
Pros and cons: can a child watch cartoons?

It is difficult to find a child who would not like cartoons. But how many can you watch? Are there any benefits from cartoons, or do they only harm the baby? We asked these two mothers these questions and learned the opinion of the neuropsychologist.

Alisa, 24 years old: “Cartoons are an integral part of a happy childhood”

My little son is 2.5 years old, and he just loves cartoons. He watched the first short cartoon when he was about 8 months old. He was sick, cried all day, and I decided to turn on the cartoon on the phone to cheer him up. Since then, children’s cartoons with songs have become our lifesaver.

Vaccinations, long trips, queues at a clinic or in a bank, invasion of guests – the son can survive anything if he sees his favorite characters.

Cartoons are an integral part of a happy childhood (when I was little, I also loved watching them, and still will not refuse). So what’s the point of depriving a child of pleasure? After all, sooner or later, the baby will begin to watch them when the parents are not at home. Or see away. Or in the store. And than to wait until he begins to rave animated cartoons and watch all sorts of low-grade, it is better to include in him what parents consider necessary. Modern monitors do not spoil the eyes, cartoons can be watched in batches, there are also very interesting developing ones.

I do not see any bad influence of cartoons on my son. Yes, he can make a tantrum if he didn’t get the cartoon turned on for some reason, but he would just as well get hysterical because of toys and food. He is very developed, speaks well, reproduces many phrases from his favorite series, plays cartoon characters. Everything is fine!

Eugenia, 27 years old: “Cartoons are for lazy and selfish mothers”

Psychologists say that children under three years old can not watch cartoons. But in real life, cartoons are a real salvation for mom. Provided that they are short and really good. A selection of cartoons for the smallest.

Does anyone think cartoons are harmless? No matter how! It’s like a drug – children sit on cartoons. It’s worth turning it on and they can’t live without cartoons. Still aware that some kids cartoons generally cause epileptic seizures? This is harmful for the eyes, and for development, probably slows down speech.

I have two preschoolers, and not one of them is watching cartoons. We always find something to do, we know how to have fun and calm down. They play a lot, build from the designer, stage puppet shows, draw, sculpt, are interested in books, learn to read and count. Do you think they would do all this if I would sit them in front of the TV every day?

Cartoons are for lazy and selfish mothers. Of course, it is impossible to control your whole life, and once the child begins to watch cartoons. But if you care, it is better to read a book and work out, play with the baby.

Andrei Tsvetkov, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Scientific Director of the Center for Neuropsychology “Highlight”:

Often it seems that “cartoons”, and not “mother” at all, are the main word in children’s destiny. Alas, the behavior of the parents themselves is often to blame: cartoons replace direct communication, entertain, distract during unpleasant procedures.

The initial interest of any kid in the pictures that download on the screen is purely sensory, because already in the second half of the first year of life, an active study of the world begins, the accumulation of impressions. And here sensual sensations do not need to be obtained, they “fall” on the head themselves. Klondike, Eldorado!

Most often, the problem is solved by the restrictive regime – they are allowed to watch so many minutes per day. But do not forget about the main feature of any diet: 125 grams of food can be meat and vegetables, or they can be sweets and bread. We feed children healthy and nutritious food!

So it is with cartoons. No matter how small and “unconscious” the child may be, it is necessary to feed his brain by the fact that:

  • I would like to watch the adults themselves (even I have favorites among the untwisted animated series);
  • poses diverse and complex questions of being – both cognitive and value plan (in other words, is there anything in the cartoon that even an adult has to think about).

And be sure to watch cartoons with the children! One minute of general laughter or general sadness is much more valuable than ten educational conversations with the arguments, “what is good and what is bad”!

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