
Recognize the genotype of hepatitis C virus

There are different genotypes of hepatitis C. Of these, there are 6 major groups, which are fixed with numbers from 1 to 6. Although some experts argue that they are not 6, and 11. But that’s not all: within each specific genotype there are certain sub-groups, indicate their respective letters, and there are quasimidi.

Often, hepatitis C develops into a chronic disease, and the patient has a lifetime to suffer from its manifestations. Why is this happening? Actually, it’s simple. Hepatitis C virus pretty quickly amenable mutations, and the human immune system does not have time to deal with different genotypes.

At hit of a virus of a new genotype in the human body induces the production of antibodies to a new form of the virus. It would seem that there needs to be a improvement, some quasimidi virus destroyed, but there it was – they are replaced by new variations of the virus that underwent mutation. Because of this, the patient again has to fight the disease with renewed vigor.

As many scholars claim, in the body of an infected patient is about a million quasispecies of hepatitis C, which are unique to that specific person. In this regard no less difficult this virus and amenable to medical treatment. It is difficult to create and a special vaccine that could work against all genotypes and strains of hepatitis C. Therefore, before to appoint treatment, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the patient’s blood. And reveal what his type of disease.

What are the genotypes?

Have to say that in every part of our planet is dominated by certain genotypes of viral hepatitis C. for Example, the genotype 1-3 can be found in almost any part of the planet, but hepatitis C genotype 4 is most often caught in the middle East and Africa. By the way, Africa is the most dangerous in this respect, a place in the southern part it is possible to meet HCV 5 genotype. But in Southeast Asia often come across the virus with 6 genotypes.

Hepatitis C genotype 1a is quite common in the North, South Africa and also in Europe and Australia, but can occur in some parts of Asia. In turn, hepatitis C genotype 1b “conquered” almost the whole of Europe and Asia. Hepatitis C genotype 2 can be easily pick up in any developed country, but its popularity is slightly lower than virus-1 genotype.

Also do not forget about the fact that the specific genotype of the virus may prevail in a particular environment because of the way it is transmitted. For example, the 3A HCV is mainly transmitted by people who use drugs. It is believed that it was brought to North America and the United Kingdom together with batches of heroin.

Need to say that any doctor before prescribe treatment, should find out the genotype of the disease, because each specific hepatitis with hcv, has its clinical picture and treated with a particular dose of Ribavirin.

Recognize the genotype of the virus

The genotype of hepatitis C is determined by laboratory investigations. It was after the doctor will know the results of the analysis, it will be able to predict which response to treatment will be able to obtain and better treat this type of disease.

But there are other ways that can help to forecast how quickly it will be able to cure the patient and whether treatment in General.

For this purpose carried out:

  1. Identification of the sex of the patient. For example, women recover faster than men.
  2. Given the age of the patient. At an early age more likely to be cured from this disease.
  3. Diagnosis of the condition of the liver. The better preserved liver, the greater the chance of recovery.
  4. Measurement of viral load. Accordingly, the lower it is, the faster you will be able to recover.
  5. The normal weight of the patient. Patients with low weight are more inclined to recovery.

Genotyping of hepatitis C virus, and consideration of all the above factors will help the doctor faster to predict the probability of recovery of the patient, and of course, it will be the basis for prescribing the right treatment. A blood test is carried out in the laboratory under the strict supervision of medical personnel of medical institutions.

How to treat hepatitis?

Hepatitis treatment is carried out using modern protivogistaminnyh drugs. The duration of treatment depends on the specific genotype and the complexity of the disease. Treatment of hepatitis C genotype 1 difficult most treatable, in average it lasts about 48 weeks. While VRS with genotype 2 and 3 can be cured in 24 weeks. But this data is not final, to this day, the world experts are conducting research in this area and trying to find the best option that would effectively and definitely get rid of the disease.

In addition, the hepatitis C virus has a negative impact on other organs of the patient. Therefore, during a main treatment doctors can prescribe therapy for concomitant diseases. Many patients are interested in the question of how to live with hepatitis C. of Course, to give an accurate answer to this question, nobody can. All depends on the type of illness, the fluidity of the disease and, of course, promptly started treatment. Especially in frequent cases, people die not from the virus itself, but from related diseases. Examples of such diseases accompanying hepatitis in humans may be liver cirrhosis or HIV infection.

But in any case, if you start treatment on time, you will be able to avoid difficult consequences. Sometimes the disease goes into remission, and then come back again. The return of the disease can be triggered by various external factors.

Therefore doctors recommend all who once suffered this disease on a regular basis, conduct a survey of your body, to eliminate the possibility of recurrence of the disease and lead a proper lifestyle.

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