
Treatment of deforming spondylosis of the cervical spine with gymnastics

Spondylosis deformans of the cervical spine is degenerative dystrophic disease in which the edges of the bodies of the cervical vertebrae grow bony growths (osteophytes).

Osteophytes have the appearance of “spikes” or “beaks” which were submitted to the bodies.

In more advanced cases, deform the body of the vertebrae. This pathology is more common in patients aged 50 years and older.

The reasons for the development of cervical spondylosis
  • inflammation of the intervertebral joints (arthritis);
  • injuries of the spine;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • prolonged static load, for example, sedentary work;
  • posture;
  • age-related changes;
  • hypothermia.

When instability of the cervical spine spondylosis deformans develops in younger people and progresses faster.

  • excruciating pain in the occipital region, often in the morning, radiating to the shoulder girdle, the area of the eyes and the ears;
  • discomfort and limitation of neck when turning his head to the side;
  • “crunch” in my neck when moving;
  • dizziness;
  • when compression of nerve endings pain spreading on the arm, feels numbness and tingling.
  • in advanced cases there is atrophy of the muscles, with involvement in the pathological process of the spinal cord appears uneven gait, and problems with urination.
Treatment of deforming spondylosis

Treatment is primarily aimed at relief of pain and inflammation. This is achieved by use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory agents, such as preparations of NSAIDs (ibuprofen, diclofenac voltaren, Movalis). But these drugs only improve your condition but does not eliminate the cause of the disease and do not stop the pathological osteogenesis (bone formation). Therefore, it is important simultaneously with the medical methods to apply massage and physiotherapy and regularly perform special gymnastics to strengthen the muscle corset back and neck.

Therapeutic gymnastics in spondylosis should be under the control of the instructor LFK. The exercises in this pathology should be performed smoothly and accurately. It is important to avoid excessive loads. Regular exercise improves blood circulation in the region of the cervical spine and maintain in good tone muscles and also helps to preserve physiological mobility of the spine.

Exercises for cervical spine

When you exercise, it is important to breathe correctly. Exercises for the cervical spine should be performed very carefully because of its mobility, any excessive effort can much harm. The purpose of the study is to strengthen the neck muscles and restore flexibility of the cervical spine.

Before you start the exercises, you can do a little test. First, you must tilt your head to the limit forward, with the chin easily touches the sternum, and then to look up, tilt my head back, then tilt it left and right ear touches the shoulder to make turns left and right and rotate the head. If there are any limitations when performing these movements, the activities directed at their elimination in the first place.

Here a provisional complex of exercises for spondylosis of the cervical spine:

Series of exercises No. 1 focused on the development of natural flexibility of the cervical spine
  • Tilts forward.
  • Move back.
  • Turns right and left at the same time try to look down behind your back.
  • Lateral bending right and left, with the same hand reaches down.
  • Hands cross at the back, on the exhale, tilt your head forward, try to touch the chin to the sternum. On the inhale to return to its original position.

Not to make sharp and deep movements. Each exercise should be performed 6-8 times, it would delay the movement of three seconds when it reaches the maximum amplitude.

Series of exercises No. 2 aimed at strengthening the muscle corset and flexibility
  • From the position lying on his right side, stretch your right arm out, put your head on it. The left arm should rest on the floor in front of chest. To raise his head from the floor and hold it in this position for five seconds. Repeat the exercise on the other side. To carry them to the feelings of fatigue of muscles.
  • Original position – the same. Raise the head and turn it to the left shoulder. Hold this movement up to five seconds, then holding the head in an inverted position, stare at the floor before five seconds. Repeat the exercise on the opposite side. Do to feelings of fatigue of muscles.
  • Exercises should be repeated two to three times a day. In the initial stages of treatment after the exercises recommended on the neck to wear a special fixing bandage to provide functional muscle at rest.

Exercises for strengthening the cervical spine a lot, and in each case, the doctor of physical therapy selects the most optimal set.

When deforming spondylosis exercises must be done consistently. If you quit, the pain will resume with renewed vigor. If you are unable to perform all the series of exercises a long time to spend sitting in an uncomfortable position, it is necessary at least once an hour to stop and lean back in your chair, straighten the arms along the body, head raised. In addition, during operation it is important to monitor the posture – keep your back straight, neck forward is not given.

Treatment of spondylosis should start already in the early stages, as the disease can lead to chronic sciatica constant pain.

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