
Exercises using the fitball

In the process of life back the person is exposed to various influences. It is important to start caring for her. Good condition back allows you to have perfect posture, supporting the body vertically. It affects the health of the individual as a whole. And what is good for the back? Strong muscular support.

Very handy to have a set of classes with fitball. This is very trendy and popular today exercise ball. The trainer is appreciated for efficiency athletes and sports fans.

Simple gym ball subject to intensive use will make the back strong, and the job for the back muscles and spine will not cause harm. During exercise will not be unnecessary stress on the spinal Department. The unique qualities of the fitball is recommended for enhancing the health of future mothers at such a difficult period of carrying a child.

We offer to consider variants of exercises on the fitball. They are simple and can be used by people with varying degrees of physical capabilities.

Help spine

Exercise # 1 solves the problem of improving the condition of the muscles responsible for straightening the spine. It will allow a much lower probability of spinal injury during the home work and exercises. Before classes get a fitball and dumbbells weighing one kilogram and a half, according to your physical condition.

Kneel beside the ball. Lie down on his stomach, take dumbbells. Hands free drop down. Pivot point on the ball is the lower part of the abdomen. The pelvis is lowered. The head is held straight, looking down. Raise the shoulders and head with smooth breeding hands in different directions. Line of hands along with shoulders. Do not allow the deflection of the lower back.

Then it is necessary to raise the left hand to slightly twist the spine. The other arm is stationary. Five seconds fixate in that position. The same action can be produced with the right hand. It is important to keep in immobility of the lower body during movement of shoulders and twisting of the body.

Do five turns in each direction. Then the minute rest. Later it is recommended to use heavier weights with many repetitions. The maximum number of sets of four with ten repetitions.

For the spine and the press

This exercise is like a “Boat” with pumping the press and will be useful to people wishing to strengthen the lumbar spine. The only difference is the use of the fitball.

You must lie down on his stomach on the ball, pulling smoothly his feet. Hands interlock in the lock, and lock them behind his head. Case press the fitball in the lowered position.

Slowly, maintaining balance, pripodnimaet body. Body lift on a par with straight legs. Also slowly take the starting position.

The first classes are not too hard. Enough two approaches eight times. Then increase the repetitions to twelve with three approaches. As soon as the activity will become easy for you – its better to complicate due to the crossed hands. Keep them in front of him. Once you have mastered this version, take the weights (dumbbells, pancake).

Remember the shoulders and back

The aim of the lesson is elasticity, the fortress of the widest back muscles and rear shoulder muscles. Stand in front of the ball. One arm, bent at the elbow, holding a dumbbell, the other relies on the fitball. Place one of the feet closer to the machine. Slow and smooth motion tilting the body forward. Keep the back as straight as possible. The hand with the dumbbell lowered to the bottom. Tighten weighting to the body, straining the abdominal muscles. Take the initial position.

Do two sets of eight to ten times. The number of repetitions increasing to twelve to fifteen times. Approaches also can increase to three. Initially, use dumbbells weighing up to four pounds, and later to six. Do not forget to rest between cycles.

An integrated approach

Strengthen multiple parts of the body. This is useful for lumbar back and abdominals. Involved shoulders and upper thighs.

Sit on an exercise ball. Moving feet, moving ball under the back, until it bottoms out on the elliptical. Rely on the shoulder blade. The bottom of the torso hangs in the air. Keep your hands on your hips. Legs bent at the knees and lean into the floor. Knees and ankles parallel. Feet are set shoulder-length apart.

The point of the exercise is leisurely lowering hips down while constant contact blades and the shoulders with the ball. Hips are moving up and down. The body does not Flex. Stored position along the floor. For balance of the blade is not detached from the fitball.

People with good physical condition, we offer you to make it more difficult dumbbells. Their weight up to one kilogram in each hand. Or make an emphasis not on two legs. Make two approaches to ten repetitions with increased load.

Develop the back and arms

This use of an exercise ball will make the back strong in the lumbar region and will have a positive impact on your biceps and triceps. Occupied the initial position, as in the previous embodiment. Hands pulling forward, clasped to the castle. Together with them the body turn left and right. Only works upper body. Bottom fixed parallel to the floor. Constantly keep arms straight, without bending. The lock does not unclench.

The simplicity of the task allows you to repeat it twenty times. Armed with dumbbells or a pancake – this will increase the success of the class.

A set of base classes. He successfully improve the back and spine. If desired, it can be.

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