
The son does not want to share his toys!

My son is 2 years old. Calm and developed boy. But when friends come to visit him, he does not give them his toys, he takes everything to another room. How to teach him to share?

At this age, all children show possessive feelings, and above all, because their favorite toys seem to continue “the boundaries of the child’s body,” are directly part of him for himself. In addition, their own toys also act as familiar, soothing objects, especially in a new situation or in a situation of communication with new people.

Therefore, acting on the forehead, demanding immediately “secularism” and politeness in the communication of the baby with other children is not worth it. Wait until he gets used to, get comfortable. Gradually, contact will be established between the children. And then, perhaps, your son can change his mind and even bring some of his “treasures” into a new game.

It should be remembered that the compatibility in games also appears in children a little later, after 3-4 years, so do not immediately expect a great desire for a collective game, as well as for an equal and fair exchange.

In any case, generosity, like all other habits, is important to educate by example. If the child sees that you are always paying attention to other people, are ready to come to their aid, share something, treat you, then these skills will gradually develop in him too. You do not just have to rush, worry too much and resort to long verbal notations.

How to comfort a child after the death of a pet?

What can I say, how to support it, when my four-year-old child died of his pet – a guinea pig?

A child often first encounters the fact of death when a pet dies. An adult in this situation should be ready, on the one hand, to answer questions that may worry the baby, and on the other hand, to help the child survive the loss, support him. Give your child the opportunity to express his feelings, let him know that you share his feelings. Be close, pay attention to the condition and desires of the baby. The concept of death in children is being formed gradually. Often at three or four years old children still cannot perceive the idea of ​​the irreversibility of death, for them it is temporary. This is partly why the experience of loss by an adult is different from how a child reacts to a collision with death.

Perhaps the baby will ask what death is, why the guinea pig died. Your story should be based on the questions that the child asks: too much information can confuse him or provoke despair. Specify what exactly interests him, why he wants to know it. Answer questions using simple, clear words. Avoid using metaphors or euphemisms in the conversation about what happened (“she left us”, “she left us”, “she fell asleep forever”): in this case, the child may have unreasonable fantasies or fears. If the cause of death was an illness, it is important to explain that it was a very serious illness.

You can arrange a ritual of farewell that will help to cope with the loss: write a farewell letter, talk about some bright moments associated with your pet, maybe draw his portrait.

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