
Headache at elevated pressure treatment

At home it is difficult to determine the cause of the headache, but there are signs that indicate specific pathology. Where headache at elevated pressure, can be localized symptoms and other diseases. But some of them can be avoided if you pay attention on additional factors.

Causes painful sensations

Cephalalgia, which is called headache, occurs when high blood pressure may appear in a result, more than 50 different diseases. It may be a small glitch in blood vessels, and serious heart disease.

At the same time, the increased pressure isn’t always a source of pathology.

Important! Not all people with a diagnosis of “hypertension” have regular headaches.

Symptom due to the deterioration of vascular tone. If high pressure is accompanied by VVD (vegetovascular dystonia), the risk that the head ache increases.

Under normal vascular walls expand as soon as the pressure increases. At reduced they shrink, keeping the balance of the circulation and pressure. In dystonia vascular paths are not able to respond adequately to the pressure change. In the result, the walls of pathologically swell, squeezing the nerves and causing cephalalgia.

Headache hypertension develops in case, if the performance pressures reach very high numbers: up to 200-270 mm Hg. the article, while diastolic blood pressure remains at the level of 100-120 mm Hg. article Sharp pain in my head increases, the pressure characteristic of the shocks (a sharp increase of 25%). If you don’t remove the attack increases the risk of stroke, bleeding in eyes and heart attack.

The nature and intensity of headaches caused by high blood pressure is strongly influenced by the stage of hypertension. In the initial period of vascular tone is almost unchangeable, as headache occurs very rarely and can be easily removed with drugs. Most often at the initial stage, the disease manifests as a result of physical loads and the effect of external factors: stuffy rooms, heat, smoke-filled rooms.

Compounded by being of the patient in violation of the day regimen, and as a result of alcohol consumption. Gradually, the cephalalgia becomes vascular in nature.

The mechanism of occurrence of headaches

For high blood pressure headaches cephalgia – divided into several types. The differences are in the mechanism of occurrence of pains their intensity and duration:

1. Vascular pathology. Headache, accompanied with heaviness, mild swelling, pulsation. Very often the pain is located in the temporal region, the back of his head. Sensations if a person starts coughing or tilts his head. The reasons for such a state – a violation of the outflow of blood. Also there is a low tonus of intracranial veins. A headache, when the stimulation of receptors for varicose veins.

There are several types of vascular pain:

  • Arteriographically – occurs because of problems with the tone of the arteries as blood flows pulse tremors. In severe stages are formed of a breach in the permeability of the walls, there is severe swelling, bursting pain.
  • Arteriopathies – pain occurs when spasm of the arteries or as a result of a sharp increase in their tone. The patient experiences a feeling of nausea, deteriorates his health, there is a strong weakness.
  • Venous – usually the result of venous insufficiency on the background of accumulation of blood in the vessels, the outflow difficult. The pain is a dull, bursting, often located in the occipital region. Increases with the adoption of a patient lying position. On the eyelids, nose, oral mucosa and fundus there is a sharp dilatation.

2. The pain of muscle tension. This type of painful reactions at elevated pressure arises against the spasm of soft tissue, preceded by a strong stress. The causes of spasm are two: physical and mental fatigue. Under the action of constant stress can develop into chronic cephalalgia, which occurs more than 15 times per month. The headache gradually that the symptoms intensify, then subside. The patient describes them as “compression wrap”, increased sensitivity to sounds, light, smell. Markedly increased level of irritability.

3. Livorna pain. The sensations are throbbing in nature and can appear even with slight movements. The pressure only increases inside the skull, irritating the nerve fibers. On the background of action is a spasm of the arteries or swelling. Livorna pain when increased pressure occurs after trauma, cysts, tumors, hemorrhages and concussions. In rare cases, it develops in response to an overdose of various medications or deficiency of cerebrospinal fluid. In severe cases, develops vomiting, nausea, loss of coordination and consciousness.

4. Ischemic pain. Appears along with dizziness, tingling in the eyes. Most often occurs on the background of localized spasm in the skull. Unpleasant sensations are located in one place.

5. Neuralgic. With this type of pain is most often found inflamed trigeminal nerve: sensation shooting, cutting, tighten the neighboring tissues, and locations, often recurs. Inflammation occurs due to stress, fatigue, mental disorders and upheavals. Migrenepodobna cephalalgia is exacerbated after physical exercise.

At elevated pressure headache occurs in several forms: the primary mind often joins a secondary. To effectively relieve the discomfort should be diagnosed to determine the cause.

Hypertensive crisis

One of the factors of high pressure – a hypertensive crisis. It develops in response to various stimuli and internal processes. Most often the crisis occurs in patients who have long suffered from hypertension. This happens when exposed to strong stress, either as a result of persistent violations of shown therapy. On the background of the crisis develops vasospasm, a sharp rise in pressure and an unbearable headache. Sometimes GK quickens the pulse, evolving ischaemia of the tissues of the heart and brain.

When this condition is combined several of the negative signs:

  • intense noise in the ears, temporary deafness;
  • gave way weakness;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • piercing pain in the head;
  • lethargy;
  • discomfort in the heart;
  • dizziness and a sharp deterioration in coordination;
  • shortness of breath, cold sweat and tremor.

To suffer a hypertensive crisis you should call an ambulance. To help in this case can only be a doctor, as any homemade drugs are ineffective. The only thing you can do is take a sedative and a drug to lower the pressure – “Corinfar” or “Capoten”.

Treatment of headaches

Specialist prescribes course of treatment, which usually includes taking certain drugs – beta-blockers. They affect the frequency and intensity of heart attacks that cause an increase in pressure.

Drugs designed to block calcium channel, used mainly during ischemia. They relax blood vessels and reduce the recurrence of the pressure increase.

But analgesics have little or no result in the treatment of pain from high blood pressure. But they can help when other drugs proved to be ineffective. Usually doctors if at elevated pressure headache, prescribe a two-week course.

NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) is prescribed for headaches infrequently, as they have serious side effect of decreased kidney function. At high pressure in the body begins to accumulate excess fluid, which is also undesirable.

Beta-blockers not only eliminate the symptoms of hypertension, but also help from arrhythmia. “Atenolol” and “Inderal” is widely used to eliminate migraines.

Other drugs

To headache at high pressure was without side effects, prescribed sparing drugs.

This category includes:

  1. Antispasmodics. Cropped bouts of spazmirovannah that influence the development of migraine. Often use “Strong”, “Nospanum”, “Papaverine”, “Dibazol”, “Tempalgin”. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, as the antispasmodics may cause an increase in pressure.
  2. The tranquilizers. Apply with a sharp increase in pressure accompanied by tachycardia, numbness of the hands. If persists for a short period of time, the health of the patient deteriorates. Doctors often prescribe: “Valium”, “Phenazepam”, “Xanax”.
  3. Tool combination and antidepressants. Contain several active ingredients that reinforce each other: “Adelfan”, “Albares”, “Bringin”. Antidepressants are used to minimise the stress and depression that often occur with long-term course of the disease: “Imipramine”, “Mianserin”, “Amitriptyline”, “Clomipramine”. Means “Nefazodone” is able to eliminate the symptoms of acute anxiety and to quell headaches.

Your doctor may prescribe additional funds to eliminate the seizures.

Popular recipes

Natural substances also can cure headaches, relieve cramps, and improve overall health of the patient with hypertension. Very important in the treatment to observe the regime and the systematic use of natural medicines.

Important! Diet and refusal of bad habits – an essential condition for the effective treatment of hypertension and headaches by any means.

Very good help for high blood pressure, complicated headache: the juice of potatoes, beets, black currants and strawberries, honey, St. John’s wort, hawthorn, lemons with sugar.

Undesirable at high pressure to eliminate pain caffeine, green tea, trips to the sauna or bath. All of these methods can lead to exacerbation of the disease. Doctors do not recommend to take a hot bath, to experiment with different dressings.

To understand where headache at elevated pressure, is necessary for a complete examination using MRI, CT and x-rays. The only way a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment.

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