
Recovery after cesarean section

Caesarean section is a complex surgical operation performed under general anesthesia, when childbirth in a natural way is prohibited for any reason.

Surgical intervention is often accompanied by significant loss of blood, deformation of the peritoneal tissue, the formation of adhesions, inflammation of the walls of the uterus, its viral or mechanical damage.

If a young mother wants to recover faster after a cesarean section, to return to normal life without prohibitions and restrictions, then she must adhere to fairly strict rules. Only by carefully observing the doctor’s instructions, the woman who gave birth can restore the body, normalize weight, and improve mental state.

Recovery after cesarean section in the early days

Transformations in the female body begin as soon as the obstetrician removes the baby from the abdomen. The uterus, which has sharply decreased in volume, is intensively contracting, in this way slowing down bleeding.

The emptied organ shrinks gradually, returns to its normal size two months after the operation. Usually, doctors put a woman’s pack of ice cubes on her stomach after a cesarean section, recovery is accelerated due to this measure, uterine contractions become more frequent, bleeding stops.

Stitches on the stomach are processed every day, removed after a week. The nurse constantly monitors the patient’s well-being, measures her body temperature and pulse rate, the attending physician monitors the activity of uterine contractions and the abundance of vaginal discharge. Sometimes injections of drugs that enhance uterine contractions are required.

The first days after the operation are the most difficult, a woman should be extremely careful and cautious. Even the slightest gestures cause discomfort: turning over in bed, coughing and blowing your nose, stretching the limbs. Many women who underwent a cesarean section say that lying on their sides is much more convenient than lying on their backs, since the seams on the stomach do not stretch, they do not hurt. You need to roll over on a bed after cesarean slowly and accurately, bending your knees, resting your feet on the bed, first lifting and turning your hips, and then the upper body.

Getting out of bed is usually allowed 12 hours after surgery, although in reality it all depends on the patient’s well-being. Getting out of bed should be leisurely, holding on to a nurse or family member. When a woman takes upright position, she is often dizzy, but this is a fearless phenomenon that disappears after a few days. You can only sit on a chair 2 to 3 days after surgery.

Recovery after cesarean section and discomfort

The first three days after cesarean scars on the uterus, the sutures on the stomach hurt a lot. Pain sensations must be eliminated, as they provoke an increase in adrenaline in the blood – a stress hormone that negatively affects one’s well-being and slows the healing of damaged tissues. Because of the pain, the muscle contraction of the cut and sutured abdominal wall may decrease. This is a protective reaction of the body, but it often becomes the cause of the development of a hernia. Therefore, the doctor immediately after the surgery prescribes pain medications to the patient.

Almost all women undergoing cesarean section recovery experience colic. During the operation, the intestines of the woman in labor slows down functioning, a large amount of gas accumulates in it. Gas production can be quickly reduced by learning to breathe freely and deeply, by excluding dishes and drinks from the menu that contribute to the formation of gas bubbles in the intestines. Rocking in a rocking chair also helps to cope with colic.

A common occurrence in women after cesarean is a wet cough with hoarseness and sobbing. So the mucus accumulated during anesthesia comes out of the respiratory tract. You need to cough carefully, but actively, inhaling deeply and exhaling sharply, drawing in your stomach, making a sound like a dog barking. To prevent seams from coughing, wrap a towel around your stomach or cover with a pillow.

Drug recovery after cesarean section

The first day after surgery, the woman who gave birth is in the intensive care unit. Doctors help the patient recover from blood loss, inject nutrients through a dropper, treat the stitches on the stomach with antiseptics, normalize the digestive tract, change the dressings with a certain frequency. Antibiotics are necessarily prescribed to the woman in labor to prevent the development of infection in the body. No need to be afraid to take medication. Modern antibacterial drugs designed specifically for women who have given birth are not potent, do not negatively affect the quality of breast milk, and do not harm the baby.

If complications after cesarean are not observed, then the patient moves to the postpartum ward. A woman is in a hospital for a week, sometimes a little longer. In the general ward, a young mother can already get up from her bed, walk around a little, feed her baby. A week after the operation, a happy and healthy mother with a child returns home. At home, a woman herself monitors the state of her body, decides how to recover quickly after a cesarean section. There are several ways to get rid of extra pounds accumulated during pregnancy, restore good health, normalize the menstrual cycle, and prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases.

Contraindications after cesarean

When a young mother is discharged from the maternity hospital, the doctor should advise her on how to recover from a cesarean section. In order to quickly normalize the physical and emotional state of the body, a woman needs to work hard and also observe certain restrictions. If a mother is attentive to all the doctor’s recommendations, then without any problems in a short time she will drive away extra pounds, get rid of anxiety and depressive mood, and return to an active and fulfilling life. During the recovery period, you can not ignore the advice of a medical specialist, neglect your health. If it is impossible to normalize the menstrual cycle, the formation of pus in the joints, too long and abundant vaginal discharge and other problems, a woman should be treated urgently so as not to harm herself and her baby.

During the rehabilitation of a young mother, it is prohibited:

  • eat solid food in the first three days after surgery;
  • take a bath and shower during the week;
  • for two months to pick up items heavier than three kilograms;
  • enter into an intimate relationship until the cessation of the loch;
  • for two weeks, rub the seams on the stomach with a washcloth;
  • wearing a bandage too often;
  • for a month to do exercises on the press;
  • the first three days after surgery to take a sitting position;
  • give birth in the next two years.
Normalization of the menstrual cycle after cesarean

Both cesarean section and natural birth turn the uterus into a bleeding mess. All the time, while the mutilated organ is being restored, lochia comes out of the vagina – discharge, first consisting of blood clots, then from the sucrose and mucus. The return of the uterus to its normal state takes 6 to 8 weeks. The recovery time of the menstrual cycle is determined not by the complexity of the operation, but by the hormonal background of the woman in labor. If a young mother is healthy, fully nourished, leads a correct lifestyle, does not have chronic diseases, then menstruation returns quite quickly.

Interestingly, the normalization of the monthly cycle depends on lactation. The longer a woman breastfeeds her baby, the later she begins to use artificial mixtures, the more intensively milk is produced in the mammary glands, the longer it takes to wait for menstruation. In some cases, after a cesarean, menstruation is absent for a whole year, and there is nothing to worry about, but only if the newborn baby is fed breast milk. To sound the alarm with a long violation of the menstrual cycle is necessary for the mother, who gives the child a mixture from birth.

Normalization of breastfeeding after surgery

Often, after a cesarean section, women have problems feeding the baby with breast milk. The source of these difficulties can be pain and weakness after surgery, the lethargy of the baby caused by the applied anesthetics, feeding with milk mixtures, while mommy’s body “rests”. All this makes it difficult to restore lactation. In addition, due to low-calorie nutrition in the first four days after cesarean, the body of a lactating woman lacks important substances, micro and macro elements. And this affects both the quality and quantity of breast milk. Therefore, its production in women after surgery is almost two times lower in comparison with the amount of milk in mothers who gave birth on their own, and its composition is noticeably poorer.

It is recommended to put the baby to the chest in the very first hours after the operation. Today in maternity hospitals practiced joint stay in the ward of a newborn and mother. If the operation was successful, it is enough for the mother to leave the baby next to her to start breastfeeding. At first, this will have to be done under the supervision of a nurse, because until the anesthesia has gone and enough strength has appeared, it can be dangerous to take a baby in your arms on your own.

If breastfeeding is contraindicated for a longer time for any reason (treatment of the baby, the appearance of complications in the puerpera), it is recommended to express milk in accordance with the feeding schedule in order to enhance lactation.

An important condition for safe breastfeeding is finding the most comfortable posture for feeding the baby. About a day after the operation, it is more convenient to feed the child lying on its side. For some women, this pose is not comfortable, being in it, they feel the tension of the seams. Then it is recommended to use the “lie across the bed” or “soccer ball from under the arm” poses. In them, feeding is carried out while sitting, a woman holds a baby under her arm. You can put a pillow on your knees, and put the baby on top. Thus, the correct position of the child’s body is achieved, and less stress is placed on the abdomen. As the sutures heal, mom will be able to feed the baby as she wants.

To stimulate lactation, physiotherapy methods are used – UHF, SVR of the mammary glands, ultrasonic treatment, vibration massage, sound “bioacoustic” stimulation. Herbal medicine is often used: decoctions of dill, caraway seeds, oregano, anise, etc.

Special nutritional supplements can improve milk quality. It is recommended to introduce special protein-vitamin preparations “Milky Way”, “Enfimama”, “Mama Plus”, “Femilak-2” and others into the diet of a nursing mother. All these measures help to improve the physical condition of babies while they are in the hospital. In addition to this, when mom returns home, she already has a well-formed lactation.

Recovery of a figure after cesarean section

Not a single surgical intervention spoils a female figure as much as a cesarean section, recovery after surgery requires a lot of time and effort. All women want to look slim and beautiful, but removing the hated fat folds on the stomach and sides is not easy. The problem is complicated by the fact that for a month after the operation, you can not engage in intense physical exercises, go to the gym, dance. Women who give birth to a baby in a natural way, restore the figure much faster than mothers who underwent a cesarean section. In most mothers, after surgery, an ugly fat fold forms on the stomach, which is very difficult to remove. If you have money, then you can cope with the problem easily, just go to a plastic surgeon. But there are less costly ways to return an attractive figure: proper nutrition, physical activity.

To become slim and fit again, the woman who gave birth must:

  1. consume foods containing a lot of iron and calcium daily;
  2. eat often, but in small portions;
  3. take vitamin and mineral complexes;
  4. drink a large amount of water, natural juices, milk, compotes;
  5. remove coffee, fried foods, marinades, smoked meats, pickles, pastries from the menu;
  6. monitor posture;
  7. try to walk with an abdomen;
  8. every day to walk in the fresh air;
  9. move more at home, doing household chores.
Gymnastics after cesarean section

The simplest gymnastic exercises and massage (of the abdomen and chest) can be performed 6 hours after the operation. It is not necessary to ask someone else or leave the bed.

Just lie on your back and bend your knees slightly.

  • Stretch your palm on the surface of the abdomen in a circle clockwise, from right to left, down and up along the rectus abdominis muscles; obliquely up and down the oblique muscles. Stroking, continue for 2-3 minutes.
  • Stroke the side and front surfaces of the chest from the bottom up to the armpits. The left side should be massaged with the right hand, the right, respectively – with the left.
  • Stroke the lumbar region in different directions with both sides of the palm, wound them behind the back.
  • Breathe deeply. Place your palms on your chest for control. At the expense of one or two, take a deep breath, lifting the chest, exhale 3-4 fully, slightly pressing the chest with your palms.
  • Breathe in with your stomach. Carefully hold the seam area. For 1-2, inhale, protruding the stomach, at the expense of 3-4 you need to exhale, drawing the stomach into yourself as deep as possible.
  • Rotate your feet without lifting your heels off the bed. Movements should be as wide as possible in one direction or the other. Bend your feet to and from yourself.
  • Bend your knees alternately and straighten your legs without lifting your heels off the bed.
  • Cough lightly while holding the seam area with your hands.

Gymnastics should be repeated two to three times a day.

Sports after cesarean

You can play sports after surgery only after a month, and download the press after two months. And then only if surgical manipulations did not provoke complications, the woman feels good, does not complain about anything. But how to recover from cesarean section if active exercise is prohibited? The first five weeks after surgery, it is recommended that women in labor do breathing exercises. It perfectly tones and strengthens the muscle tissue of the abdomen, but all inhalations and exhalations should be performed calmly and smoothly. When the sutures are completely healed, you can resume hiking in the pool and gym.

Recovery after cesarean section using massage and cosmetics

Many young mothers are too busy caring for a newborn baby to devote time to gymnastics and swimming in the pool. Therefore, they are trying to find out about other ways how to recover quickly after a cesarean section. From the third week after the operation, the use of scrubs, tightening body masks, anti-cellulite creams and other cosmetics is allowed. The main thing is to use them very carefully so as not to cause suppuration of the surgical suture.

You can remove the ugly fold on the stomach with cabbage and honey wraps, coffee grounds scrubs and table salt. Massage after cesarean tones the skin, improves metabolism and blood circulation in the muscles of the abdominal wall. It is useful to massage the stomach with a small ball, as well as while taking a contrast shower.

Hygiene after cesarean

After the operation, tidy women have a hard time, because they are allowed to take a shower only after a week, when the stitches heal completely. Until this time, women in childbirth have to be content with washing their faces and limbs. After each visit to the toilet, young mothers need to thoroughly wash themselves, being careful not to wet the surgical suture. At home, having discharged from the maternity ward, you can already take a shower, but you can’t rub your stomach with a washcloth. After water procedures, it is advisable to process the seams with brilliant green. So that an ugly scar does not remain on the stomach, a month after the operation, it is recommended to use ointments and gels that contribute to the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Prevention of postoperative complications

Most infections after caesarean section are caused by microbial associations, viruses, protozoa and bacteria. To avoid infection of the mother’s body, the most modern effective broad-spectrum antibiotics are used today. During the operation, they are administered after separation of the umbilical cord. So the drugs will not have a negative effect on the baby. In the postoperative period, antibiotic therapy is prescribed in short courses in order to minimize the ingestion of drugs into the body of the child with mother’s milk. If recovery after cesarean section goes without complications, then treatment is not used at all.

The first 24 hours after surgery, Mom is in the intensive care unit. During constant monitoring, the medical staff monitors all the functions of her body.

In accordance with the developed procedure for treating puerperas after cesarean surgery, the following activities are carried out:

  1. anesthesia,
  2. replenishment of blood loss,
  3. support of the respiratory, cardiovascular system of the body.

Doctors carefully monitor the discharge from the genitals due to the high risk of uterine bleeding, which can occur as a result of impaired uterine motility due to surgical trauma and anesthesia. To alleviate the condition of internal organs intravenously in the first two hours, a woman is administered Oxytocin, Methylergometrine, which reduce the uterus; put an ice pack on their stomach.

Side effects of general anesthesia can be nausea, sore throat and pain, vomiting.

Anesthesia is one of the important activities in relation to the postpartum woman. 2-3 hours after cesarean section, she is given non-narcotic analgesics. If required, painkillers are used after 2-3 days.

One of the consequences of an operating injury is intestinal paresis. It arises as a result of getting into the abdominal cavity of blood, amniotic fluid, intestinal motility decreases. Bloating, accumulation of gases are observed. All this can lead to the formation of adhesions, infection of the sutures on the uterus and peritoneum.

During and after surgery, blood viscosity often increases. This condition is fraught with the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels. In order to prevent intestinal paresis, complications of the circulatory system, and elimination of stagnation in the lungs after the application of artificial ventilation, puerperas should make active movements in bed. It is advisable to change position, turning from one side to another.

By the end of the first day, you should start to get up – carefully sit on the bed, lower your legs, smoothly get up and walk slowly. It is better to do this under supervision or with the help of medical staff. Staying in a horizontal position for long periods may cause dizziness, loss of balance and falling when you try to stand up sharply, and the nurse can help in time or prevent it.

In the first day after cesarean, stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract with medications is usually carried out. For this, Tserukal, Proserin, Ubretid, etc. are used; enemas may be used. However, in some women, recovery after cesarean section of intestinal functions begins on the second day after delivery; gases do not accumulate, and by the third day a normal independent stool occurs.

After a caesarean section, the nutrition is as follows: on the first day a woman is put mineral water without gas, tea without sugar in lemon in small portions. From the second day, a low-calorie diet is introduced: give liquid cereals, soft-boiled eggs, meat broth. On the third or fourth day after an independent bowel movement, a woman is prescribed a general diet. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to limit some dishes – you cannot eat too hot and cold food, slowly and gradually introduce solid foods into the food.

After 5-6 days, the mother gives an ultrasound of the uterus to confirm its timely reduction.

In addition to these events, a dressing is changed every day for a woman, she is examined and treated with antiseptics (5% potassium permanganate solution, 70% ethyl alcohol, 2% iodine tincture). Sutures are removed by the end of the week. Sometimes this is not required because the incision on the anterior abdominal wall is closed with a “cosmetic” suture using a special suture material that resolves itself over time. Then they find out whether it is possible to write mom and baby home. Typically, discharge occurs on the 7-8th day.

Childbirth after cesarean section

The regeneration of muscle tissue in the uterus in the rumen occurs 12-24 months after cesarean section. About a third of all women who underwent surgery subsequently would like to still have children. Therefore, it is believed that it is more correct to plan a new pregnancy 2-3 years after it. The myth of the impossibility of having a baby after Caesarean in a natural way is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Relatively many women, for various reasons, choose the natural method of delivery, having a history of cesarean section. Statistics note that the number of natural births among women who have a cesarean scar on their uterus is approaching 40-60%.

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