
Consequences of the common cold

Symptoms are approximately the same for everyone: fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat. All this can be accompanied by general weakness, headache, and a breakdown.

ARI is an acute respiratory disease. In other words, the common designation for the common cold. But a cold can affect different organs. In this regard, the following types of acute respiratory infections are distinguished: tonsillitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, nasopharyngitis.

With influenza, the consequences can be even more severe, although, as doctors say, “delayed,” that is, they do not appear immediately. Therefore, to know how to treat diseases with similar, at first glance, symptoms, it would be nice to understand what we are dealing with.

Symptoms of the common cold

Both colds and flu are respiratory illnesses with very similar symptoms. However, these symptoms may be less severe if you have a cold. The first sign of a cold is often a sore throat. Usually it is accompanied by a runny nose and a slight stuffy nose. After a few days, you may experience a cough, and your children will also have a fever.

Although the symptoms of a cold can be uncomfortable, you can still feel fairly well and continue to do everyday tasks, such as going to work.

Flu symptoms

Symptoms of influenza are largely consistent with the symptoms of a cold, although they can be more acute and develop faster. The difference is that the flu is potentially much more serious, especially for children and the elderly, and usually lasts much longer (sometimes it takes a week or two to fully recover).

Additional symptoms that people may have with the flu include:

  • fever
  • headache;
  • muscle pain
  • indigestion and nausea.
Cold Prevention

The common cold spreads very easily, especially if you spend a lot of time in close proximity with other people. This can be especially true if you work in an open-plan office or regularly use public transport.

Microbes that spread by coughing or sneezing live up to 24 hours, so taking some simple precautions will bring you and others a lot of benefit. Doctors recommend washing your hands regularly with warm water and soap and avoiding sharing towels or cups with people who might be infected.

If you have recently caught a virus, use a handkerchief or tissue when you cough or sneeze, and then throw it in the bin. Wash your hands regularly to prevent the spread of germs.

Flu prevention

To protect yourself from the flu, strengthen your immune system by staying awake, eating properly and keeping fit. A flu shot is also recommended.

How long does a cold last

Symptoms of a cold – high fever and fatigue, usually do not last longer than 7-10 days in adults and older children. In children under the age of five, a cold can last up to 10-14 days.

Despite the fact that after a week your well-being can improve significantly, cough and accumulation of mucus may not go away for another two to three weeks. While these symptoms are present, you run the risk of infecting others with the virus.

How long does the flu last

If you have the flu, the symptoms will begin to subside after a week, but you can still feel weakened for a longer period of time. In addition, despite a full recovery, the flu can lead to many other health problems.

Consequences of the common cold

ARVI usually does not lead to other serious diseases. However, the symptoms of a bacterial infection can sometimes be mistaken for the symptoms of a cold, in which case you may be at risk of starting the wrong treatment. Bacterial infections include conditions such as bronchitis and sinusitis.

Flu effects

Influenza can have more serious effects on the body. Although it is unlikely that a cold will lead to pneumonia, bacterial infections, or hospitalization, it is highly likely that this can happen to someone with the flu.

Cold treatment

Treating a cold, as a rule, does not require much effort. Colds and flu are unpleasant diseases, but unfortunately they are the result of viruses, which means that they cannot be treated. Therefore, patients are advised to recover at home using simple personal care products.

For everyone with a cold, experts recommend resting more, warming up and drinking plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. You can also buy over-the-counter cough medicines and other symptoms, or pain medication, to make your recovery more comfortable.

If you have a cough, drinking hot tea with lemon and honey can have the same effect in soothing your throat as cough medicine.

Flu treatment

As with SARS, flu symptoms can often be treated at home, resting a lot and taking paracetamol or ibuprofen to lower the temperature. General practitioners do not recommend taking antibiotics for influenza, because contrary to popular belief, they do not accelerate recovery.

Antibiotics are medicines used to treat infections caused by bacteria. Antibiotics do not work against infections caused by viruses, which include acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Therefore, it makes no sense to take antibiotics for the treatment of colds or flu, and therefore it makes no sense to ask the doctor to prescribe them for these diseases.

If you have the flu, consider whether you need to see a doctor or be treated at home. Home treatment helps reduce the burden on hospitals, as well as minimize the possibility of transmitting viruses to other people, especially those at risk (people with chronic illnesses or pregnant women). If flu symptoms do not improve after seven days, it is recommended that you seek medical help. Better yet, at the very beginning.

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