Upon detection of proteus mirabilis in urine, do not panic, you need to find out what kind of microorganisms. Were discovered the bacteria in 1885 by researcher Hauser in decaying meat.
Proteus gets its name from the son of the Greek God Poseidon Proteus who had the ability to constantly change their appearance, and this is no accident: concerning the habitat, age of colonies, presence of chemical compounds, this bacterium begins to change its appearance.
Experts in this field classify Proteus mirabilis to the family Enterobacteriaceae.
The essence of the problem
In addition there are other types of Proteuses who share similar qualities, namely:
- They are not able to form capsules and spores.
- Do not stain by gram.
- Bacteria have flagella.
- Susceptible to temperature changes. Killed at temperatures over 60°C. At the same time, low temperature Proteas carry perfectly, when freezing survive.
- Microorganisms have the following dimensions: length 3 µm and width of 0.3 µm.
- Form toxins and produce hemolysis.
Bacteria live not only in the human intestine, but also in the body of most animals such as cats, dogs. Proteas are part of the intestinal microflora. Proteus mirabilis can be found in the urine. Another habitat of these microorganisms is the soil and organic residues.
Ways of infection by microorganisms proteus mirabilis
The carriers of the disease – people and animals are also sources of infection. With their feces Proteas into the soil.
Then pathogen enters the human body in the following ways:
- Through food, contamination of Proteus. For example, spoiled meat and dairy products, unwashed herbs, vegetables and fruit.
- While swimming in open water if swallowed dirty water.
- By dirty hands, household items and tableware.
Possible infection with Proteus in hospitals and other medical institutions. This happens when you use non-sterile instruments and other items of care. As a result, may develop wound infection, pyelonephritis, inflammation of the navel in infants, otitis, sinusitis, etc.
The development of the disease is influenced by the following factors:
- uncontrolled reception of antibiotics;
- reduced immunity due to chronic diseases;
- immunodeficiency;
- diseases of the blood;
- nesformirovannost immune system in newborns or young children;
- age-related changes in the elderly that contribute to the weakening of the protective functions of the body.
A species of Proteus mirabilis
Typically, these bacteria live on the skin and mucous membranes of internal organs, blood they penetrate into the bladder.
Using special hairs Proteas can be mounted on the walls of the endothelium of the urinary tract and cling to the internal organs. Proteus can produce an enzyme such as urease, which ultimately leads to pyelonephritis.
When hit Proteus mirabilis in blood is an endotoxin that provokes various inflammatory processes. In some cases this may even lead to sepsis, fortunately this happens very rarely. Similar pathology may develop in patients for a long time is on the medical bed with a catheter in the bladder, with its infrequent changes.
Proteus mirabilis podslushivaet urine, it decomposes to ammonium, this creates favorable conditions for bacteria growth. In the bladder appear struvite stones (a combination of magnesium ammonium phosphate and carbonate Apatite).
The symptoms and development of proteaceae infection in children
The symptoms of this infection in children include the following manifestations of the body:
- purulent inflammation of the skin;
- the defeat of the urinary tract;
- purulent-inflammatory process in the bones;
- involvement of the gastrointestinal tract;
- the defeat of the meninges;
- problems with the ears and paranasal sinuses;
- lung disease, etc.
From the moment of infection and before the symptoms of the disease may take from 2-8 hours to 2-3 days. The symptoms of proteaceae infection can be similar to signs of other intestinal disorders. Disease begins sharply, with rise in body temperature, the appearance of weakness, headache, nausea and loss of appetite.
Occurs moderate watery stools, there is bloating and cramping. Skin rashes may start because of damage to bacteria contaminated epidermis. They are shown with festering wounds, which for a long time do not pass. Often develops purulent otitis and conjunctivitis.
Initial diagnosis is carried out through the establishment of symptoms of the disease, then laboratory confirmation requires:
- The bacteriological analysis. He is taken by passing urine, a discharge surface wounds, purulent content, etc.
- Serologic analysis. It identifies antibodies in the blood. This study is rarely used.
- To determine the patient’s condition, conducted auxiliary analyses: blood, urine, biochemical analysis, coprogram.
Treatment proteaceae infections
Depending on the condition of the patient is assigned to bed or polupostelny mode. It is necessary to observe a drinking mode to recover fluid loss and diet with restriction of fatty, spicy and salty.
Drug therapy:
- The appointment of specific bacteriophages. They are necessary with the rapid growth of Proteus mirabilis. A course of medicines and dosage determined by your doctor. Before using data, it is recommended to drink alkaline mineral water.
- Probiotics and Symbiotics.
- If the growth of Proteus is high, given oral antibiotics. Before their appointment, held a special study on the compatibility of a particular group of antibacterial drugs bacteria. For example, to the group of tetracyclines, certain strains of bacteria resistant. All antibiotics be prescribed by a doctor.
- Symptomatic therapy.
In order to deal with this bacterium, it is necessary to take preventive measures. They consist, primarily, the hygiene, the rejection of the use of questionable food. Avoid contact with sick people, especially when it comes to young children.