
Abilitation and rehabilitation, what is the difference

Medical or social therapy – each of the considered methods has brought back to life more than one disabled person. The measures discussed increase the patient’s chances of a successful and quick recovery.

Adaptation activities have a common idea of ​​existence. Both events are designed with one single goal – to help a person with disabilities live a “full” life and successfully interact with society. In the first and second cases, there are various types of medical and social assistance that improve the quality of life of the patient. The necessary support is provided at the state expense.

Differences are observed in the duration of therapy. During habilitation, help is usually ongoing. Rehabilitation assistance can be one-time. The duration of the adaptation period depends on the patient’s disease. Abilitation is intended for patients with congenital physical disorders, while rehabilitation services are provided to persons with acquired ailments of a physiological nature.

There is no absolutely healthy person on earth. The vast majority of the inhabitants of our planet suffer from chronic diseases. Physical pathologies make life difficult for people. People with disabilities need regular medical attention. Domestic legislation on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities includes such concepts as habilitation and rehabilitation.

What is habilitation?

Abilitation is a complex of special medical or social events that allow a disabled person to adapt to the applied life circumstances. The procedure is pedagogical in nature. In the process of habilitation, a patient with disabilities develops and acquires the skills necessary for solving everyday problems and interacting with society.

Education is provided to people of different age categories: adults and children. The set of required measures is developed individually.

Below are the main types of habilitation therapy:

  1. Social help. People with disabilities are provided with the necessary resources and opportunities for self-realization. Young people are assisted while enrolling in higher education.
  2. Recovery. Abilitational measures consist in the provision of medical assistance of a different nature. Disabled persons are provided with technical means and devices for transportation: dentures, orthopedic shoes, wheelchairs, canes, etc.
  3. Occupational Therapy. People with disabilities are supported on the issue of employment. Special jobs are allocated for special citizens. Patients are taught to establish social contacts in the workplace and in everyday life.
  4. Fitness and health care. Special people are invited to participate in special competitions, attracted to public events.

Medically, habilitation deals with prosthetics, reconstructive surgery and orthosis.

Patients with congenital physical disabilities are entitled to count on such state support . Regular habitation allows the patient to navigate in society and successfully interact with others.

Rehabilitation Features

Sometimes physical ailments or limitations arise in a person in the process of his life. Such patients also receive comprehensive assistance from the state. Rehabilitation is a set of specific actions designed to restore lost skills and abilities due to trauma.

The nature of the treatment measures depends entirely on the degree and type of physical restriction. To date, four types of full-fledged rehabilitation have been developed: psychological, pedagogical, medical, social and professional.

The first adaptation option involves the provision of the necessary support during the pre-school, secondary or higher education. Government agencies provide affordable technical tools for secular education.

Medical assistance includes spa treatment and other types of therapy aimed at restoring lost body functions. For comprehensive rehabilitation, the patient receives the necessary technical devices.
Social activities support families in which a patient with disabilities lives. Relatives are provided with the required physical, legal, and psychological support. The patient learns self-care skills and learn to live with a diagnosis.

Rehabilitation of a professional nature affects the patient’s labor activity. A disabled person receives up-to-date data on available forms of labor. All assistance is provided to the patient during training and employment. Information is provided on the possible receipt of further education.

The task of rehabilitation methods is to restore a person’s professional skills, speed up the process of his recovery and, if possible, prevent complications in the development of the disease.

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