
What are the discharge in women talking about?

Vaginal discharge – fluid from tiny glands in the vagina and cervix. It flows out of the vagina every day to remove old cells and “litter”, maintaining the health and purity of the female reproductive system.

The doctor will conduct an examination, and also, if necessary, take a sample of secretions for further research.

The color, texture and amount of secretions may vary depending on the period of the menstrual cycle:

  • From 1 to 5 days. At the beginning of the cycle, the discharge is usually red or bloody, as the body rejects the uterine mucosa.
  • From 6 to 14 days. After menstruation, the amount of discharge may decrease. As the egg begins to develop and mature, the cervical mucus becomes cloudy, white, or even yellow. And more sticky.
  • From 14 to 25 day. A few days before ovulation, the mucus becomes viscous, similar to the consistency of egg white. After ovulation, the mucus will again become cloudy, white or yellow, and possibly sticky.
  • From 25 to 28 days. Cervical mucus brightens, and its amount decreases again.
What are the red highlights talking about

Shades can vary from bright to dark rust. Red discharge is most often the result of bleeding during menstruation. Menstrual bleeding occurs on average every 28 days, although normally this interval ranges from 21 to 35 days. Menstruation usually lasts 3-5 days.

If you observe red discharge between menstruation, be sure to consult a doctor. Although there are many benign causes of intermenstrual bleeding, sometimes this can signal a serious illness.

What are the white highlights talking about

If you do not experience any other symptoms, white discharge is most likely a variation of the norm. But if the white discharge has a curd texture or is accompanied by a strong smell, this may indicate an infection. In this case, you need to see a doctor.

White, thick, strongly smelling secretions are usually associated with a fungal infection, which can also cause itching or irritation.

What is yellow-green discharge talking about?

If the discharge has a slight yellow tint, this can be quite normal. Hue may be associated with a change in diet or eating habits. Discharges with a darker shade of yellow, yellowish-green or green, usually indicates a bacterial or sexually transmitted infection. See your doctor right away if your vaginal discharge is thick, lumpy, or has an unpleasant odor.

What pink discharge says

The discharge may be with a lighter or deeper pink tint. This means that they have blood in them. Pink discharge most often occurs on the days before menstruation. However, it can also be a sign of implantation bleeding in early pregnancy.

The discharge may be pink after intercourse if the sex caused slight tears or irritation in the vagina or cervix.

What transparent selections say

Transparent or whitish vaginal discharge is considered normal. They may be sticky or have the consistency of egg white. Discharges become more viscous immediately before ovulation, during sexual arousal and during pregnancy.

What is gray discharge talking about

Gray vaginal discharge is not the norm, and may be a symptom of a common bacterial infection called bacterial vaginosis (BV).

BV usually causes other vaginal symptoms, including:

  • Itching
  • Irritation
  • Strong smell
  • Redness around the vulva or vagina

If you find that you have gray discharge, consult a doctor immediately. After being diagnosed, he will prescribe antibiotics to treat BV.

When to see a doctor

See your doctor if your vaginal discharge has an unusual smell or appearance, or if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Itching
  • Pain or discomfort.
  • Foamy or curd discharge.
  • Bleeding between menstruation or after menopause.
  • Regular unusual discharge after sex.
  • Gray, green or yellow discharge.
  • Strong smell.
  • Burning sensation during urination.

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