
How to prevent a heart attack

Many diseases – hypertension, myocardial ischemia, thrombosis, cancer – are caused by a violation of the physiological processes that regulate nitric oxide. Nitric oxide provides blood to organs (lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, brain, heart), thereby affecting their functions.

Each organ has blood vessels and thanks to them this molecule penetrates all points of the body and supports its health.

In 1998, the American pharmacologist Louis Ignarro and his two colleagues were awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of a nitric oxide molecule.

Scientists have found that this molecule is produced in the human body and is related to almost all metabolic and physiological processes – it controls both intracellular and intercellular processes.

Many do not even realize what important role nitric oxide plays in the human body.

When we think about how to improve our health, vitamins and minerals come to mind first. They are really important, because their method helps to remain energetic and not to hurt. At the same time, the human body itself is capable of producing various substances in order to support its work. According to the professor and doctor of sciences Ihor Huck, a doctor at the Vienna Private Clinic, nitric oxide plays an important role in the human body. And the more this element in the body, the stronger the immune system and the less likely a heart attack.

Unfortunately, with age, the production of nitric oxide in the human body decreases. In youth, as long as this molecule in the body is enough, we are healthy and alert – it is not for nothing that children have no heart attacks. Gradually, the arteries cease to produce enough oxygen and become overgrown with cholesterol plaques.

The condition will inevitably worsen, and if the artery eventually becomes clogged, then a heart attack or stroke will occur. It is to prevent this from happening, and it is necessary to maintain vascular health with the help of nitric oxide and, of course, a healthy lifestyle.

In the meantime, this molecule cannot be bought in the store – in its pure form it exists only in the human body. According to Dr. Ignarro, this volatile gas, which is a very unstable compound, produced in our body, exists for a very short time and breaks up. That is why all we can do is stimulate the production of nitric oxide. Now nitric oxide indicates the direction of the search and creation of medicines for many different diseases.

How to stimulate the production of nitric oxide?

As already noted, many do not even suspect the importance of nitric oxide for the body. Professor, twice Ph.D., specialist of the Vienna Private Clinic Ihor Huck confirms this. “Even my students learn from outdated textbooks. When I asked them which element plays the most important role in our body, 99% of them said that it was oxygen, ”Dr. Hook complained.

Meanwhile, the scientific community has already known for the past twenty years that nitric oxide is such an element – the heart continues to beat even if access to oxygen is blocked, but without nitric oxide, the heart muscle immediately stops pumping blood. Doctors urge everyone to start taking care of their health as early as possible, because a heart attack is not a sudden disaster, but the result of problems that gradually accumulate from youth.

Nitric oxide is not only good for heart health. By the way, the brain contains the largest number of these molecules. According to doctors, it is they who protect against dementia and degenerative disorders. Nitric oxide also affects long-term memory, thinking, strengthens the immune system, allowing it to fight viruses, bacteria and even cancer.

By the way, women after fifty years are much more likely to encounter cardiovascular problems than men. The thing is that before menopause, the level of estrogen in women is very high – due to this, the amount of nitric oxide in the body is also quite large. However, after the onset of menopause and a sharp drop in the level of female hormones, the level of nitric oxide also decreases. That is why ladies are required to monitor its amount in the blood, starting from an early age.

According to Dr. Hook, you can activate the production of this substance with a healthy diet. First of all, you need to lean on pumpkin and nuts. The fact is that they contain a lot of arginine – an amino acid necessary for the synthesis of this molecule in the body. Daily use of these products improves memory, helps cleanse blood vessels. The daily norm of arginine is 100-150 grams per day. If you don’t like pumpkin and don’t want to eat a lot of nuts for fear of getting better, take arginine as a supplement.

In addition, in order to stimulate the production of nitric oxide, it is necessary to maintain a normal level (500 mg per day) of calcium in the body. For this, in turn, vitamins D3 and K2 are needed. The daily norm of vitamin D3, a large amount of which is found in dairy products and fish, is about 600 IU. According to the professor, an overdose is excluded because the body needs huge quantities of the element.

As a rule, in humans, on the contrary, there is a deficiency of this vitamin due to a lack of sunlight. Vitamin K2 (the required daily amount of which is 100-200 micrograms) controls the production of calcium and prevents its deposition in the kidneys in the form of stones.

Dr. Hook recalls that calcium is very important for health. “If all the calcium evaporates from your body, you will die. 99% of the human body consists of six elements: 65% oxygen, 18% carbon, 10% hydrogen, 3% nitrogen, 1.5% calcium and 1.2% phosphorus, ”the doctor emphasizes. The remaining eleven elements are less than 1%: 0.2% potassium, 0.2% sulfur, 0.2% chlorine, 0.1% sodium, less than 0.05% cobalt, 0.05% copper, 0.05% zinc and iodine.

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