
Hormonal failure in adolescents

Acne is the first sign of hormonal problems. Rashes on the skin are accompanied by headache, irritability, lack of sleep, irregular periods. If you begin to notice such symptoms in your daughter, you should consult a doctor.

Adolescence can be the period in which the girl first encounters hormonal changes in the body, because the girl is actively transforming into a woman.

This is expressed in an increase in the mammary glands, menstruation begins, the figure takes on a more feminine outline.

Right now, the hormonal system can malfunction, which as a result can lead either to premature ripening, or to its delay.

However, it is worth noting that puberty in adolescents may be absent.

With insufficient amounts of sex hormones in the body, late ripening may begin. The menstrual cycle can begin by 16 years or later. This can be due to stress, illness, or poor nutrition.

In most cases, you will have to resort to adjusting the regimen of the day, and all the symptoms of hormonal failure in the girls will go away by themselves. In severe situations, the appointment of hormones. They must be taken strictly according to the instructions.

Puberty, which occurs ahead of time and with the normal health of the girl, does not require special treatment.

Hormonal failure in women is actually a very important topic for many. Hormones are the determining substances in the normal functioning of the body, as they affect metabolic processes, because an imbalance of hormones in women or hormonal failure in women can lead to a variety of problems.

Hormonal imbalance in women is felt individually. Even the most common symptoms can signal this violation. Therefore, if there are symptoms and signs of hormonal imbalance, you should urgently visit a doctor for further consultation with a possible subsequent course of treatment.

Causes of hormonal failure in women

In the female body, two main hormones are produced: progesterone and estrogen. Hormonal failure in women most often occurs against the background of a decrease in progesterone levels. The balance of hormones is the production of progesterone and estrogen in equal amounts. However, in the female body one of the hormones in greater quantities can be produced. Thus, a hormonal imbalance occurs in women.

The causes of hormonal disorders can be the following:

  • Lack of ovulation in the body.  If the ovaries cannot stabilize the progesterone production process, then its concentration is significantly reduced. At the same time, there is quite a lot of estrogen, because the ovaries did not produce the eggs, which are necessary for participation in the fertilization process. All this negatively affects the balance of hormones.
  • Dietary disorders or strict diets.  For the female body, fiber is needed, which is not in all products. If you follow a strict diet, the result may be symptoms of hormonal failure.
  • Hereditary factor.  Congenital malformation can cause permanent hormonal disorders. If you inherited problems in the hormonal system at the genetic level, then disruptions can become a constant companion. It is quite difficult to treat them.
  • Obesity or extra pounds.  Hormonal failure in women can occur with an excess of subcutaneous tissue.
  • Infectious diseases.  Systematic acute respiratory infections, as well as tonsillitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other diseases of an infectious nature, can cause hormonal failure.
  • Intense physical activity.  Hormonal imbalance in women can be triggered if a restriction in food is combined with intense physical exertion.
  • Problems in the endocrine system.  First of all, we are talking about diseases of the thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, which have a direct effect on the hormonal background.
  • Neurosis and stress.  Constant tension, stress can cause an imbalance of hormones.
  • Surgical intervention  to eliminate pathological conditions in the abdominal organs or genitals. Hormonal failure in women often occurs against a cesarean section.
  • Important periods in the life of every woman.  Hormonal imbalance in women  manifests itself in periods such as: puberty, pregnancy, childbirth or menopause. In some cases, measures are required to adjust or prescribe medications.
  • Female diseases.  These diseases include: uterine fibroids, breast cysts, polycystic ovaries. Hormonal failure in women can also appear due to bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis, migraine.
Signs and symptoms of hormonal failure

It is necessary to take into account the fact that hormonal failure in women associated with dysfunctions and pathological conditions is very difficult to treat. If you know what causes hormonal failure in women, then it will be much easier and faster to treat it.

Symptoms of hormonal failure in women can be varied:

  1. Irregular menstruation. Hormonal imbalance in women is most often manifested by irregular periods or their absence at all. What does instability of menstruation mean? Firstly, it is necessary to take into account the duration: menstruation, which lasts one or two days or, on the contrary, lasts a long time, speaks of hormonal disturbances. Secondly, the nature of menstrual flow may indicate an imbalance of hormones: too meager or excessive discharge is not the norm. Thirdly, there are cases when there is no monthly for several months.
  2. Violations of the central nervous system. Abrupt mood swings, melancholy, depression, unexperienced feelings indicate problems in the central nervous system. Attacks of aggression also happen: a woman takes everything to heart and reacts to something that previously did not cause her any emotions. Signs of premenstrual syndrome are felt stronger than usual, a woman is in constant nervous tension.
  3. A sharp set of extra pounds. Another sign of hormonal imbalance in women may be weight gain. It should be noted that in this case, an increase in body weight occurs due to hormonal imbalance, which is difficult to adjust with the help of diets or physical exercises. Therefore, the factors that affect weight gain are in no way associated with malnutrition or lack of exercise. To regain its former form, a woman needs to undergo a course of treatment to bring hormones back to normal, and then begin a set of measures to reduce weight.
  4. Decreased sexual desire. A woman loses interest in sex: libido is reduced or absent, indifference to a partner may be observed, the desire to enter into intimacy disappears. Everything that used to be fun is annoying. Sensations from sexual intercourse are unpleasant, since the secretion of mucous secretion is scarce.
  5. Nails and hair are getting worse. Women can observe deterioration in the condition of nails and hair. Curls lose their natural luster, ends are split, brittleness is observed. Nails also lose their beauty: the nail plate acquires a yellow or gray tint, can flake.
  6. The appearance of rashes on the skin. A sign of hormonal imbalance are acne or acne. This type of skin rash is not treated with anything until the cause of their appearance has been eliminated. Acne appears not only on the face, but also on the back, chest. Black hairs may appear on the body. This worries the woman, as she looks ugly.
  7. Sleep disturbances and rapid fatigue. Hormonal failure in women can be accompanied not only by prolonged insomnia, but also by an anxious, sensitive sleep. Fatigue is noted even in the absence of intense loads.
  8. Reproductive problems. The most difficult moment can be called a violation of the ability to conceive and bear. Hormonal imbalance in women can lead to miscarriage, a baby’s sinking in the womb, and the inability to conceive a baby for a long time.
Hormonal failure after medical abortion

Hormonal failure in women can occur against the background of medical abortion.

Symptoms in this case are easy to recognize:

  • Weight gain;
  • The appearance of stretch marks on the body;
  • Pulse and blood pressure instability, excessive sweating;
  • Increased irritability, depression, anxiety, and headaches.

An abortion, which is done in the early stages, will bring fewer complications for the woman’s body. At the same time, the hormonal background still suffers from the changes that have occurred. After a month, the restoration of the menstrual cycle should occur. If you observe a different picture, then immediately consult a doctor. If violations are identified, hormone therapy will be required.

Postpartum hormonal failure and recovery period

Hormonal failure in women can occur not only during the bearing of the baby. Hormone imbalances are not uncommon in the postpartum period, which is a real stress for the body. It is time to return to their usual state, because the changes apply to all systems and organs. But the most cardinal metamorphoses occur in the endocrine system.

The restoration of hormonal balance should occur within two to three months after the birth of the baby, but if the hormones have not returned to normal, then the woman feels pressure surges, dizziness, irritability and sleep disturbances. This should not be ignored. Additional signs of failure include sweating, decreased sexual desire, and chronic fatigue. To establish hormonal disorders, you need to consult an endocrinologist. The doctor will prescribe special tests, according to the results of which the specialist will determine what treatment you need to stabilize your health.

At the same time, you should not start the situation so that the consequences of the failure do not worsen: depression may appear, as well as problems with lactation.

The doctor will prescribe funds that contain hormones of artificial and natural origin. Mastodinone and nutritional supplements are often prescribed.

Diagnosis of hormonal failure in women

Comprehensive examination usually includes:

  1. analyzes to determine the concentration of hormones, as well as a biochemical and general blood test.
  2. examination of internal organs to identify possible damage associated with hormonal failure;
  3. determination of organic pathologies, for example, cirrhosis of the liver and tumors;
  4. differential studies.
Treatment for hormonal failure in women

If the hormonal imbalance in women arose against the background of the tumor, then measures should be taken to eliminate it.

If the provoking factor cannot be eliminated (for example, a woman has menopause), then hormonal drugs will be needed. If hormonal failure in women has a mild form, then it will be possible to avoid disorders with the use of hormonal drugs.

Since the treatment of hormonal failure in women involves the use of hormonal drugs, with their help it will be possible not only to eliminate the symptoms of hormonal imbalance, but also to eliminate relapse. It also happens that hormonal drugs alone are not enough, in which case we are talking about surgical intervention.

The doctor prescribes hormonal drugs individually based on tests and diagnosis. Self-medication is contraindicated. Prevention of complications will be regular visits to the gynecologist (twice a year).

The specialist can prescribe the following funds:

  • Preparations with artificial and natural hormones (Mastodinon, Cyclodinone, Klimaktoplan);
  • Antipsychotics;
  • Homeopathic remedies;
  • Means with calcium.

Hormonal failure in overweight women can be eliminated only after the normalization of weight indicators. Considerable attention is paid not only to physical activity, but also to the daily regimen. Infusions, decoctions of herbs, vegetables and fruits will benefit. The intake of food and vitamin supplements is shown.

Hormonal imbalance in women during pregnancy can not be treated, since in most cases the normalization of the hormonal background occurs after childbirth.

Prevention of hormonal failure in women

To be proactive, with hormonal problems, timely examinations and examinations are very important, the correct regimen, sleep for at least 8 hours, a balanced diet and a minimum of stress are also necessary. And when the first signs of hormonal failure appear, you should immediately consult a doctor so that the situation does not go into a more serious direction.

Hormonal failure in women should not be ignored, otherwise the consequences may become irreversible: complications in the work of internal organs will appear, which as a result can lead to sad events.

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