
Is it harmful to cross-legged?

The list of expected consequences that may result from sitting with legs crossed for a long time is extensive, including increased blood pressure, varicose veins, and even pinched nerves. However, everything is not so scary.

Of course, if you sit in one position for a long time, your legs will begin to go numb. This is normal and not dangerous – as a rule, discomfort passes in a matter of seconds (sometimes a little longer). Long-term numbness is unlikely, because when a person’s legs run numb, he instinctively changes his posture.

If your back hurts or your hip joint is injured, sitting in this position can cause discomfort. This is due to muscle tension. But again – crossed legs can not be called the cause of either poor posture, or actually these pains.

Now for the pressure. Yes, it does rise a bit. By the way, this is used by knowledgeable people when they feel that they are about to faint. They cross-leg and strain muscles. Nevertheless, there is no evidence confirming that it is the crossed legs that are to blame for the constant and persistent increase in pressure. The same applies to varicose veins – it can be aggravated if you sit often for long periods with legs crossed, but the posture itself cannot be the cause of the disease.

Men are often scared by the fact that in the “foot to foot” position the temperature in the inguinal region increases and that this supposedly negatively affects health. However, in order to somehow influence sperm, a man must sit cross-legged for long, long hours. In addition, in principle, men rarely prefer such a pose; in this context, man – spreading is much more often discussed – the way men sit with their legs wide apart.

In general, if you want to cross your legs – cross, but keep in mind: no matter how you put your legs while sitting on a chair, the best thing you can do for your health is to get up and go for a walk. The negative impact of a sedentary lifestyle has not been canceled.

Question: why cramps leg

Most often, convulsions of the calf muscles occur. If the cramps regularly bother you, this is an occasion to see a doctor: they may turn out to be a symptom of liver disease, dehydration, the body’s reaction to taking certain types of drugs, or physical activity. Diagnosis will help the doctor prescribe an effective treatment plan, and you will get rid of the pain as soon as possible.

It also happens that it reduces the leg for an unknown reason – such convulsions are called primary idiopathic. In this case, special exercises and painkillers will help.

To reduce the incidence of cramping, doctors advise stretching the muscles three times a day (once before bedtime). Mayo Clinic experts also recommend drinking enough water, especially during training. This will also help relax the muscles.

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