
Causes and pathogenesis of development of liver fibrosis in hepatitis C

Liver fibrosis grade 3 hepatitis C is a very disturbing sign, as evidence of the rapid deterioration of this body and decreasing its functional ability. Hepatitis C is a viral disease that affects the hepatocytes, the functional cells of the liver.

In most cases, with careful diet and other doctor’s recommendations, people with hepatitis C can no long feel the disastrous consequences of the destruction of liver cells this dangerous virus, but often, patients ignore their disease as long as it does not manifest obvious symptoms and will not lead to irreversible consequences.

Hepatitis C leads to the development of fibrous changes in the liver, so treatment should be based on this fact.

This disease always occurs in the chronic form, and may be replaced by periods of improvement and deterioration, but fibrotic changes are progressing steadily and steadily. Given that the liver has an amazing ability to regenerate, for a long time, such changes may be invisible.

Causes and pathogenesis of development of liver fibrosis in hepatitis C

As the development of cirrhosis and dying hepatocytes, their site replaces the fibrous tissue, which not only is unable to perform the functions of normal liver cells, but also disrupt the healthy elements of the body. Thus, fibrosis is a consequence of existing hepatitis C chronic inflammation.

Progression of fibrosis in cirrhosis caused by hepatitis C, the process is 4 basic degree.

  1. Fibrosis of the liver of 1 degree. At this time, the amount of fibrous tissue in the liver is still low, but it is also characterized by a small expansion of the portal tracts. At the 1st degree of development of fibrosis it is extremely difficult to diagnose, but if it is a pathological condition was detected, the correct therapy and diet will eliminate it without a trace.
  2. Fibrosis of the liver of 2 degrees. This degree of development of fibrosis is diagnosed when the liver are quite extensive morphological changes, with the majority of the portal tracts are expanded. Treatment of fibrosis of this degree are still favorable with early diagnosis.
  3. Liver fibrosis 3 degrees. The degree of development of fibrosis characterizes the emergence of a vast partienlarly Sept. It is because of this phenomenon, this degree was called the bridges of fibrosis, characterized by the presence of large amounts of connective tissue. Given the presence of the patient With hepatitis, the prognosis at this stage of the fibrosis is adverse in nature, so as to stop the emergence of new areas of overgrowth of connective tissue is impossible and to rebuild damaged cells, but it is possible with proper treatment to slow down the process of destruction of the body.
  4. Fibrosis of the liver 4 degrees. With the appearance of fibrotic changes of 4 degrees is observed the formation of false lobules in the structure of the body. At this time, a significant portion of healthy liver tissue is replaced by foci of fibrosis. There is a serious decrease in liver function, which manifests visible symptoms. To improve the patient’s condition is not possible with medical treatment, so the only way to extend the life of the patient is full or partial organ transplantation from a living donor.

Typically, the fibrosis in hepatitis C progresses very slowly. To move from one degree of damage to this body to another can take about 5 years. The speed of disease progression is considerably accelerated only in the 3rd and 4th stage of fibrosis, when functional ability of the liver is significantly reduced, and she no longer can work effectively.

Diagnosis and treatment of fibrosis

Women suffering from hepatitis C and having a 3 degree of fibrosis, the transition of the disease in a more severe condition occurs much slower than in men. Thus, it is difficult to answer the question, how many people live with this pathology, as in this case, all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Given that in the early stage of liver fibrosis, there was no symptomatic manifestations, as a rule, at this time, it is found very rarely. For the detection of fibrosis will require blood and urine tests as well as ultrasound. In rare cases, required an additional biopsy to assess the nature of morphological changes. Fibrosis does not tolerate negligence and requires an integrated directional treatment. First and foremost, the patient should start to stick to a strict diet, involving the exclusion of all products that can have a negative impact on the liver or just be hard to digest.

In addition, it should be possible to reduce the daily salt intake, give up alcohol. Often requires reducing the consumption of fatty foods containing large amounts of simple carbohydrates, because such food contributes to obesity. In addition, it is very important to assign a more gentle treatment of the patient With hepatitis C, to replace those drugs that can negatively affect the condition of the hepatocytes.

If the patient has any chronic diseases, be sure to coordinate with your doctor the possibility of taking drugs against them. As a rule, treatment of fibrosis is immunosuppressive, medications and immunomodulators, and other drugs that enhance the function of this organ.

It is worth noting that all medicines are unable to eliminate the already formed connective tissue from the liver, but it can significantly slow down further damage to the body. Careful diet and monitoring of the patient with concomitant hepatitis C is the only way to improve the prognosis and prolong patient’s life.

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