
Tips for Moms Little Fidgets

An overly active child is a real problem for parents. “Stop”, “calm down”, “sit”, “don’t shout” – it seems that the mother’s vocabulary consists only of these words.

Restlessness of the child is manifested by the following symptoms: hyperactivity, short temper, inattention and impulsivity. Such children are always in motion, and in a chaotic movement – a child can just randomly run around the apartment, scatter toys aimlessly.

If mom offers a game – to make from plasticine, to collect puzzles, then interest and attention lasts for a maximum of five minutes. Plasticine spreads on the wallpaper, puzzles fly across the floor – the game is over. Even when you read a bedtime story to a baby, he cannot listen to it calmly, jerks his legs, tugs at the blanket with his hands, and periodically jumps out of bed.

It is pointless to reproach and scold the child – he simply does not understand what you ultimately want from him. Shouting and punishment will give the opposite result – you only intimidate your offspring and get an extra set of behavioral problems to restlessness.

We remember the main rule – we treat not the effect, but the cause! Finding the “source” of such behavior, you can cope with the situation and eventually direct the child’s energy in the right direction.

We solve problems

The child does not know how to regulate his motor functions. He runs and screams not to spite you, but because he simply cannot, does not know how to cope with his energy beating over the edge. 

What to do: create a calm atmosphere at home. Make a daily routine and adhere strictly to it. For example, at nine in the evening a shower, then reading a fairy tale, and then a dream. And no “five minutes”, “but” and other “good reasons”. To sleep is to sleep. In addition, make the microworld of your active child predictable.

All things, toys – everything should be in place, he should drink tea only from that cup with peas, and go out after dinner. A clear, simple, predictable world reassures the child, and he will react to any “force majeure” situation by running, stomping and screaming. It would be nice to keep track of those moments when the child is extremely active – look for a provocative situation. Maybe before starting to destroy the house, he watched cartoons about robots for two hours? Or was a dog scared of him for a walk? An excited, annoyed, frightened child cannot yet express his emotions in a different way – and he becomes fussy and screeching.

The child cannot concentrate, cannot concentrate on one lesson.

Yes, almost all children are not able to do the same thing for a long time – they get bored, they get tired. You should be wary if your son or daughter is absolutely incapable of doing anything, bringing the matter to an end. He grabbed the designer with the intention of building a house – he poured out of the box onto the floor, scattered and ran on. He wanted to draw – twice ran a brush over the paper, saw a cat sleeping peacefully and went to wake him up.

What to do:  study together, “learn” concentration. Yes, this is quite real, only have to be patient. Think up for the child games, activities that will last, for starters, five minutes. Before you offer the child to make an application, prepare all the “inventory” yourself – paper, scissors, glue. Otherwise, the ardor of the child will fade even at the moment of getting the scissors. Praise, encourage, admire – motivate!

Another great way is sharing household chores. Invite your child to water the flowers (it’s quick and interesting – he won’t get bored), give short tasks – bring a book, put clothes in the closet. “Action – result – praise” – this algorithm is slowly being fixed in the consciousness of the fidget, over time it will be able to perform tasks that require a longer concentration of attention. Another caveat: be careful and do not act against the wishes of the child. Perhaps he just doesn’t want to learn colors or draw now, so the lesson will not be useful.

Hyperactivity is a character trait. You probably also met adults who just gush with energy, they are always on the move, they talk a lot, they are too emotional. What can you do?

What to do:  I still don’t feel like reconciling. Record your child in the sports section – let all your ardor and energy, roughly speaking, “run out”. Athletics, swimming, modern dances – all those activities that require movement, are perfect.

Medical reasons. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has long been recognized as a medical problem requiring specialist advice.

What to do:  visit a pediatrician, neurologist, psychologist and other specialized specialists. Properly selected therapy and a calm microclimate at home can work wonders.

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