
A sharp headache causes treatment

In most cases, the headache manifests itself sharply and monotonically, occurs from time to time after a certain situation: the reception of alcohol, hypothermia, lack of sleep or physical fatigue.

In this situation we can normalize their condition by eliminating triggers: adjusting the mode of the day, getting rid of bad habits or cure a cold.

However, if sharp headache occurs more and more often, appears more intense and lasts longer each time, the person has a reasonable fear for their health.

Predisposing factors and methods of disposal

We offer you to study this information, you will see the probable reasons of development of pain syndrome and get expert advice on what to do to overcome the sharp pain in the head.

Factor 1. The back cervical sympathetic syndrome

The reason. Widespread pain syndrome, when the original lesion is localized cephalgia in the neck and occipital area. Gradually burning, throbbing, sharp headache captures all other areas and puts pressure on the eyes and on the bridge of his nose. This type of pain can be a witness of cervical migraine.

Disease, otherwise referred to as vertebral artery syndrome, is often accompanied by:

  1. dizziness,
  2. nausea,
  3. vomiting.

For the disease characterized by:

  • ringing and buzzing in ears
  • hearing loss,
  • decreased vision,
  • flying flies,
  • split objects.

Some patients report the presence of “lump” in the throat, difficulty swallowing. May experience hot flashes or feeling chills.

A way to overcome. For making a diagnosis, doctors recommend to perform the research:

  • x-rays of the cervical spine;
  • the Doppler;
  • reoentsefalografii;
  • computed tomography of the cervical region.

Treatment cervical migraine do neurologists that are elected individually, a scheme of medical therapy.

To overcome the disease doctors use:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. Nurofen);
  • medication, improves cerebral blood circulation (e.g. Cinnarizine);
  • vitamin complexes containing group;
  • biogenic stimulators of tissue metabolism (for example: Actovegin);
  • drugs that stimulate metabolism (e.g. inflammation);
  • muscle relaxants (for example: mydocalm);
  • anxiolytics (e.g. phenibut);
  • derivatives of propionic acid (e.g. Ketoprofen).
Factor 2. Myogelosis cervical

The reason. The disease is a direct consequence of myositis arising from autoimmune disorders that affect the skeletal muscles. Most often, the disease provoked a viral infection.

Also mieloza – echo:

  • injuries
  • hypothermia,
  • tension of skeletal muscles,
  • muscle spasm due to prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position.

Often illness becomes mental stress, which is one of the protective reactions of the body – muscle tension. In addition to a sharp headache disease affects the muscle tissue of the upper respiratory tract and esophagus.

The patient noted difficulty in swallowing products, the occurrence of cough, the appearance of shortness of breath. Suffering is aggravate the discomfort in the shoulder Department and dizziness.

A way to overcome. Therapy myogelosis requires an individual and specific approach. Appropriate treatment option sharp headache is local application of ointments with anti-inflammatory components (e.g. diclofenac). For the relief of pain using non-narcotic analgesics.

Factor 3. Trigeminal neuralgia

The reason. The disease is manifested by short bouts of intense sharp shooting, pricking, cutting pain in the head, reminiscent of the “shock”.

Pain localized along the course of the trigeminal nerve. The attack is spontaneous and occurs suddenly stop character. The distribution limits of pain affect the area of the cheeks and jaw.

In most cases, when the attack is observed reflex tonic convulsions in one half of the face and muscle twitching (tics). Sharp pain in the head so pronounced that people “freeze” in a certain position, afraid to run the wrong move.

A way to overcome. To eliminate the painful paroxysms have resorted to a single intramuscular or intravenous administration of powerful analgesics (for example, baralgin).

  • Emergency measures for the relief of pain is a prescription of tranquilizers to patients (e.g. seduksen) and neuroleptics (e.g. tisercinum).
  • If persistent disease in hospital use intramuscular injection of the antipsychotic droperidol in combination with the opioid analgesic fentanyl. Appropriate simultaneous use of anticonvulsants (e.g. Finlepsin).
Factor 4. Periodic ophthalmodynia

The reason. When the disease, which is also called the syndrome of “jabs and strikes” pain similar to a sharp single or serial puncture “pieces of ice”.

Painful injections are a clear localization, mainly in the areas of location of the trigeminal nerve, especially in the eye area.

An attack of cephalgia and sharp pain in the eye are observed 2-3 seconds, but they can “reward” his appearance several times a day with a variable frequency. Such pain often occurs in those suffering from migraine.

A way to overcome. Unfortunately, until now in a clinical environment, there is no consensus about the treatment of periodic ophthalmodynia. Some studies point to successful treatment of disease with active non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin. However, not all patients have a positive therapeutic response to this tool, and it brings relief to the combination means baralgin.

Factor 5. Histamine cephalalgia

The reason. Beam cephalalgia manifests itself in regular bouts of maximum intensity of pain, localized strictly on one side of the face.

A sharp pain most often occurs in the temporal, brow area, around the eyes and symptoms:

  • abundant lacrimation;
  • the contraction of the pupils;
  • the drooping of the upper eyelid;
  • swelling and swelling around the eyes;
  • a feeling of stuffiness and nasal discharge;
  • the increased sweating of the facial glands.

For histamine of neuralgia is characterized by the reappearance of a serial unbearable painful attacks during the day.

Due to pronounced pain syndrome in many patients with behavior change:

  • fussiness,
  • excessive motor activity;
  • often the patient becomes extremely irritable and aggressive;
  • you may as agitation with irrational and uncontrolled anxiety, hallucinations.

Sufferers of long time beam with cephalalgia become outwardly noticeable changes, called the syndrome “the lion and the mouse”.

Most such patients have an athletic figure, their skin is thickened with a rich mesh of wrinkles that resembles a “lion’s face”.

Thus become visible to others traits:

  • stiffness,
  • shyness,
  • indecision,
  • self-doubt,
  • fearfulness is similar to the “heart mouse”.

The first manifestations of histamine cephalgia occurring against a background of sharp change of their traditional way of life:

  • the change in working hours,
  • flights to country with a different time zone
  • forced regular lack of sleep.

In some patients, the development of beam-GB contributes to the abuse of alcohol, intake of pharmacological agents: nitroglycerin or medications that contain histamine.

A way to overcome. For getting rid of pain using modern tools triptan (e.g. sumatriptan). Recommend internalnode (in the nasal cavity) introduction of lidocaine. Basic therapy presents the pharmaceutical medications used to treat migraine.


In addition to the above factors cause sharp headache can be a dangerous vascular intracranial disorders, particularly subarachnoid hemorrhage. So whatever provoked cephalalgia and as quickly disappeared nor unpleasant symptoms, you must see a therapist and a neurologist.

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