Osteochondrosis of the lumbar – pathology associated with changes in bone, cartilage tissue of intervertebral discs and vertebrae. High risk have both men and women after 35 years.
This is the most common form of the disease, because lower back rests with the main load when walking, running, sedentary lifestyle.
The intervertebral discs are responsible for the connective function, give the spine flexibility. They consist of soft cartilage (the nucleus) and the fibrous ring.
During the lumbar-sacral osteochondrosis disturbed nutrition of the intervertebral disc, the nucleus shrinks, creates a strong pressure on the fibrous ring. The shell cracks, the intervertebral discs are closed, the reduced length of the spine.
Symptoms of the disease
Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine is a chronic disease. The symptoms observed during exacerbation (relapse). Unable to provoke his careless, sudden movement, strenuous activity, hypothermia, nervous overstrain.
The main feature of relapse – lumbar, pain or a sharp aching in the lumbar region.
Signs of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral subacute form:
- Aches in the lower back, giving in the buttocks area, thighs, drumsticks;
- Tingling, bake in the lower back, legs;
- Loss of sensation, tingling in extremities, lumbar spine;
- Excessive sweating, dry skin affected area;
- Blanching of the skin;
- Freezes.
The symptoms of acute attacks:
- Severe pain, chilling any movement;
- Laughing, coughing only intensifies the pain;
- Strong tension in the muscles;
- Due to circulatory disorders, compression of the nerve roots there is a headache;
- Can double vision;
- Systematic pressure damaged vertebrae contributes to painful urination, infertility, impotence.
Posture – lying on your side with bent under her feet brings temporary relief.
The severity of the disease
The symptoms of the disease can be classified according to the degree:
- First. There is a rupture of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc. The back muscles are too tight and creates a feeling of an electric discharge in the region of the spine;
- Second. The deteriorating condition of the intervertebral discs, the spine gradually become less flexible. The interval between attacks and remissions decreases. Appear systematic pain in the buttocks, lumbar, legs get tired quickly even with mild exertion;
- Third. The intervertebral discs are significantly erased, the distance between the vertebrae decreases. The nature of symptoms comparable with a hernia, numb limbs, there is dysfunction of sexual organs, urination causes intense pain in the groin, there is a disorder of the intestine due to the strong pressure of the vertebrae on the back of the abdominal wall.
The type of treatment of lumbosacral degenerative disc disease is determined by severity of symptoms that indicates a particular severity.
Disease treatment medication involves the use of three categories of funds:
- Tablets, medicines;
- Injection;
- Ointment.
Medication help:
- To get rid of pain;
- Eliminate the inflammation of the nerve roots;
- Relieve tension from muscles;
- To accelerate, to intensify the process of cartilage repair;
- To prevent further development of disease;
- To normalize the blood circulation;
- To restore metabolism.
To cope with degenerative disc disease by drug therapy does not work, if it is a 3 stage.
Pills drugs
The disease is associated with severe pain that prevented the patient to even move. In order to stop an attack analgesics are recommended. Tablet of the analgesic help to break the closed circle: pain→muscle tension→increase in pain due to tense muscles.
How to cure low back pain pills – the most popular:
- “Askofen”;
- “Citramon”;
- “Paracetamol”;
- “Flutes”;
- “Stromal”;
- “Panadol”.
But the effect of short-term analgesics. When it passes the pain comes back with the same force. Therefore, doctors recommend drinking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which suppress pain, soothe the inflammation.
Among them are recommended:
- “Acetylsalicylic acid”;
- “Phenylbutazone”;
- “Ketanov”;
- “Piroxicam”;
- “Ibuprofen”;
- “Nurofen”.
The patient is prescribed a sedative drug which helps to restore the nervous system to normalize sleep, to remove stress from the nerve roots.
- “Novo-Passit”;
- “Menovalen is manufactured by”;
- “Persen”;
- “Valerian”;
- “Trivalent”;
- “Relaxer”.
Chondroprotector – a medicine that helps stop further development of the disease, to preserve cartilage, preventing its further destruction.
Are assigned to the following chondroprotector:
- Acyclovir – active component tablets – chondroitin sulfate promotes rapid regeneration of the cartilage tissue;
- “Hondroksid”;
- “Glucosamine”.
To maintain immunity, the body forces are prescribed vitamin-mineral complexes, Immunostimulants.
Treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbosacral injections has advantages. The main ones:
- The solution is rapidly absorbed into the blood through the veins and reaches the nerve roots. Capsules are slower. First, they are processed stomachs, through which the active ingredients are absorbed into the blood and reach the goal. It takes 1-2 hours, while an injection is triggered instantly;
- All applicable components reach the nerve roots, cartilage. When administered orally, about 20% soluble in gastric juice;
- The absence of contraindications. Blockade affects only the damaged area and does not extend beyond it.
Intramuscularly introduced the following medications:
- Analgesics – “Baralgin”, “Analgin”. Cropped attack, without eliminating the cause;
- Antispasmodics – “Mydocalm”. One 1 ml two times a day. Blocks pain receptors in the muscles of the back, nerve endings;
- Anti – inflammatory solutions – “Diclofenac Sodium”, “Ketonal”, “Ibuprofen”, “Ketorolac” – reduce inflammation, swelling, pain. Full course helps with inflammation for six months.
Blockade – the injection, in which oblivaetsya only sore spot. Maximum performance, minimum contraindications.
As medicines for blockades shall apply:
- Local anesthetics – “Lidocaine”, “Novocain”;
- Hormonal, anti-inflammatory solutions – “Diprospan”, “Kenalog”
Blockade can be done only by a qualified technician who knows where to inject the drug. Done wrong, the blockade could face consequences.
Ointments help ease the disease to return to a normal life without the constraints of the movements.
They are divided into several categories:
- Anti-inflammatory – “Voltaren”, “Nurofen”, “Ketonal”, “Ibuprofen”, “of indometacin ointment”, “Without”, “first days without”, “Finalgon”, “Nise gel”, “Dolobene gel”. Not only suppress pain but also relieve swelling, fight inflammation, whereby the pinching of nerve endings decreases, the patient lives a full life;
- Warming with the analgesic effect of – “All”, “Finalgon”, “Nikofleks”. These ointments normalize blood circulation, vertebrae to become stronger, a muscle spasm subsides, the pain subsides;
- Complex impact – the “Vitamine”, “Dolobene”. Ointments have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerating effect;
- Chondroprotector – “Handreach”, “Chondroitin”, “Symptoms”, “Artrosis”, “Glucosamine”. Fill the gap in the cartilage fluid, nourishes the cartilage, contributing to its recovery;
- Ointments based on plant extracts – “Larkspur”, “scars”, “Potentilla”, “Target T”, “Shungite”. Struggling with inflammation, help to cope with pain, to restore cartilage. Some people due to hypersensitivity to the drug may develop an allergic reaction.
Don’t worry if you are diagnosed with osteoarthritis, the main thing-to direct all their forces to heal the spine to return to normal life. And this will help your patience, the desire, the therapeutic treatment.
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