
The main symptoms of cancer

Found – run to the oncologist. Keep track of health. British scientists talked about 5 main symptoms of cancer.

Symptom number 1

Alarming signs may be sudden changes in the bowel. Pain, indigestion or constipation of unknown origin. Reason to consult a doctor.

Symptom number 2

Problems with urination: delays, blood, all this suggests that you can not delay.

Symptom number 3

Any change in the chest. A tumor, not even a large ball or seal, is an occasion to consult a mammologist.

Symptom number 4

It was in the 13th century that “flies” served as hints to the cavalier and attracted them, but if you recall the Middle Ages, they could declare a witch for an unusual birthmark and execute them. Do not put your life in danger – is it skin cancer?

Symptom number 5

Severe cough with hoarseness from smoking? Or maybe you need to check the lungs. The British doctor recalled that four out of ten cases of cancer can be prevented with timely diagnosis.

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