
Pros and Cons of Mesotherapy

The essence of the “mesotherapy” procedure is to introduce special preparations under the skin – the so-called mesotherapeutic cocktails, which include a variety of components: vitamins, amino acids, peptides, enzymes, minerals, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts.

The selection of the necessary ingredients is carried out individually and according to indications – this is what makes it possible to effectively solve the problems that a patient has.

“Mesotherapy is a fairly effective technique aimed at getting rid of various skin imperfections and manifestations of age-related changes. Indications for mesotherapy are the presence of wrinkles, dryness, a decrease in skin turgor, as well as hyperpigmentation, treatment of acne, post-acne, rosacea (vascular network). Moreover, mesotherapy can also solve problems such as removing excess fat, for example, in the area of ​​the second chin, ”says our expert.

Depending on the problem, you can use mesotherapy at a young age

For more than fifty years in cosmetology, there is such a procedure as mesotherapy. Its beauty is that it helps to fight skin problems without the scalpel of a plastic surgeon. Moreover, you can start at a young age – depending on the problem.

It is clear that you can not do without consulting a specialist. First of all, the doctor should determine exactly what skin problems you have. “Depending on the indications, mesococtails are vitamin, anti-aging, lipolytic (getting rid of the second chin and / or emerging bruises), tightening (skin lifting, prevention of gravitational ptosis), anti-vascular (treatment of rosacea) and so on.”

In general, the role of a professional is difficult to overestimate. Indeed, your health depends on the qualifications of the specialist you are contacting, since mesotherapy involves intervention in the upper layers of the skin. About how the procedure is carried out, our expert tells:

“Mesotherapy is carried out in two ways: injection (cocktails are injected subcutaneously with micro-dolls) and non-injection (using hardware methods). For mesotherapy in aesthetic cosmetology, the following possibilities are used: laser, cryotherapy (exposure to cold and current), iontophoresis, ultrasound (ultraphonophoresis) and aquaphoresis (a combination of such methods as laser, electromyostimulation and lymphatic drainage). With the help of devices, mesococtails get under the skin and begin to act actively, stimulating cellular nutrition and skin regeneration. ”

You can start doing such procedures already in your youth, just the composition for young skin will differ from the composition for age, which is also confirmed by the cosmetologist:

“The mesotherapy procedure is prescribed from the age of 25 onwards, as it is at this age that the first signs of aging begin to appear – for example, wrinkles around the eyes. The task of mesotherapy is not only treatment, but also the prevention of various problems that are not always associated with aging. Mesotherapeutic cocktails are an excellent treatment option for oily and problem skin, rosacea, acne, hyperpigmentation: therefore, the lower bar in age can be from 20+. ”

Any cosmetic procedure has its pros and cons, carefully read the contraindications:

“The disadvantages of mesotherapy include a wide list of contraindications: first of all, it is an allergy to certain components of mesococktails, as well as pregnancy and lactation, diseases of the blood, heart and blood vessels, chronic diseases in the acute stage, as well as acute viral diseases, herpes, uncompensated diabetes mellitus, oncology. Before the appointment of the procedure by a cosmetologist, a thorough patient survey is carried out to identify all possible contraindications. ”

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