Low back pain is an insidious disease that is constantly progressing in the absence of proper treatment. This is especially true in the localization of problems in the cervical spine. To maintain the quality of life at a high level should carry out a comprehensive treatment of cervical chondrosis.
It includes medical therapy, physiotherapy treatment of cervical chondrosis, physiotherapy, massage and orthotics. In some cases, to attenuate the disease helps folk medicine, however, to apply such funds should be wary not to aggravate the condition.
An integral part of the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease is the intake of vitamins and cardiovascular drugs.
Most medicines used in the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease, selected individually by a neurologist.
While self-selection of non-prescription drugs should seek the advice of a pharmacist or pharmacist.
Physical therapy
During the treatment of degenerative disc disease, great attention is paid to modern physiotherapy methods. They allow not only to numb the affected area, but also start the process of regeneration.
The methods of physical therapy include:
- Electrotherapy – the effects on the damaged tissue using an electric current. The effect is accompanied by improvement of blood circulation, relief pain and swelling. The procedure is contraindicated for people in the body where there are metal parts or a pacemaker.
- Laser therapy is the treatment with laser radiation in a very small range that is not harmful to humans. Exposure occurs through the anterolateral surface of the neck, because it creates the optimum distance from the radiation source to the vertebral column. Treatment promotes activation of own protective forces of an organism, improve metabolism and regeneration.
- Magnetic therapy – the impact on the affected areas with AC or DC magnetic field. Reduced inflammation, swelling, pain in the neck. The procedure can be performed at home using a special device.
- Ultrasound – effect on the area of disease using high-frequency sounds. Maximum therapeutic effect is manifested in combination of this method with the use of medicines because ultrasound increases the permeability of the cell membrane. This improves the absorption of ointments or creams and boosts their effectiveness.
Almost all methods of physiotherapy treatment conducted in a hospital by the treating physician. Usually the course of treatment is 10 procedures, but can vary depending on the severity and acuteness of the disease.
Therapeutic massage
To improve the condition of a person suffering from cervical chondrosis, helps regular massage treatments.
To prevent diseases massage should be carried out 2 times a year courses for 8-10 sessions.
The procedure has a beneficial effect on the entire body. In the case of exposure to the cervical area experiences the following effects:
Found effective remedy for pains and for the treatment of joints:
- natural composition,
- with no side effects
- efficiency, proven expert,
- a quick result.
- It is necessary to monitor the patient continuously throughout the therapeutic massage. When deterioration of the patient should reduce the intensity of the impact or completely stop the procedure.the splitting of subcutaneous nodules and seals appearing in the result of the accumulation of lactic acid;
- relaxation of spastic muscles of the neck and upper shoulder girdle;
- improvement of blood circulation in the area of inflammation;
- the removal of unpleasant symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease, such as headache, blurred vision, congestion and noise in the ears;
- strengthening the weakened muscles of the neck;
- the normalization condition of the nervous system of the body.
When there is no possibility to see a specialist holding a valid massage. The convenience of the procedure is self-determining source of discomfort and consistent action on it in comfort mode. Courses health massage is often included in the list of mandatory procedures performed in the sanatorium and mud baths.
A mandatory aspect in the treatment of diseases of the cervical spine is physical load on the body, however, the choice of occupations should be given preference physical therapy (physical therapy) or swimming.
The goal of the training is to strengthen the muscular frame, improve metabolism and blood circulation in the tissues of the body. With regular practice of exercise therapy in reducing the frequency of exacerbations, improves condition of intervertebral discs.
Supervised complex gymnastic exercises with cervical chondrosis deals with the physical therapist. In addition, you need to perform at home simple exercises. A simple but effective exercise is to write in the air the nose of the numbers from 1 to 10 and back at least three times a day. You can perform rotations and head tilts in different directions.
Exercises should be done regularly, especially during breaks during prolonged strenuous work. A prerequisite is the absence of exacerbation of the disease. Note that the exercises should not cause discomfort, not to engage in through the pain. All the movements when the disease are slowly, avoiding sharp slopes and turns heads. To complement physiotherapy exercises can exercises for the upper body (arm swing, the motion of the shoulders).
Traditional medicines
In addition to traditional methods of treatment of cervical chondrosis, widely used traditional medicines, which are an effective complement to the basic therapy.
The recipe can be based on the following components:
- Animal products (bee venom and wax, bile, fat, honey). Used in the preparation of therapeutic agents to the external application, such as compresses, balms, ointments. Have a warming, irritating and distracting actions, reduce pain and muscle spasm in the cervical spine.
- Plant raw materials. Can be used any part of plants (roots, leaves, grass) in fresh or dried form. Products manufactured from plant material, applied externally in the form of compresses, baths or rastertime, as well as inside in the form of decoctions and alcohol tinctures. Used for pain relief in acute disease, relieving inflammatory process with long-term use.
- Chemical substances, which are irritating and distracting actions (alcohol, iodine, turpentine). Have a therapeutic effect due to the warming of the painful parts of the body, improve blood circulation in the tissues, pain relief and muscle relaxation.
Traditional medicine implies a mild effect on the source of pain and inflammation, localized in the cervical spine. But we should not forget about possible allergic reactions when using unconventional means of treatment.
In the modern world the level of disease cervical chondrosis is constantly increasing. To facilitate the patient’s condition and improve the quality of life necessary complex treatment, which includes all of the above means. We should not forget about the prevention of exacerbations that can be prevented with regular rehabilitation in the sanatorium and mud baths.