Urethritis refers to diseases of the urethra. The process is accompanied by inflammation of the urethra (duct connection of the bladder with the hole end of the penis).
It is quite common urological disease, which affects equally both men and women.
Urethritis in men may result from exposure to pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses), may be the result of allergies, congestion processes in the pelvic area, metabolic disorders and some other diseases of urinary system.
Types of urethritis in men
There are two main types of urethritis
- specific – is associated with the presence in the body gonococci, Trichomonas, Gardnerella, chlamydia, herpes viruses, Candida, etc.;
- non-specific – is caused by streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, etc.;
- mixed.
- traumatic;
- metabolic;
- allergic;
- congestive (congestive).
The causes of urethritis
The development of urethritis in men due to many factors:
- Hypothermia – both single-and permanent.
- Trauma of the penis.
- Urolithiasis is passing through urethra stone or sand injure the wall, leading to the development of urethritis.
- Severe physical stress.
- Irregular sexual life, increased sexual activity, greater number of sexual partners.
- Eating salty, spicy, sour, marinated, large doses of alcohol. These substances get into the urine, causing irritation of the urinary tract. The result is inflammation and further progression.
- Insufficient water intake, irregular mode of urination. During urination bacteria are washed from the walls of the bladder, which is the body’s defense against urethritis. In case of large intervals between urination increased risk of developing the disease.
- Chronic inflammatory diseases of the body.
- Medical operations and manipulations (the fence of the stroke, bladder catheterization, etc.)
- Stress, lack of vitamins and minerals.
Symptoms of urethritis in men
In the case of infectious diseases the first symptoms of urethritis in men most often occur during the first weeks after infection. Sometimes the incubation period may be shortened to a few hours or lengthened to several weeks.
The occurrence of urethritis is accompanied by:
- Discomfort when urinating (pain, burning, smarting, itching in the penis).
- Secretions from the urethra – mucous, purulent, sometimes with blood.
- Irritation of the foreskin, perineum and glans penis.
- Problems with urination.
In some cases, the disease may be asymptomatic. This makes it difficult to identify urethritis and significantly inhibits treatment. Detects disease only in laboratory tests.
With each subsequent aggravation of urethritis inflammatory processes that capture new areas of the mucous membrane of the urethra, and the disease begins to progress. Each of the next exacerbation accompanied by more noticeable symptoms. As a result, it leads to serious complications.
Possible complications
- Acute urethritis becomes chronic
- Inflamed prostate gland (prostatitis)
- Inflamed seminal vesicles (vesiculitis)
- Inflamed testes (orchitis)
- Narrows the urethra (stricture urethra)
- Balanitis and balanoposthitis.
How to treat urethritis in men.
The main treatment of urethritis in men antibiotic therapy. There are a lot of drugs. For each patient, the doctor prescribes the most efficient method of treatment.
Selection of drugs is carried out individually, depending on the nature of the disease and its severity. Usually the treatment is carried out at home. However, in cases of severe forms of the disease (septic complications) patients hospitalitynet.
The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the urethritis – this can be either a few days or a few weeks.
Treatment of inflammatory diseases is carried out both sexual partners simultaneously. Because the infection is easily transmitted during intercourse, even the most efficient means, without joint treatment of the urethritis will not give the desired result.
Urethritis, like all urogenital diseases, associated with poor circulation in the pelvis. If urethritis occurs in combination with cystitis, the treatment should be comprehensive. Prescribe a mandatory physiotherapy, instillation of drugs into the region of the bladder and urethra.
During treatment it is necessary to follow a diet:
For prevention of urethritis must adhere to the following guidelines:
- To prevent hypothermia
- To treat the disease when the first symptoms – this will help to avoid the transition of the disease into the chronic stage
- To avoid random connections
- To use condoms
- To adhere to the rules of personal hygiene
- To follow the work of the gastrointestinal tract
- To eat right, eliminate from the diet of harmful products and alcohol
- Periodically to pay a visit to the urologist.
Self-care at home
The flow of urethritis can be considerably easier in the home.
- If you drink more fluids, the urine will become more liquid. This will reduce the pain when urinating.
- The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Acetaminophen) will help relieve the pain.
- To cope with the inflammation that begins after irritating chemical substances taking sitz baths. Bath fill the amount of water that will cover the genitals while sitting. Take these baths several times a day. This is not to use soap and other means that may cause irritation of the inflamed areas.
What will happen if left untreated urethritis
Mistaken are those who believe that the disease to be treated is not necessarily what it will be. Yes, there are cases when the symptoms disappear by themselves.
But the disease is not retreating. In fact, the body was able to suppress the inflammation, however, the pathogens remain in the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles.
With hypothermia, excessive alcohol consumption, violent sexuality, the causative agent of urethritis can be activated again to cause inflammation of the urethra.
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