
What is senile osteoporosis

Senile osteoporosis is one of the varieties of diseases of the bone, when reduced density. Mainly diagnosed in women after menopause.

Due to the lack of vitamin D and calcium, and some other failures in the body, bone becomes so fragile that a person can break just under the weight of its weight.

The peculiarity of this variant of the disease that develops after the age of 65 years and can be diagnosed in men, not just women.


The primary cause of disease is deficiency of minerals in the body, and slowing of recovery processes in the bone tissue. Provoking changes should be considered:

  1. Disorders associated with the absorption of vitamin D, which is associated with age. Without this component does not occur the absorption of calcium.
  2. A complete cessation of the functioning of the ovaries in women. They produce essential hormones that prevent loosening and bone destruction.
  3. A significant slowdown in the regeneration of bone tissue.
  4. In a smaller number begins to produce calcitonin, which prevents bone destruction.

Also risk factors should be considered as renal failure, endocrine diseases and pathology of the stomach and intestines that does not allow the calcium to be absorbed in sufficient quantity.

Senile osteoporosis ICD 10 will have a code M00-M99.

How does

The disease always occurs without any symptoms, and this is the main danger. Bone loss occurs slowly and without pain. Therefore often diagnosed at a late stage, or rather after the fracture.

As you can tell, that began to develop osteoporosis? First, there is a stoop that was new, and there is a significant change in gait.

The second important symptom is the reduction in the growth of 10 – 12 cm of Course, this happens not immediately, but after a few years of onset of disease, this decrease is already very noticeable.

The third important symptom – severe pain in the back even with a small load. There are also fractures that appear for no apparent reason.

Other symptoms may include premature graying, hair loss and teeth, and brittle nails.


Often senile osteoporosis is diagnosed already at the last stage and that is its danger. Often the fall are written off to bad eyesight, dizziness, disturbances related to gait. Even the slightest physical exertion may be a bone fracture, which almost completely lost its bone.

The most dangerous is the hip fracture. The patient for a long time confined to bed and simply can not do without the help of outsiders. This often results in disability or even death.

Not smaller danger represents the curvature of the spine. Even at very small loads, and sometimes without them, evolving threat compression fracture. And subsidence of the vertebrae causes compression of the thorax, which is not the best way affects the function of all internal organs.

Often patients complain of shortness of breath, dizziness, loss of coordination, and General malaise.


Senile osteoporosis ICD code M00-M99, is diagnosed quite simply. In advanced cases, but at this time patients usually go to the doctor, enough radiography. Especially revealing images of the pelvis and spine.

But not to run the disease, every woman over the age of 50 once a year is recommended such a study, as densitometry, which measures bone density. If you notice even the slightest changes will be possible early treatment.


Treatment works best at the initial stage. For this purpose special preparations, which contain not only calcium but also vitamin D. Among them, it is recommended to take it to calcitonin, but before treatment should be tested for the determination of calcium in the blood.

Of great importance is the diet with the least possible amount of fat and the use of foods rich in calcium. To choose the right diet will help nutritionist – its recommendations need to be followed for life.

To eliminate pain syndrome used drugs group of NSAIDs, but they should take caution, as they have many contraindications, especially for the elderly.

One thought on “What is senile osteoporosis

  1. I was told it could take up to a year for the nerve to relax, so we’ll see after July 6th. Honestly, I should have pushed for more physical therapy before and after the surgery. I only went one time afterward, and he seemed pleased with my grip strength and such.

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