Salvia officinalis used in folk medicine since ancient times. The healing properties of plants are described in the works of the healers of Ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome. The legendary physician Hippocrates called Sage “sacred grass” and was advised to use it for the overall strengthening and rejuvenation of the body and treat a range of diseases.
The birthplace of this herb is the Mediterranean, whence the Sage had other regions with trade caravans.
Please note: do not confuse the Sage meadow Sage growing in our country almost everywhere. Healing properties are characterized by only the first type because it is significantly higher content of biologically active substances.
Characteristic plants
Salvia officinalis is cross-pollinated herbaceous perennial plant or shrub belonging to the family Lamiaceae. Height direct branched stems, woody at the base, up to 70 cm Leaves are gray-green, dense pubescence, oblong. Flowers with purple corollas collected in inflorescence. Flowering time – June-July and fruits ripen in the late summer – early autumn.
Wild on the territory of the Russian Federation, this grass is not found, but is cultivated almost everywhere. Grass is an excellent honey plant.
As a medicinal plant harvested leaves of the Sage, and the tops of the grass with inflorescences, which are dried in well-ventilated attics or under a canopy. Plant substrate store in bags in areas with low humidity.
Active ingredients
In leaves and in inflorescences of plants contains a large amount of fragrant essential oil. The Sage discovered organic acids (formic and acetic), pinene, bioflavonoids, tannins, camphor, vitamins B1, C and e, tannins, paracetanol, phytoncid of Calvin and terpenoid compound linalool. Seeds contain fatty oil and protein, but the roots of this unique plant was found coumarin.
Useful properties
Due to the high concentration of several biologically active component of Sage has strong antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, styptic and tonic properties. Preparations of the plant contribute to an increase in the secretory activity of the digestive tract, acting as a mild diuretic and help to combat hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). Herb is also a powerful immunostimulant.
In what diseases are shown Sage?
Funds on the basis of Sage is shown in the following diseases and pathological conditions:
Please note: external preparations of Sage shall be appointed for the speedy healing of wounds, thermal and chemical burns, frostbites and ulcers.
Folk medicine recommends the use of herbs for the treatment of severe lesions of the respiratory system, in particular of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Sage is a high concentration of plant analogues of estrogen, so it is used in disorders characteristic of menopause in women (nervousness and tides). Haemostatic effect allows to reduce the blood loss during heavy and prolonged menstruation.
Decoction of Sage is used for preparation of sitz baths in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
Sage is part of the gastrointestinal fees, which help fight flatulence, improves motility of the digestive tract, improves the appetite and stimulate the secretion and discharge of bile.
The plant is able to strengthen the overall immune system, increase mental alertness and physical endurance.
Note: pleasant-smelling essential oil of Sage is used in aromatherapy to reduce headaches with fatigue and relieve mental and emotional stress. In cosmetology prescribed concoctions to combat acne, dandruff and reduce oily skin.
Contraindications to the use of Sage
Preparations of Sage can’t drink in acute inflammation of the kidneys, hypothyroidism (decreased production of thyroid hormones), as well as with individual hypersensitivity to the active substances.
As the healing herb has estrogenic properties, it is absolutely contraindicated in women with diagnosed polycystic, fibroids or endometriosis.
Another contraindication to the medication Sage – pregnancy and the breastfeeding period.
Sage for women
Salvia officinalis contains large amounts of active hormones, which by the nature of action similar to female sex hormones. Biologically active compounds of the herbs compensate for the lack of estrogen and stimulate the process for their generation. Thanks to this the plant may help with infertility caused by disorders in the ovulation process.
Please note: Sage recommended in folk medicine for the treatment of frigidity.
Fertilization to take place, it is recommended to take water infusion of Sage, starting with 3-4 days of menstruation until the egg is projected to reach maximum size. In particular, in case of regular 28-day cycle taking the drug need to complete in 11-12 days. After ovulation drugs should not take Sage, as they increase the tone of uterine muscles and fallopian tubes and can prevent attachment of a fertilized egg.
Recipe of infusion of Sage for infertility
Take 1 tablespoon of dried and finely ground leaves of the plant and pour 200 ml of boiling water. To insist in a well sealed container for 15 minutes, then cool and strain. Drink a third Cup 4 times a day.
If conception does not occur, the infusion of Sage it is advisable to take under the old scheme for another 1-2 cycles. In the year of such a course of fertility treatment can be carried out not more than 3 times.
Pregnant women are infusions and decoctions of Sage strictly contraindicated, since the stimulation of uterine tone can cause spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) or premature birth. You should also consider that the active substances of medicinal herbs reduce the biosynthesis of progesterone is needed during pregnancy.
For this reason, do not take Sage during the period of breastfeeding, although for infants it is perfectly safe.
In that case, if for any reason you need to stop the lactation, the infusion of herbs will help to reduce the level of synthesis of the hormone prolactin, causing gradually decreasing breast milk supply.
Important: Sage helps fight mastitis and stagnation in the breast.
Recipe of Sage tea to reduce lactation
Take 1 tsp. minced dry herbs (or 1 whole stalk with inflorescence) and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes, cool, strain and take a third Cup 3 times a day.
The recipe decoction of Sage for rinsing and outdoor use
From this broth make lotions, baths and douching during gynecological and skin diseases, and diseases of the throat and oral mucosa
Take 1 tablespoon of crushed dried leaves or 2-3 of the stems with inflorescences, pour 200 ml of water and placed in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Ready broth cool, strain and pour boiled water to the original volume.
Immediately before the procedure it is recommended to warm the drug to body temperature. Ready broth can be prepared ahead, and stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 12 hours.
The decoction is used for gargles in dental diseases (gingivitis and stomatitis), and also by rubbing the gums with a removable prosthesis and inflammation of the hole after extraction of the tooth. To rinse used 200 ml. The rate of application is 5-6 times a day.
Laryngitis, tonsillitis and sore throat acute respiratory infections are recommended rinse decoction 4-5 times a day. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of herbs and allow to quickly arrest the symptoms.
Douching and sitz baths with a decoction is indicated for vaginitis and cervical erosion. Treatments are recommended 2 times a day. The optimum temperature of the drug is about 38°C.
For wounds and frostbites of the skin and for treating fungal diseases, neurodermatitis and psoriasis the affected area should be washed with decoction 4 times a day. Sage will help to reduce swelling and relieve itching. In addition, the herb promotes rapid tissue regeneration. If the wound festers, instead of washes advisable to use getting wet through soaked in a decoction of clean gauze.
Seborrhea, dandruff and alopecia (hair loss) should be rinsed with a decoction of the head after wash.
Prescription infusion for ingestion bloating, to improve a discharge of bile and bronchitis
Take 1 tbsp. l. chopped dried inflorescences or leaves of plants pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist in a sealed container for half an hour.
In case of violation intestinal motility and flatulence drink a quarter Cup 4 times a day for half an hour before meals. Shown the treatment course; the course duration is 7 days.
As a mucolytic and an expectorant in bronchitis it is advisable to prepare an infusion using water instead of milk. Make it hot 100 ml three times a day.
In the drugstores you can buy alcohol tincture of Sage, as well as preparations containing extract of this herb (Salvin).
Sage for children
Children of preschool and school age as a tonic shows a bath with a decoction of Sage (optional, it is recommended to add sea salt). You can make lotions with a decoction for wound healing, treatment of burns and reduce swelling from bruises.
Children in the older age group when coughing you need to drink water infusions mixed with milk and honey or inhalations. If you are allergic to honey you can replace it with butter.
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