
What is dorsal disc protrusion

Today more and more people of different sex and age are turning to the clinic with complaints of back pain.

This phenomenon is due to the fact that about 70% of the population practicing sedentary lifestyle with a minimum amount of physical activity, resulting in back muscles lose their tone, and there is excess weight, providing additional load on the spine.

Very often patients are diagnosed with dorsal protrusion.

Dorsal disc protrusion

This term professionals implies a strong deformation of the intervertebral discs, accompanied by their bulging in the area of the spinal canal, and entails a strong pain.

If you ignore the disease and do not treat it in time, there is a likelihood of damage to the spinal nerves and spinal cord, leading to unpredictable consequences. Therefore, to avoid such complications, everyone should know what a dorsal protrusion of the disk, and how to manifest the disease.

Characteristic pathology

Dorsal protrusion of intervertebral discs is a very dangerous process in which begin to break down and transform elements of the spine. The violation is due to the fact that a particular intervertebral disc beyond the border of the spinal canal. Dorsalgia disc protrusion even in the early stage give rise to strong painful feelings that are difficult to stop even with modern anabolics.

The danger of the disease lies in the fact that in the absence of treatment left the disc at any time can begin to affect the spinal cord, thereby increasing the likelihood of paralysis. If the spine is affected in several places, the internal organs can begin to shift, leading to their dysfunction and the emergence of many related diseases.

Medical experts warn that if you experience pain in the lower back or spine, do not delay visit to the doctor, because early detection of disease and proper diagnosis can isolate a person from such unwanted complications.

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Classification of the disease

In international medical practice differs in the several varieties of protrusion of the intervertebral discs, which slightly differ in symptoms and causes:

Dorsal disc protrusion l4 – l5. For this pathology is typical latent period and the absence of pronounced symptoms, which complicates diagnosis of the disease. To suspect the existence of this deviation can only be experienced specialist in specific crunch in the spinal column which will appear during movement. At the initial stage of the disease the only thing that can make life difficult for a patient to feel pain in the lower extremities and reduction of muscle tone in the legs (weakness especially strongly will manifest itself while walking).

Dorsal disc protrusion l4 – l5

Dorsal disc protrusion l5 – s1. This form of pathology is the most common and most dangerous. When this form of protrusion of the discs of the spine is just starting to develop in humans, there is discomfort and mild pain in the lumbar spine, which over time will begin to grow. If you do not fight disease, the pain sensation will become permanent and will be given in the gluteal region and lower back. The patient may begin with difficulty walking.

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Disc protrusion c5 – c6. The main feature of this form is the defeat of the cervical spine. Dorsal protrusion of cervical disc always begins to show up with frequent headaches. 1-2 months after the development of the disease, the patient also begins to suffer from discomfort and aching neck pain and constant weakness of the hands. In patients with such a diagnosis very often there is loss of sensitivity of the fingers (especially thumb and index).

Disc protrusion l3 – l4. Such a defeat is rare and is able to deliver to the owner a significant inconvenience. The intervertebral disc l3 – l4 is in the mid-lumbar spine, which is daily experiencing a higher load. That is why many patients and even experienced doctors often confuse the disease with other diseases showing similar symptoms.

Disc protrusion c3 – c4. Defeat occurs in the neck, most often in the Central division between cervical 3 and 4 vertebrae. Almost always the primary source of the disease is the injury of the neck (a direct blow, fall).

The types of pathology

Dorsal disc protrusion can also vary the location of the lesion and degree of protrusion:

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A circular protrusion. One of the most common types of lesions, which are characteristic of the circular disc protrusion, resulting in destructive and dystrophic process in the spine. The disease is chronic, if left untreated, there is a probability of increased neurological symptoms, with subsequent onset of disability.

Medial protrusion. Dorsal median protrusion also called the median. With her in the fibrous ring appears the ledge that runs in the Central canal of the spinal cord. According to specialists, this type of variation is quite rare and is only diagnosed in 7% of cases. As practice shows, to identify this type of disease is extremely difficult, as in the first stage the symptoms are almost completely absent. In the absence of treatment the bulge will increase in size causing the appearance of serious complications, for example, sequestration, or paresis. Ignoring the disease can cause disability.

Parmigiana protrusion. Occurs when the protrusion in the middle line, either side. This pathology can be left and right, depending on which side is compressed the muscle fibers. To determine the disease is by the symptoms and the medical history of the patient.

Foraminal protrusion. Extremely rare form, the main characteristic of which is the eversion of the disc to the outer or inner edge of the channel.

Posterolateral protrusion. The formation of protrusions is happening behind the spine or side. With this defeat there is often a negative impact on nerve endings and other segments of the spinal cord.

Dorsal diffuse disc protrusion. What it is, can only tell the medical specialist, but most commonly, this diagnosis is meant uneven disc protrusion in any part of the lumbar spine. If the patient is diagnosed with diffuse dorsal protrusion means that the disc has already affected more than 20%. Such a violation is very strong, what will be the prognosis for the patient depends on the amount and direction of formation.

It must be remembered that to self-medicate in such diseases is impossible. Therapy should be prescribed only after accurate diagnosis, which is placed after numerous tests and examinations.

The main causes of the pathology

Dorsal disc protrusion – what is it, and why disease occurs? Experts say, in most cases, the primary source of pathology are the following factors:


  • uneven posture, developed scoliosis;
  • the injury that resulted in the defeat of the spine;
  • too weak back muscles;
  • increased physical load on the spine;
  • professional sport (weight lifting);
  • osteochondrosis;
  • infectious disease resulting in inflammation, struck the spinal column;
  • hereditary spinal injury;
  • dysfunction of the motor apparatus.

Dorsal protrusion, regardless of type, is almost always manifested in a similar way. Symptomatology differs in more advanced stages when the pathological process is well developed.

Most often diffuse dorsal protrusion and other types of disease are accompanied by such clinical manifestations:

  • the appearance of frequent headaches. They will occur in the late afternoon and in a state of fatigue;
  • dizzy spells;
  • the emergence of severe pain, radiating to the arms, legs or gluteal region;
  • disorders of certain internal organs;
  • partial loss of sensitivity in hands and feet, the development of anemia;
  • the disruption of the biliary tract;
  • problems with the chair;
  • difficulties with retention of urine;
  • General debility.

Because these symptoms are characteristic not only for spinal disc protrusion, most people just don’t pay attention to them. It is because of this neglect their health to identify the disease often only in the later stages, whereby the treatment will be more complex and lengthy.

How does the test work

If the patient alleged protrusion of the intervertebral disc l5 – s1 (just like dorsal protrusion of cervical and other kinds of pathology), diagnosis begins with physical examination of the patient and medical history. To understand what faced man, the doctor wants to know how much he complains and how long is deteriorated. Since the size and degree of protrusion of the disc can vary greatly (typically diagnosed disc protrusion from 3 to 7 mm), to identify the exact clinical picture is usually appointed for such research:

The study of x-ray

  • x-rays;
  • computed tomography;
  • MRI.

If the patient will have all these instrumental examinations, the diagnosis will be 100%, so that there will be able to choose the optimal treatment method. According to specialists, if the patient is diagnosed with a protrusion disc of 13 mm or more, conservative treatments will not help, only solution would be surgical intervention.

The main treatment methods

To resolve the pathology as soon as possible, the approach should be comprehensive. If the dorsal protrusion was identified at an early stage, improvements can be achieved with conservative methods of treatment.

The main task of doctors is to relieve pain and improve overall health of the patient. It is also necessary to restore flexibility of the spine and regulate the blood circulation in the body, otherwise the treatment will be useless.

To achieve all of this possible not only with the practices of modern medicine, are very well established and these treatments:

  • professional massage;
  • visit physical therapy;
  • various physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • vacuum therapy.

As for medications to fight the disease most often prescribe drugs such pharmacological groups:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • vitamin complexes.

Correctly chosen products will not only help relieve pain but will also strengthen the affected cartilage, improving the overall health of the patient. But it must be remembered, despite the fact that the drugs in this category are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription, to write their own can not, the consequences are illiterate treatment can be unpredictable.

Surgical treatments

If diffuse disc protrusion 14 mm or more, the patient is prescribed surgery. Experts warn that advanced forms of the disease are dangerous because they can cause hernias, so you cannot ignore them. Since today’s medicine is very well developed, and most of the clinics are equipped with modern apparatus, such an operation can hold gentle ways, which almost does not entail the appearance of damage. But despite this, the effectiveness of such procedures would be extremely high, but the recovery will not take much time.

If the patient is diagnosed with a lesion of the intervertebral discs of 14 mm, you will help the following operations:

  1. Discectomy (can be standard and micro).
  2. Endoscopy.

Scientists claim to lose disks of 15 mm is extremely rare. In this case, to correct the situation and prevent the formation of hernia is practically impossible.

Possible complications

The defeat of the vertebrae, regardless of form, is a dangerous pathology. If the patient will not be time to provide skilled care, the consequences can be dire.

Since the protrusion directly affects the spinal cord, if not to cure it, you can develop the following violations:

  • Partial loss of motor skills.
  • The deterioration of the sensitivity (it will progress).
  • Dysfunction of vital organs.
  • The formation of intervertebral hernias.
  • Degeneration of the membranes of the intervertebral disc.

All of this can lead to disability, so that the patient will not be able to live a full life.


If diagnosed dorsal protrusion of intervertebral discs, to cure the disease will help proper nutrition. After taking a course of medications or surgery, doctors advise patients to revise your diet to include as many “proper” products. Food should be light and well absorbed, but to starve it is also not necessary. It is important to remember that if a person to overeat or to eat only fatty and fried, it will lead to the appearance of extra weight, which is categorically unacceptable.

The basis of the diet should be the following products:

  • jelly;
  • jellied dishes (can be both fish and meat);
  • jelly;
  • fresh herbs;
  • dairy products.

It is recommended to completely abandon sugar and salt. It is also not recommended to drink a lot of coffee, since the drink promotes leaching of calcium.

Preventive measures

To fence themselves from such a dangerous disease like dorsal protrusion of the disks, physicians are advised to follow these rules:

  • you must revise your diet and start to eat right;
  • you need to start to exercise. Minimum what you need to do is to do the exercises in the morning and twice a week long Hiking;
  • you want to give up Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption;
  • it is necessary to follow the figure, and to prevent the emergence of excess weight.

Because dorsalgia disc protrusion of the cervical and other areas of the spine not only takes its owner discomfort, but also pose a threat to life, will be much wiser not to engage in their treatment, but simply to try to prevent the development. Experts claim if the person to seek help in a timely manner, then the probability of successful recovery is about 70%, this will not only prevent disease progression but also to strengthen the affected cartilage. If the ailment is started to get rid of it, not even surgery.

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