
Snot and runny nose in a child, the temperature, treatment

Teething is accompanied by the disorder of appetite and sleep disorders. Often, the inflammation of the gums detect rhinitis. This is due to the proximity of the anatomical location of the nasal and oral cavities.

If the flow from the nose does not cause discomfort to the kid, no complicated symptoms, usually when teeth runny nose disappears.

At a cold temperature without the child’s condition does not change, but the allocation of secretion from the nose is a symptom of mucosal lesions. There are different forms of rhinitis that are not accompanied by other symptoms. Usually, this disorder goes through 2-3 days without consequences.

Causes of runny nose and temperature
  1. A fever with a cold in a child often takes place on the second day after the itching, burning sensation in the nose and sneezing. The indication for this becomes activation of the pathogen – the virus. He gets on mucous membranes of the nasal passages and sinuses, causing inflammation. After a few hours the secretion active secretion and narrowing of the small blood vessels in the epithelium leads to nasal congestion. The occurrence of the temperature tells about the reaction of the General immunity for the introduction of microorganisms.
  2. The appearance of runny nose with fever no other symptoms are often triggered by rhinoviruses. This group of pathogens affecting the upper respiratory tract. Rhinovirus infection lasts for no more than 5-9 days. If no pathology associated bacterial infection, the patient quickly goes on the amendment.
  3. Increase the heat, headache, muscle aches in the neck and eyes can speak about the flu. These symptoms are the result of intoxication. The incubation period is usually up to 6 days time after the first signs of a cold the child’s condition is much worse. The flu lasts longer than SARS. It can cause infection in various parts of the respiratory tract.

Factors to penetration of viruses:

  • close contact with an infected person;
  • the weakening of the immune system;
  • defective diet (lack of nutrients, vitamins);
  • hypothermia;
  • chronic disease;
  • environmental conditions unfavorable information.
Why is a runny nose without fever?

In allergic rhinitis mucus is transparent, with no specific impurities and odours. This rhinitis is seasonal, and takes place after the removal of the allergen. To smooth out the symptoms, the doctor may prescribe an antihistamine. Independently to give antiallergic drugs banned, many of them have hormonal composition.

How to treat the child with a runny nose and fever?

The emergence of the child’s temperature and snot require General symptomatic treatment. Its main purpose is to improve breathing and stabilize body temperature and to reduce the impact of viruses.

Snot and a temperature of 37

Children different tolerate low-grade fever with rhinitis. Sometimes the appetite is retained and the activity remains at a normal level. If the child has snot, it is necessary to measure body temperature, even if visible signs of increase there. The appearance of a runny nose and a temperature of 37 the child for a long time suggests the indolent infectious process that can advance over time into a chronic condition.

Slightly increased temperature does not lead to dehydration, but if it lasts for several hours, the child must provide a sufficient quantity of liquid. Plenty of warm drinks with added vitamin C will support water balance. Antipyretics given in accordance with the instructions. Exceed the dosage of the drug is prohibited.

If your child has a fever and snot, and parents do not have time to go to the doctor, you can apply a saline solution for nasal lavage. It is not addictive, does not affect the mucosa, and promotes the leaching of a large number of pathogens with the mucosal surface. Saline solution for convenience is available in drops. The spray can be used by children from two years. After washing the excess mucus is necessarily removed with the help of a rubber bulb.

If snot and a temperature of more than 38

The appearance of the heat of the child testifies to a strong inflammatory process, manifested in the background of the reaction of the immune system. This temperature can be try to knock yourself. There are special formulations based on paracetamol syrups. They have a quick acting effect, significantly improve the patient’s condition during intoxication. When the nozzle and the temperature of 38 the child should exercise caution in self-medication. Monitoring the indicator of the thermometer. If the heat is getting stronger, the standard dose of paracetamol or other substances not help, you should call an ambulance.

The child can greatly lay nose to be a headache. To ease breathing with the help of sea water or saline solution will not be easy, if there is a complication in the form of sinusitis or sinusitis. In this case, a vasoconstrictor nose drops. Do not apply more than 3 consecutive days. This can cause atrophy of the mucosa and the development of medical rhinitis.

Runny nose and a temperature of 39 – what to do?

Such an increase in temperature and a runny nose in a child can lead parents into a panic. But this figure is not so dangerous, and the condition of the body can be stabilized. Good effects have the drugs based on ibuprofen. The minimum interval between doses of fever-reducing medicine for children should not be less than 6 hours.


  • Paracetamol;
  • Panadol;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Nurofen;
  • The calpol.

Vasoconstrictor drops:

  • Nazivin;
  • Nazol;
  • Otrivin;
  • Tizin Ksilo;
  • Ksimelin;
  • The nose;
  • Sanorin.

For washing:

  • Humer;
  • Other types of pain;
  • Akvamaris;
  • Marker;
  • But Sol;
  • Physiomer.

Don’t forget that antibiotics with a cold and temperature is unacceptable. This therapy will not cure a viral infection, and the child’s body effect of antimicrobial agents will have a negative impact.

How to treat the child, if the runny nose without fever?

I have the baby without temperature enough will be the instillation of the nose. Rinse your nose be sure. If not periodically remove mucus from microbes, the inflammatory process can become protracted.

For the removal of excess secret salt solutions used prepare or pharmacy funds dispensers. Before washing the excess mucus out of the nose, remove with a blower. Saline solution helps hydrate the mucous membrane, and is not prohibited in allergic rhinitis. The appearance of snot without fever in a child indicates the early stage of SARS. During this period, it is recommended to give anti-viral drugs.

When to see a doctor?

Consultation of the pediatrician needed in all beginning complications. If the child has a runny nose and a temperature of 39, you may need additional treatment. It is important to prevent the deepening of deep infection of the respiratory system. Any changes in the lungs and bronchi are identified by using a stethoscope or x-rays.

The age of 6 months, constant lethargy and apathy, fever to 39 degrees more than three days – is a condition in which shows the treatment of a specialist. A visit to the ENT physician will be required if there is no fever, and runny nose in a child is retained for more than two weeks.

When you need to call an ambulance:

  • the temperature does not change for several hours;
  • the child refuses to drink;
  • in the child’s behavior marked deterioration, consciousness disturbed;
  • shortness of breath and shortness of breath not associated with cough.

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