
After birth, there is blood

Postpartum hemorrhage is a normal process, as a result of which there is a natural cleansing of the uterine cavity from the suckers and lingering residues of placental tissue.

The severity of bleeding depends on its nature, total blood loss and duration. How much blood goes after childbirth is a matter of concern to every young mother.

For many women, bleeding due to delivery does not become a cause for alarm and does not cause any threat. Abundant in the early days, it gradually decreases and disappears within a few weeks. Heavy bleeding, which occurs with painful contractions and pulling pains, a pronounced smell and putrefactive discharge, is not the norm and requires urgent medical attention.

Causes of bleeding after childbirth

Strong bleeding in the first hours after the birth of a newborn can provoke:

  • Poor indicators of blood coagulability, individual for the woman in labor, as a result of which the blood flows out of the genital tract in liquid trickles without any symptoms of thrombosis that has begun (thickened lumps, darkening of the blood color). It is not difficult to prevent such bleeding if, on the eve of childbirth, a woman passes an appropriate blood test for clotting.
  • Rapid labor, resulting in trauma to the birth canal.
  • The growth of placental tissue, as a result of which blood will flow, since the uterus cannot fully contract.
  • Poor ability of the genital organ to contract due to overstretching of its tissues caused by large fetus, multiple pregnancy and polyhydramnios.
  • Gynecological problems associated with a change in the structure of the genital organ – myoma or uterine fibroids.

Late bleeding may develop 2 hours after delivery and over the next 6 weeks.

Why is there blood after childbirth in this case:

  • particles of placental tissue lingered in the uterus;
  • a bloody clot or several clots cannot leave the uterus as a result of its spasm in the neck;
  • uterine recovery time is delayed due to the inflammatory process in the pelvic area, this condition is characterized by an increase in total body temperature and prolonged bleeding.
How long does bleeding last after childbirth?

Every woman who cares about her health is surely interested in a doctor about how and how many days the blood goes after childbirth. Normally, postpartum discharge lasts up to 6 weeks, but in many young mothers they end a little earlier.

During this period of time, the uterine mucosa is restored, while the organ takes its prenatal form. After surgical delivery, bleeding lasts longer, because the muscles and walls of the uterus were injured during surgery, and it returns to its original state longer.

How much blood will go after childbirth depends on the following factors:

  • features of the course of pregnancy and labor;
  • delivery route – natural or operational;
  • natural contractile activity of the uterus;
  • complications after childbirth, for example, inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • features of the physiological status of women, health status;
  • Lactation features – regular application of the baby to the breast, breastfeeding on demand reduces the number of lochia and enhances the contractile activity of the uterus, as a result of which the organ begins to clean more efficiently.

To reduce the duration of postpartum hemorrhage and avoid possible complications, it is recommended that you observe the following rules:

  • regularly empty the bladder and intestines so that overfilled organs do not create excessive pressure on the uterus and do not interfere with its contractility;
  • carefully observe hygiene rules to prevent infection of the birth canal;
  • exclude physical activity and intimate relationships for 6 weeks after the birth of the child;
  • sleep on your stomach, as in this position the uterus is cleansed more intensively;
  • Breastfeeding as much as possible.

Although bleeding after childbirth is a natural process, this condition requires attention from a woman and a doctor.

Normal bleeding

How much blood is normal after childbirth, it was said above – about 6 weeks. Postpartum hemorrhage is divided into several stages, which differ from each other by specific signs: staining and intensity of secretions.

On the first day after childbirth, the amount of discharge will be greater than during normal menstruation. Blood will flow bright scarlet. On the first day, blood is removed from the vessels that attached the placental membrane to the uterine wall, so there will be a lot of it. Such bleeding is considered normal from the first to the fourth day after delivery.

In the next 10-14 days, the amount of discharge is significantly reduced. The scarlet hue of discharge taken immediately after birth changes at this time to a faint pink, brownish or yellow. The uterus continues to contract, and after 2 weeks the bleeding is minimized to a small amount of discharge per day.

Less commonly, bleeding lasts longer, and up to 6 weeks after the postpartum period, a woman is bothered by uterine discharge with red blood. If they are weak and unstable, there is nothing wrong with that. Most often, their appearance is preceded by physical activity, nervous shock and other dysfunctional factors.

Pathological bleeding

How much postpartum bleeding will be normal and what it depends on, we described above. But pathological conditions occur.

The need for medical help arises if postpartum discharge is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • they last more than 6 weeks;
  • insignificant donation suddenly changes to bright scarlet blood;
  • the well-being and general condition of the woman worsens;
  • discharge is accompanied by significant pain in the lower abdomen;
  • clinical manifestations of intoxication develop – body temperature rises, dizziness, general weakness, nausea, etc. appear;
  • spotting instead of physiological shades acquire a yellow-green and dark brown color, complemented by a repulsive odor.

Regardless of how much blood flows after childbirth, if the discharge has become more intense and has acquired a scarlet color and a liquid structure, you should immediately contact the ambulance service. Painful sensations, an increase in body temperature, a change in the nature and staining of uterine secretions always become evidence of developed postpartum complications, for example, endometriosis, an inflammatory process in the pelvis and other pathological conditions. In such cases, the correct schedule of action will be timely thorough diagnosis and treatment.

How many days after delivery a young mother will have discharge – this is a controversial question. Postpartum hemorrhage normally lasts no more than 6 weeks, but many factors, including the physiological characteristics of a woman, can affect this.

During the postpartum period, the woman in labor should observe the nature of the bleeding, any changes and associated symptoms of this condition. If everything is normal, and the body after the birth of the child is restored without complications, then after 6 weeks, any uterine discharge should cease.

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