
Therapeutic nutrition for pancreatitis

Composed on the basis of dietary requirements, the diet is an integral part of therapeutic measures. It is necessary for the patient to eat “right” not only in a hospital, but also at home.

“Table number 5” in its chemical composition corresponds to the essence of the process of inflammation of the pancreas, the gradual restoration of damaged organ tissue.

At the same time, part of the products is excluded from consumption or limited; the methods of their preparation change. Some, such as proteins, on the contrary, are introduced in an increased amount (up to 120-150 g), compared with the diet of a healthy patient. Half of the protein products are from animal substances.

The total energy value of food components per day is up to 2800-3000 kcal. For obese people, calories can be reduced. The content of salt is 10 g. With edema and high blood pressure, the prescribed amount is reduced to half or the product is completely excluded. The temperature of the food should be normal, not too cold (hot).

The patient, his family members in the kitchen will need some appliances that will help make the products, dishes such as are necessary when dieting:

  • steaming pot;
  • deep ditch for cooking fish and meat;
  • wipe sieve;
  • a meat grinder with a fine grate;
  • measured (graduated) dishes, scales;
  • molds for jelly.

The body with pancreatitis is especially sensitive to products with violated shelf life, as well as prepared foods. It is better to use deep freeze, eat freshly prepared dishes.

Therapeutic feeding for acute pancreatitis is used for a certain period. It usually lasts 2-3 weeks after complete starvation, until the symptoms disappear: pain, vomiting, diarrhea. With a further successful chronic course of the disease, diet number 5 expands significantly under the supervision of a physician. Gradually, the list of allowed foods can come close to a normal healthy diet.

Allowed! But there are limitations

The pancreas has an endocrine function. The insulin hormone produced by her at the stage of the manifestation of the inflammatory process may not be enough for the body. The diet number 5 provides for a limitation of the amount of carbohydrates to 300-500 g. The reduction concerns, first of all, easily digestible products (products from white flour, sugar), not more than 70 g per day.

The volume of liquid is not reduced, its amount is 1.5-2.0 liters per day, including mineral water without gas. Sweet foods (jelly, stewed fruit, jelly) are allowed. The cooked fruit pulp is wiped and also added to the dish. Instead of sugar, you can use its substitute – xylitol. Tea should be weak and slightly sweet. As a vitamin broth, infusions of wheat bran, rose hip should be prepared.

To do this, rinse dry berries (100 g) under running water. Pour boiling water (1 l) and cook on fire with a tightly closed lid in an enameled bowl for 10 minutes. A time report is maintained from the moment the liquid boils. Insist for 2-3 hours, wrapping up and not opening the pot, which allows you to save vitamins. Rosehips should be squeezed out well, the infusion should be filtered.

Raw fruits have a strong sokogonnym action. Therefore, it is recommended, outside the stage of exacerbation, to eat unsweetened apples in a baked form. Bread should be from wheat flour 1 and 2 grades, slightly dried or baked the previous day. You can eat crackers 200-300 g per day, taking into account the total amount of carbohydrates.

Vitaminized rosehip infusion eliminates thirst, nausea, increases appetite and immunity

The total amount of fat in the patient’s daily diet is about 80 g. Half of them are from plant substances. The addition of low-fat sour cream to the dish will not cause exacerbation to improve its taste. The presence of good appetite is an indicator of the body’s recovery and the ability to get good nutrition.

Butter is best used butter, unsalted (30 g), vegetable – refined sunflower, olive (10 g). Eggs for pancreatic pancreatitis should be consumed in the form of a protein omelet, not more than 1 pc. in a day. It is convenient to use 2 proteins every other day. Steam puddings are made from non-acid curd.

It is strictly forbidden!

Choosing among vegetable soups, according to diet number five, patients with pancreatitis who are taking treatment should not eat borscht, cabbage soup because of the cabbage they contain. The use of strong broths (meat, fish, mushroom, vegetarian) is prohibited. They and raw, not mashed fiber of vegetables cause activation of the secretion of digestive enzymes by the gland, disruption of the intestines.

In cereal soups, you can use semolina, oatmeal and others, except for millet, as well as vermicelli. On a side dish, groats (buckwheat, rice) should be crushed and well boiled in a sufficient amount of water. Milk dishes use a solution, not a whole product.

Root crops (turnip, radish, radish), greens (sorrel, spinach), smoked meats, savory foods, canned food, sausages contain many extractive substances. Strong alcohol, fresh pastry, ice cream can provoke a repeated acute attack of pancreatitis. The patient will again feel the symptoms of the disease.

From meat of low-fat varieties (veal, beef, chicken, rabbit) cutlets, meatballs, meatloaf are made in steam, boiled, chopped form. In no case should you eat fried foods. It is forbidden to eat lard, beef or mutton fat, chocolate, mushrooms.

Diet classification and sample menu

Therapeutic nutrition for pancreatitis is designated as “diet number 5”, or “5p”. A patient with cholecystitis, diseases of the gallbladder and liver can be on the same diet. In the acute form, they are classified as “5a”, chronic – “5b”. Gentle feeding lasts for 1.5-2.0 years or for life (congenital pathologies).

What exactly can be included in the daily diet? Within a week, one-component products for proteins, fats and carbohydrates replace each other. Throughout the day, the patient eats 200 g of white and rye bread, 50-70 g of sugar.

First breakfast:

  • oatmeal (150 g);
  • curd pudding (150 g);
  • tea with milk (1 cup).

Second breakfast: a  piece of boiled chicken with rice.

Lunch :

  • vegetarian potato soup with sour cream – 1 plate;
  • boiled meat, baked with white milk sauce (125 g);
  • zucchini stewed in sour cream (200 g);
  • apple jelly (200 g).

Snack:  crackers, rosehip infusion.

Dinner :

  • boiled fish (100 g);
  • mashed potatoes (200 g);
  • tea with lemon – 1 cup.

The table of recommended and forbidden products helps to navigate in the preparation of a sample menu

During an exacerbation of the disease, if there are indications, painkillers, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and other drugs are prescribed. All dishes are prepared in mashed form. Protein – steamed in the form of soufflé or knel.

Monitor the maximum removal of products containing extractives, essential oils rich in cholesterol, and coarse fiber. Most often, after two weeks, the patient returns to his former healthy diet. Corrections in the set of nutrients are possible, depending on the accompanying complications, individual pathologies.

Mandatory are the requirements for the diet menu – this is its variety, strict regime. In order not to overload the pancreas, while providing enzymes with work, it is necessary to eat often and fractionally, in small portions. You can not eat plenty at a time. A break between meals is taken no more than 3 hours, the last no later than 2 hours before bedtime. Do not forget about the aesthetic table setting for a sick person, the interchangeability of products.

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