
Postpartum intrauterine device

It is believed that the female body takes about a year to recover from childbirth. During this period, doctors do not recommend planning a new pregnancy. In this connection, the young mother has a difficult task – to choose an effective and safe method of contraception.

One of the most effective ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy is to install an intrauterine device. But is it harmless for the baby if the mother is breastfeeding?

Which spiral after childbirth is better to put? When can this be done? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

The principle of operation and types of spirals

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small, flexible device that is inserted into the uterine cavity to prevent pregnancy. Most often, spirals in the form of the letter “T” are used, but there are also ring-shaped devices.

The principle of operation of the Navy is determined by its type :

  • non-drug spirals made of plastic with the addition of metal simply hinder the fixation of the fertilized egg on the uterine mucosa (today it is practically not used);
  • medication, that is, containing copper ions or a hormone progestin, in addition to creating a physical barrier, also affect sperm motility, ovulation, endometrial structure and the density of church mucus.

Regardless of the type, this contraceptive absolutely does not affect lactation. Therefore, if a nursing mother decides to put a spiral after childbirth, then it is absolutely safe for the baby.

Features of the installation of the Navy

The installation and removal of an IUD can only be performed by a qualified gynecologist in a hospital setting. The procedure should be preceded by a woman’s examination: examination, pelvic ultrasound, tests for infections of the genitourinary system.

An IUD can be administered six to eight weeks after a natural birth, provided that they were uncomplicated and the woman has no contraindications. If delivery took place by caesarean section, then the procedure must be postponed for six months. In any case, when and what to put the spiral after childbirth, the doctor determines.

As a rule, the spiral after childbirth is introduced during menstruation, this approach is considered the least traumatic. But if a woman is breastfeeding, and her cycle has not yet recovered, then the procedure can be carried out at any time. The installation of the spiral occurs quickly and is practically not accompanied by painful sensations.

The validity of the IUD is from three to eight years, depending on the model, but at the request of a woman, you can remove it at any time.

How to behave after the procedure?

In the first week after the introduction of the IUD, it is forbidden to have sex, use tampons, do douching, go to the sauna and subject the body to heavy physical exertion.

In the future, the spiral does not affect the woman’s life. You can lead an active lifestyle, go to the pool, breastfeed, carry it in your arms and so on. A properly installed IUD is not felt during sexual intercourse. However, after menstruation, it is worth checking the reliability of the fixation of the device – to grope the threads that are located in the vagina. This is especially important if a woman uses tampons.

Another significant point is a timely visit to the gynecologist. After the introduction of the IUD, it is necessary to visit the doctor two times: after ten days and after six weeks. In the future, even in the absence of complaints, it is recommended to undergo an inspection once every six months.

Urgently need to see a doctor if :

  • there was a delay in menstruation, accompanied by signs of pregnancy;
  • severe pains in the lower abdomen are felt, especially against the background of an increase in temperature;
  • the threads of the IUD in the vagina are not groped.
Advantages and disadvantages

How to decide for yourself the question of whether to put a spiral after childbirth? Reviews of other women and medical advice will help with this. It is also worth analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of this method of contraception.

Positive characteristics of the Navy :

  • valid immediately after installation for up to eight years;
  • pregnancy prevention effectiveness – 99%;
  • does not affect lifestyle, sexual intercourse and lactation;
  • after removal of the spiral, the ability to conceive is quickly restored;
  • when using an IUD with progestin, the pain and duration of menstruation, as well as the volume of discharge, are reduced;
  • relative cheapness.

Negative characteristics of the IUD :

  • during the first two weeks after the procedure, a woman may be disturbed by discomfort in the pelvic area, and sometimes discharge with blood appears;
  • in the first three months, an increase in the duration of menstruation and the volume of secretions, as well as increased pain, is possible;
  • the spiral not only does not protect against genital infections, but also enhances their likelihood, therefore it is not suitable for women who do not have a permanent sexual partner;
  • sudden changes in mood, the appearance of rashes on the skin, a decrease or increase in sexual desire are possible.

Most of the above disadvantages are inherent only to copper-containing spirals. Models with progestin rarely cause side effects, although everything is determined by the characteristics of the woman’s body.

Contraindications and side effects

With all its advantages, the intrauterine device after childbirth can not always be used.

The main contraindications include:

  • diseases of the genital organs (oncological, inflammatory, venereal, and so on);
  • pathology of the development of the uterus;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • breast cancer, heart disease, hepatitis – for IUDs with progestin;
  • pregnancy.

Possible side effects :

  • pain, spotting;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the genital organs;
  • infertility (extremely rare);
  • the onset of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • spiral falling out.

The spiral during lactation is an effective contraceptive. The main condition for the effectiveness and safety of this method is to turn to a highly qualified gynecologist and pay attention to your body.

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