
Swimming with cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease that affects not only the older generation, but also many young able-bodied people and adolescents. The main reason – a sedentary lifestyle, inadequate physical activity, excess weight, the use of harmful products. Swimming with cervical osteochondrosis is an effective and proven means for treating the disease.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region is a chronic disease accompanied by degeneration of intervertebral discs. Such disorders provoke the convergence of adjacent vertebrae, changing the functioning of the entire vertebral column. They are accompanied by constant pains, a feeling of discomfort in the neck, numbness of limbs, restriction of joint mobility, dizziness, weakness.

Medical swimming has a huge healing effect on the human body. In this sport, all muscles are involved in the person, including the inflamed neck area. Swimming is used all over the world to treat many diseases not only of the spine, but also hernia, varicose veins, joint diseases, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Patients of all ages can engage in it. It is recommended to perform a complex of exercises strictly under the supervision of an experienced physiotherapist.

Swimming is considered an excellent preventive tool, preventing the onset of the disease.

Properly conducted exercises can significantly improve a person’s condition with cervical osteochondrosis, namely:

  • relaxation of the strained spine, elimination of spasms;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes – blood circulation increases, which helps to restore affected areas;
  • stretching the spinal column – in the water the flattened vertebral discs straighten out, the pinched nerves are released, the pain significantly decreases;
  • strengthening immunity, which is very useful in the treatment of various kinds of diseases;
  • weight loss, which overloads the sick spine;
  • improvement of the heart, respiratory system;
  • improving mood and vitality.

Therapeutic gymnastics are conducted in pools with warm water. Natural water bodies (lakes and rivers) do not warm up well, they have a natural current. In this case, the load on the spine (which is unacceptable for osteochondrosis) unequivocally increases, hypothermia and exacerbation of the inflammatory process are possible.

Recommendations for conducting water activities
In therapeutic swimming from patients with cervical osteochondrosis, a number of rules are required:

Monitor the water temperature. At the initial stage, it is not recommended to be in water with a temperature below 27 degrees. A suitable option is 30 degrees. After several sessions in warm water, you can gradually reduce the temperature to 23 degrees.

Try to avoid sudden movements. Use glasses and a swimming cap. If water pours into the eyes and ears, it can trigger sudden movements of the head.

Attend classes at least twice a week. The recommended duration of one training is 40-50 minutes. Otherwise, a longer duration will give an increased load on the diseased discs.

If the patient does not know how to swim, water procedures for him are still useful. You can practice in the pool with various physical exercises for stretching the spine. It is only necessary to secure and use a special supporting equipment – pillows, rings, flexible sticks, vests.

To begin with, perform simple exercises with minimal load.

Consult a physical training instructor for a selection of water exercises.

Breathe right during class. Inhale deeply, smoothly and slowly. Exhale, on the contrary, quickly. This breathing technique leads to increased ventilation of the lungs, helps to reduce pressure on the nerve endings.

Preliminary warm-up

Before you start water training, you need to properly prepare. Conduct an easy five-minute warm-up, warm up the muscles. A moderate physical load will improve blood circulation, prepare the spine for power exercises.

An effective remedy for pain and for the treatment of joints has been found:

  • natural composition,
  • without side effects,
  • effectiveness, proven by experts,
  • quick result.

To start, you need to warm up outside the pool, perform a few elementary exercises. Continue the warm-up in the water. Do the torso of the trunk, rotate the head with your head, perform the swing with your hands and feet. Those who have a sense of fear of water, you can for sure stay on the side of the pool. Supplement the warm-up with breathing exercises. After the preliminary preparation begin to swim.

It is necessary to work out physiotherapy exercises in the basin systematically. Only on condition of regular training, positive results are achieved. Gradually, you need to introduce new exercises, gradually add power loads and expand the sets of activities. A strong one-time load can provoke an increase in pain and stiffness.

Swim correctly

Patients with cervical and other types of osteochondrosis should understand: just being in water is not a way out. Do swimming properly. Swim, using a set of exercises of therapeutic gymnastics, designed with this particular disease in mind.

There are rules for therapeutic swimming:

During classes, rest more often. You can use an inflatable waistcoat for this purpose – it is lying on the water, you can completely relax your back. Do not give up this

  1. boats, even fully mastered, it will still come in handy.
  2. Strictly observe the breathing technique – this will help to increase the effectiveness of training.
  3. Active exercises do not last long – 5-10 minutes, alternating with rest on the water.

Classes for therapeutic swimming in the pool only help patients who comply with safety regulations. A person with cervical osteochondrosis, once in the water, immediately feels a significant reduction in pain. He has euphoria and together with ease, freedom of action – a false sense of getting rid of the disease. But after a while trying to make a sharp or too sweeping movement, he can even more disturb the damaged spine and jammed nerves.

Because of this, there is a high probability that the condition will suddenly deteriorate, the disease will become aggravated.It is important to swim properly with cervical osteochondrosis, to select an individual technique taking into account the state of health. Uncontrolled occupations of different styles in such a disease can provoke increased pain, worsening of the patient’s condition.While swimming with a breaststroke, a person instinctively lifts his head upwards, when he croakes he must turn his head. Because of such unnatural movements, often with osteochondrosis of the cervical region, pain appears.

With cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis, swimming styles are recommended for breasts or on the back. The way of swimming “on the back” does not require preparation, allows you to breathe freely, well relaxes the muscles of the spine.

In addition, you can use an inflatable pillow and perform the following exercises with it:

Hold the pillow tightly. Only move your legs. Swim 30-100 meters.

Lock the pillow with your feet. Work exclusively with hands. Try to swim 30-100 meters.
Rest on the water.

Try to swim with a breaststroke 20-30 meters. Try not to hold your breath.

Special exercises

Exercise on the water will add value. Approximate medical complex:

  • Vis on the crossbar. Far from everyone can hang on the bar on land. In the water, the effect of gravity on the spinal column decreases, it becomes easy to perform any exercise. The benefits of this exercise are invaluable, it helps to smoothly stretch the spine. You can do it by clinging to the side of the pool.
  • Smooth flies with legs and hands.
  • Slopes and turns of the trunk.
  • Find in the pool a place with a little depth. To walk around, run, do a few sit-ups.
  • With cervical osteochondrosis, you need to do exercises, mainly lying on your back.

The main rules for patients with cervical osteochondrosis:

  • do not swim regularly, but regularly;
  • to follow the recommendations of the doctor and the instructor on exercise therapy, so that the lessons will benefit, not harm;
  • the mood should be positive, occupations in the water should bring joy and pleasure, and not fear and fright;
  • therapeutic swimming to engage long and hard until the full restoration of the spine.

Therapeutic water gymnastics has some contraindications:

  • skin and venereal diseases;
  • cold, acute respiratory infections, influenza;
  • heart failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • wounds and injuries;
  • diathesis, convulsions.

To therapeutic swimming without undesirable consequences, a patient with osteochondrosis of any part of the spine is advised to consult with a specialist.

To get rid of cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to make swimming a way of life. This will strengthen physically, make strong muscles that support the spine, give vivacity and vigor. At the initial stage, several training sessions should be conducted under the guidance of an experienced instructor in curative gymnastics.

Medical swimming with cervical osteochondrosis is part of a complex of therapy, in which categorically it is impossible to cancel medicines prescribed by a doctor.

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