
The route of transmission of hepatitis C

It is vital to know how hepatitis C is transmitted and how to protect themselves from a terrible disease. At all times people were afraid of diseases, because they could not protect themselves and their children against polio, whooping cough, hepatitis.

Although the development of vaccines against viruses scattered clouds, but now we live in a time when there is also the risk of the acquisition and development of the virus.

It could be hepatitis C, AIDS, etc. a Few million people on Earth are carriers of hepatitis C and annually added to them millions of people.

Naturally, every person is likely to get infected with a dangerous virus. To protect yourself and your loved ones, you should know how you can get hepatitis With the symptoms of the disease and all potential threat – because chronic hepatitis C may not show any symptoms.

The route of transmission of this virus

The route of transmission of hepatitis C are diverse, and they need to know. Many people wonder how to get hepatitis C.

There is a small chance of Contracting the virus through everyday when using personal hygiene items used by the infected patient (razor, toothbrush, which got his blood). Is hepatitis C infection is quite rare. A common way of acquiring hepatitis C is transmission of the virus through the blood, whether the transfusion or an infected needle tattoo masters. Can you catch hepatitis C when injecting blood during surgery or vaccination, during an injection of medical products outside of medical institutions to use the needles again. Most of the people on the question, how is hepatitis C and who are often sick, say, drug-addicted youth. Indeed, in drug addicts there is a huge risk of infection with hepatitis C.

Like infected with Hep C? There are other methods of infection in addition to the above. This:

  • sexual method;
  • infection from mother to child;
  • the usual route of infection.

Hepatitis C sexually transmitted, but the probability of this is low. Only when intercourse with a carrier of the hepatitis without a condom can be infected with a probability of 3-5%. It is easy to guess that in promiscuous sexual intercourse the risk of infection increases. In addition, the signs of disease are invisible, and determine the carrier of the virus in front of you or not, it is impossible.

How is hepatitis C to the baby? The chance of infecting the child in the womb With hepatitis C is small, however, in 5% of cases, children are born sick, and protecting the fetus from potential infection during childbirth impossible.

Hepatitis C cannot be infected by shaking hands or simple casual contact, transmission by droplets is also possible. Most people are mistaken, not knowing how is hepatitis C, they begin to pull away from the patient With hepatitis C and want to isolate him. It’s not the reason. Kissing can be considered relatively safe to be infected through kissing is almost impossible. However, a tiny probability to get a virus this way still exists.

To people with higher risk include :

  • those who had a blood transfusion and one had surgery;
  • health workers who are often in contact with patients or work with blood;
  • addicts;
  • HIV-infected;
  • patients with liver disease;
  • children born to mothers with hepatitis C;
  • patients forced to stay on the kidney (extrarenal blood purification of patients with acute or chronic renal failure);
  • promiscuous;
  • entering often in sexual acts with an infected.
  • using non-sterile instruments and materials in tattoo parlors and in dentistry.

To get sick do not have to infected blood and it is the patient’s virus, just the infected. But the blood the virus may be present in the semen of men, saliva, lymph, in the blood of women during menstruation.

It is worth noting that the hepatitis C virus is extremely durable, approximately 12 to 98 hours, so, even if dried blood or semen gets into the body, it is necessary to start treatment to beat the virus while it is in the form of light and easily cured. The path of development of hepatitis is still and quiet, a carrier of hepatitis can long time be unaware of the presence of the virus.

Can a person recover if he is infected?

Yeah, maybe, although there are certain problems associated with heavy treatment, namely, the many injections and pills that there is a large number of side effects.

Hepatitis C treatment is mainly carried out antiviral drugs – interferon alpha and Ribavirin. Drugs like Interferon are found quite a large number. Modern Interferons are used in many cases as the primary therapy, and the majority of these treatment works. Interferon without Ribavirin in the hepatitis C infection has no effect, it follows – to increase the chances of recovery, it is desirable to use both drugs in combination. You need to consider that with this combination, the probability of a successful treatment is 50 to 80%.

In addition to the above use of the following medications:

  • Semibrevis;
  • Telaprevir;
  • Boceprevir.

These drugs act exclusively on the hepatitis viruses, but, as in the case of Ribavirin, they are taken only in combination with Interferon (and Ribavirin for themselves) – in this treatment, the chances are increased by 15-20 %.

Science does not stand still, and treatments are constantly improving. Already there are methods that exclude the use of Interferon, and replaced it mostly on tablets that act directly on the hepatitis b virus. Soon will be available new treatments that are more effective and, most importantly, will be less harmful to health.

Is it possible to get hepatitis again after recovery? Unfortunately, Yes, and it does not depend on the quality of treatment. Our body is simply not able to develop immunity against hepatitis C virus, respectively, when re-infection of the disease can occur again.

Vaccines for prevention of hepatitis b virus does not exist.

How to check the presence of virus in the body?

The most common and affordable way of testing to date is the presence of antibodies to the hepatitis b virus (Anti-HCV). If it is determined the presence of antibodies, it is an established fact of HIV infection before or at the moment.

Most accurate results can be achieved with the help of policosanol chain reaction. This diagnostic will help determine the level of RNA of hepatitis C in the body. Even if the result of this test is negative, it confirms that the patient is not infected. The fact is that if the virus would be in blood in small quantities, then using this diagnosis to detect the presence of a dangerous virus.

What should you do if your family got infected or sick? In order not to infect the rest of the family, an affected family member must perform the following recommendations:

  1. Do not donate blood for transfusion and organs for transplantation.
  2. To adhere to hygiene and use only individual items, be it a toothbrush, or Cutlery.
  3. For various injuries wounds and bind with a bandage or medical adhesive tape to keep the blood came out. If you need to help the patient to seal the incision, make sure you wear medical gloves.
  4. In case of contact with anywhere blood is infected, it is necessary to spend disinfection by special substances containing chlorine. To wash clothes you need at a high temperature, it deactivates the virus faster.
What symptoms say about your current illness?

The symptoms of already existing diseases are given in the order of their appearance:

  1. Weakness.
  2. Decreased appetite or lack of it.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Discomfort on the right side of the abdomen.
  5. Dark urine.
  6. Lightening of the stool.
  7. The appearance of yellow on the tongue, the eyeballs.

Chronic hepatitis C has a less obvious symptoms. These include chronic fatigue and prolonged weakness

The first manifestations of infection with hepatitis C should immediately begin treatment. Moreover, the self must be eliminated, whatever the mode of transmission of hepatitis C. it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In the end, you may receive a liver cirrhosis or hepatic encephalopathy, and treatment will become even harder.

2 thoughts on “The route of transmission of hepatitis C

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