with the drug substance is prepared candle.

Microclysters with hemorrhoids are used if hemorrhoids (external and internal) and the internal surface of the rectum is not inflamed. While a small amount of solution (200 ml) is poured into the enema, then the tip of a syringe introduced into the rectum (you can for ease of entry to lubricate it with petroleum jelly) and squeezed the contents inside. It is advisable to try to keep the solution inside for 10-15 minutes.

Attention! If you are hypersensitive medicinal herbs may occur an allergic reaction, so it’s recommended to apply a drop of the broth elbow, and see what the skin reaction. If after half an hour on the skin does not appear anything precarious, this medicinal herb can be safely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Medicinal herbs and plants

Aloe. The juice of the plant has anti-inflammatory and you can quickly get rid acute hemorrhoids. Can be used as the plant fresh and the broth from it. To do a dozen leaves of the plant are cut into several pieces (not too small), pour a liter of cold water and cook the broth in a water bath. A warm compress soaked in a decoction of the leaves of aloe, or cut the fresh plant is applied to the inflamed place. Sometimes, the pulp of the aloe make candles and leave the anus at night.

Birch tar. This substance is made from birch bark and has many medicinal products – antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating. Hemorrhoids tar used in the form of baths: two quarts of hot water mixed with 1 spoon of tar. In the bath it is recommended to sit until the water cools.

Oak bark. Has strong astringent properties that are very good in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of mucosal tissues, as well as anti-inflammatory action. By ingestion of decoction of oak bark on the mucous membrane of the human body forms a protective film, protecting it from irritation. Can be used as a poultice and suppository (mixed with butter).

The wild strawberry. Infusion on the basis of the leaves of the wild strawberry has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and krovoostanavlivajushchim property. It can be used in the form of baths and poultices, and enemas.

Potatoes. Ordinary potatoes are used in folk medicine for the treatment of hemorrhoids; its fresh juice and potato starch has enveloping and anti-inflammatory properties. Most often the potato is used for the treatment of hemorrhoids in the form of candles. From the Central part of the raw tuber is cut a small column (form it needs to be smoothed in order not to injure the surface of the rectum) and leave it in the anus for the night.

Chamomile. This Queen of medicinal plants, despite the modest appearance, many useful properties – an infusion of its flowers has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic and analgesic effect and increase the rate of tissue regeneration in inflammatory conditions. Chamomile hemorrhoids can be used in the form of lotions, baths and enemas, and more interesting way – in the form of homemade candles. To do this, 1 tbsp. l. chamomile collection brewed in a Cup of boiling water, the resulting broth is cooled and poured into small molds for ice. After freezing the finished candles, which has strong analgesic (due to freezing) and anti-inflammatory action.

Yarrow. This plant has krovoostanavlivajushchim, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect and is especially helpful in the acute exacerbation of hemorrhoids, and the onset of bleeding. The leaves of yarrow are easy to find in the drugstore; when making broth you should use the enclosed instructions. Hemorrhoids yarrow infusion is used for lotions and baths.

Garlic. It has strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial and even antitumor effect. Hemorrhoids garlic is used as fresh (peeled clove of garlic is placed in the anus until they come out naturally), and a homemade candle (pounded to a pulp the garlic cloves blended with butter, cool and mix the candle is formed). Another of the garlic and milk (in a ratio of 2 liters of milk heated at 200 grams of minced garlic and same amount of chopped onion) are baths that has anti-inflammatory properties.

Celandine. In the grass of the plant contain isoquinoline alkaloids, which have anti-inflammatory action. So the infusion celandine is used to relieve itching. A decoction of celandine is used for hemorrhoids as a lotion; you can also add the infusion into the bath.

Bee products

In folk medicine widely used honey and other bee products. From honey do candles (either in whole or honey applied in a thin layer to a homemade candle from a potato), use it as an external tool (either undiluted or as a component part of other ointments).

The propolis used in the preparation of an ointment based on petrolatum in the treatment of hemorrhoids with external nodes. To do this, 80 g of vaseline mixed with 10 g of lanolin and 7 g of propolis, melt the mixture on a water bath, stirred and filtered through fine-meshed sieve or cheesecloth. The ointment is applied to compress or cotton pad and applied to external hemorrhoidal nodes. Instead of vaseline you can use animal fat or butter (unsalted) in a proportion of 100 g basis of 10 g of propolis. The mixture was cooled and applied to the hemorrhoids.

Also of propolis, it is possible to make candles. For this, propolis is mixed with water and poured into small molds for ice. The mixture of propolis and water is also used in enemas.

Cold water and ice

Ice candles (boiled water poured into small molds for ice and kept over night in the fridge) are good for severe pain in internal hemorrhoids. For outdoor it is recommended to use trays with a mixture of ice water and ice. Also, the ice suspends the bleeding hemorrhoids. Attention! In inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs ice cannot be used.

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

A dilute solution of potassium permanganate – an excellent antiseptic. It can be used as a bath (solution concentration of 0.1-0.5%), and enema (0,02-0,1%). Attention! Potassium permanganate poisoning, so you should observe the concentration of the solution.

Folk remedies for treatment of hemorrhoids used inside

Typically, this consists of decoctions of medicinal herbs that have kroveostanavlivayuschim, anti-inflammatory action, is able to normalize the vascular tone, improve blood circulation and help to cope with stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.

Persicaria maculosa. This herb improves functioning of the cardiovascular system, constricts blood vessels, thus raising blood pressure. A mild laxative property of Polygonum pochechuynaya helps with hemorrhoids with constipation.

St. John’s wort. Has astringent and anti-inflammatory action. A strong antispasmodic action on the smooth muscle of the blood vessels helps to get rid of blood stasis in the pelvic organs. Attention! St. John’s wort can increase blood pressure.

Kalina common. Has strong hemostatic properties, has a soothing and laxative effect. In folk medicine used as a decoction of viburnum, and a decoction of the bark. Attention! If the patient hemorrhoids increased blood clotting, decoction of viburnum use is not worth it because of the risk of thrombosis in hemorrhoids.

Nettle. It is capable to stop heavy bleeding, improves blood clotting, has anti-inflammatory effect, enhances the metabolism and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In women, nettle increases the tone of the uterus.

Plantain. As persicaria maculosa, has a slight laxative effect that works well for constipation. In addition, the plantain many useful properties, including anti-inflammatory, and immunostimulating krovoostanavlivayuschee.

Herbal laxatives

If the patient with hemorrhoids often suffer from constipation, can help laxatives of vegetable origin.

Buckthorn bark. Increases intestinal peristalsis, reduces the absorption of fluid by the mucous membrane of the colon, which contributes to the dilution of stool. Buckthorn bark is one of the most harmless laxatives. Usually use it at night, hoping that the drug will come in 8-12 hours.

Prices on traditional medicines used in the treatment of hemorrhoids
Name Action Application Price
Aloe Anti-inflammatory Local (compress) 110 RUB.
Birch tar Anti-inflammatory, regenerative, antimicrobial Local (bath) 150 RUB.
Persicaria maculosa Vasoconstrictor, purgative Oral (decoction) 100 RUB.
Oak bark Anti-inflammatory, astringent, protective Local (compress, candle) 60 RUB.
St. John’s wort Anti-inflammatory, astringent, antispasmodic Oral (decoction) 63 RUB.
The strawberries Anti-inflammatory, wound healing, krovoostanavlivayuschee Local (baths, compresses, enemas) 70 RUB.
Kalina common Krovoostanavlivayuschee, laxative, sedative Oral (decoction) 60 RUB.
Potatoes Anti-inflammatory, enveloping Local (candles) 20 RUB.
Buckthorn bark Laxative Oral (decoction) 70 RUB.
Nettle Anti-inflammatory, krovoostanavlivayuschee Oral (decoction) 92 RUB
Potassium permanganate Antiseptic Local (bath) From 10 to 180 rubles.
Plantain Anti-inflammatory, krovoostanavlivayuschee, immunostimulant Oral (decoction) 78 RUB.
Bee products (propolis, honey) Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory Local (ointment, suppositories) 76 RUB.
Chamomile Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, analgesic, regenerative Local (baths, compresses, enemas, suppositories) 85 RUB.
Yarrow Anti-inflammatory, krovoostanavlivayuschee, wound healing Local (baths, compresses) 79 RUB
Garlic Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antitumor Local (bath, candles) 125 rubles. per 300 g
Celandine Anti-inflammatory Local (baths, compresses) 90.
Prevention of the disease hemorrhoids

The easiest way to cure hemorrhoids at home – a change in diet and lifestyle.

The first step is to review your diet to avoid constipation (which is dangerous because the increased pressure in the abdominal cavity and thus contribute to the development of hemorrhoids). To do this, eat foods containing ballast substances (cellulose). However, to introduce rich in dietary fiber foods in the daily diet should be with great caution – an excess of fiber can lead to increased gas-formation, which again will create pressure in the abdominal cavity. The adult intake of fiber should be 25-30 grams per day. If for some reason you have problems, you can fill the missing ballast substances through dietary supplements. And the more fiber enters the body with food, the more you need to drink water.

Some types of foods can cause a rush of blood to the walls of the rectum, that can aggravate the symptoms of hemorrhoids. In particular this applies to alcoholic beverages and spicy dishes. Such products should be avoided or, whenever possible, to minimize their number.

For a nice, soft chair that will slide through the colon without strain, you need to drink plenty of fluids. A day is recommended to drink at least six glasses of any liquid (no, alcohol is not included).

It is recommended to regularly eat fermented foods is well known for dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt), sauerkraut, yogurt, kimchi and so on. According to some studies, regular consumption of fermented foods improves digestion, increases the synthesis of nutrients in the intestine, maintains acid-alkaline balance. Also improve peristalsis of the intestine with probiotics “good” bacteria, like Lactobacillus and Bifidius. A glass of “live” yogurt will serve as a tasty and useful addition to the diet hemorrhoids.

It is necessary to observe certain rules of conduct in the toilet. First, do not try to squeeze out all at once and immediately (remember about the harmful hemorrhoids intra abdominal pressure). Secondly, it is recommended to go to the toilet in a timely manner – this means as soon as wanted. Habit to endure leads to increased dryness of the chair, which will create unnecessary tension in bowel movements, and again increased intra-abdominal pressure. If this is the problem, you can use mild laxatives.

To get involved with them is not worth it, otherwise you can get inflammation in the rectum. Thirdly you can try to use a stool under his feet to his knees were just above the pelvis – this position contributes to a more rapid release of stool. In the fourth, it is not necessary to stay in the toilet for a long time in the position on the toilet leads to a rush of blood to the back of the body and thus to the hemorrhoidal. Finally, after each bowel movement it is recommended to wash with mild baby soap – this will help to reduce inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Shown hemorrhoids exercise and an active lifestyle. Regular physical activity can improve the condition of cardiovascular system of the body and thus reduce pressure on the veins in the pelvic area. Even if the work involves prolonged sitting or standing, it is recommended that every hour to devote five minutes of exercise to get your blood flowing and avoid stagnation in the pelvis. Exercise should not be associated with the weight lifting – it can cause aggravation of hemorrhoids; it is also recommended to reduce the number of sit-UPS. In General, it is desirable to devote to physical exercise at least 2.5 hours a week. Well help hemorrhoids a running, walking, swimming, long walks.

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